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BellaLife: you tube....what end up happening?

Well, Cathy walks into a store and was the 1,000,000th customer and won 1 Million Dollars herself.  She went back to the apartment to rub it in his fat face and his attitude was if I can’t have you, no man will and he killed her. That was how he inherited money, because he was her next of kin.  He was then executed by the state for stabbing her to death.  You should see it, he really butchered her.

The psychic totally missed all this pertinent stuff in the middle of how she gets rich. Typical.

Wow! Thanks Zee.......certainly no happy ending there!

Zee, so would I.  Some of the contact events have passed for a few of my readings, and it is disappointing, especially when I have not done anything, that I am aware of, to cause a delay.  However, in the bigger picture, perhaps I have  ;). 

Now, I had been told by some psychics that calling too many psychics, especially those that work with spirit guides can annoy spirits, because constant calling suggest that the querent does not have faith in the Universe and the time that it takes to accomplish what is predicted.  I can tell you that when I heard that I got a little concerned because I was contacting empaths to monitor my significant other's general mood frequently. If you don't check in frequently, the empaths information can be misleading because it is akin to taking a snapshot of a movie.  You get only one scene, and it is difficult to know how the movie ends if you are going to base it upon one scene. 

It caused me to take pause and try not to call as much.  However, in a recent reading, when the reader admitted that the timelines she had offered me in the past had been pushed back, I mentioned that perhaps all of my calls were responsible - that perhaps since I had been getting frequent readins, I had inadvertently caused these delays.  Hearing that, she was quick to ask me why I felt that way.  When I shared what I had been told she said she had never heard of that.  If memory serves me well it was Gaylene that I was reading with at the time.  I consider her a reputable reader, so I am now inclined to think that the story that we affect delays ourselves by questioning the spirit guides must not be the reason at all. 

In fact, after my reading with Gaylene, I did a little research, albeit on the Internet where there is allsorts of information, but no way to validate much of it, but I do recall reading about spirit guides being here to help us, and spirit guides being very patient and not inclined to anger...... so it might just be an old wives tale after all.

Consequently, the way I tend to look at the delays is like this.  The Universe sees a path that I am on.  My significant other is on his path too.  (Sadly, we used to be on the same path, but I digress).  For now, we are on two paths.  The Universe decides to bring us together, when we have learned/acquired/accomplished whatever task(s) we need to in order for us to co-exist and to prosper together as a couple on the same path.  Now, I can easily say that I did nothing that I am aware of to take me of my path, but perhaps my significant other did..... and quite possibly, because my significant other did, perhaps now there is work to be done by the significant other, in order to reconnect to my path.  In addition, because we are now on two separate paths, perhaps there is work that I must do, to make sure that I stay on this path so that my significant other can join me when his/her work is done!  So, that being said, I know I have had to develop a more patient attitude.  I have to continue to think postively.  If I don't then perhaps the Universe determines that I am not ready.  So if that is all true a delay can be caused by either or both of us.

--- Quote from: Zee on September 03, 2012, 08:46:35 PM ---I specifically would like to know why many psychics are off with timing, since this is a biggie for many.

--- Quote ---wait, you KNOW cookie? Tell us more. Honestly, that is the vibe that I get from most readers, and I honestly think it is part of the reason why they are so innacurate. Ive read that Cookie is also slow in readings as well.
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No, I never said I knew her. I called and we talked about a reading, which never happened.  If you email Cookie, she has an assistant (which I found out later) and some things transpired, which made me say what I did. Cookie may be all that and a basket of strawberries, but I will never get a reading from her. She is on my avoid list, but she comes highly rated on this forum, so good luck. (EDIT: The Cookie I was referencing has her own site, not Cookie Spiritualist Reader on Keen.)

I too have felt that psychics are dishonest, but not ALL can be placed in the same pot of boiling water. I've talked to some that were very helpful and instrumental in helping me see the light of day and there are many who are either generous with their time or generous with their knowledge. It's all a crap shoot.

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--- Quote from: smee2 on September 03, 2012, 07:56:14 PM ---I think this is where the "dreaded free will" comes in and most good psychics will make sure to mention that.  My take on a reading is a forecast of probability given that the emotions and situation does not change.  Change can be anything - a new person, as in your case, impatience on the part of the querent, also in your case, or some opportunity that crosses the path of the subject of your query.  Which is why when psychics predict timeframes that are way out, in terms of many months or years, no matter what their predicted outcome might be, you have to take it with a grain of salt and remember that the more time that passes, the more influence free will might have on the situation.

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It's been 2.5 years. I think I was more than patient. Like I said, at some point you just have to say, it ain't happening. And again, if they were truly predicting the future - they would have seen this!

--- Quote from: smee2 on September 03, 2012, 09:04:36 PM ---I had one prediction that included a phrase "and I wouldn't be surprised if X asks you to marry her/him then" in my goodie bag of readings.  Frankly, in my opinion, I don't need a psychic to predict that to me.  Just get me to the "outcome" which is in the relationship and back on track, and we'll take it from there. Now, of course, if your reader was a clairaudient and he/she heard the significant other precticing his proposal speech, then that's another idea.  In my opinion, the term marriage in readings is another way for psychics to demonstrate the depth of intention of the subject.  In other words, if there is a reconnection, it's not going to be a flash in the pan.

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Right, and I got those too, and "you're destined to be together" etc etc


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