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I specifically would like to know why many psychics are off with timing, since this is a biggie for many.

--- Quote ---wait, you KNOW cookie? Tell us more. Honestly, that is the vibe that I get from most readers, and I honestly think it is part of the reason why they are so innacurate. Ive read that Cookie is also slow in readings as well.
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No, I never said I knew her. I called and we talked about a reading, which never happened.  If you email Cookie, she has an assistant (which I found out later) and some things transpired, which made me say what I did. Cookie may be all that and a basket of strawberries, but I will never get a reading from her. She is on my avoid list, but she comes highly rated on this forum, so good luck. (EDIT: The Cookie I was referencing has her own site, not Cookie Spiritualist Reader on Keen.)

I too have felt that psychics are dishonest, but not ALL can be placed in the same pot of boiling water. I've talked to some that were very helpful and instrumental in helping me see the light of day and there are many who are either generous with their time or generous with their knowledge. It's all a crap shoot.

Cookie (Spirtualist Reader) and Cookie who is some psychic in Detroit with her own website are two different people.

Spiritualist Reader Cookie only reads on Keen. She has a profile on Advisor Universe, but rarely logs on.

Zee, thanks for your vote of confidence.  I must admit when I first started calling psychics I had no idea what I ws doing.  Most of my "garden-variety" psychic referenced were from the beginning,  I didn't research their speciality and even going back now, some simply don't state.  Most of them read cystals, runes, energy, aura etc.  However, at one point in the recent past, I started reading about readers that had some sort of reputation for calling outcomes, predicting contact timeframes within reason...and went about assembling my team of advisors.  To date, that team consists of 20 individuals - some tarot card readers, some empaths (I particularly like them because I get a sense of where my ex's head is at - but it does mean you have to keep the inquries coming because, as you say, they get a snapshot of emotions, that are inclined to change rapidly.  It is only over a period of time, tuning into these empaths, that you can see a trend of emotional inclination.  But even then that doesn't predict an outcome necessarily).  I have a larger number of Clairvoyant/clairaudient/clairsentients in my team, some having empathic abilities as well that I lean on for the big picture and rest more heavily on their predictions for outcome.  And then to back them up with what I term as a less-subjectively driven tarot card readers, that are working with probability when drawing cards, but the images on the cards are less subject to misinterpretation (if you get a good tarot card reader).  So, the team has front liners, midfielders and full backs, as it were.

Now, as to timing, I look at timeframe predictions as milemarkers.  They are not the destination, but they do help to give you an idea of how far away you are from your destination = "outcome" .  If the destination or "outcome" is predicted to occur within a couple of weeks, then who cares about a milemarker - before you have chance to read it you are already arriving at the outcome. 

Where milemarkers come into play is when the "outcome" is predicted to occur down the road, and therefore the milemarkers are really important to make sure you know you are still on the path.  By the way, milemarkers don;t have to come in the form of contact times or dates, but I think if I were given an outcome that is more than 2 months hence, then I would definitely be crafting my query so that I could get some sense of a sign along the way that the psychic is on the right route.  Those signs could be detected by remote viewing, or clairvoyants "seeing" a particular scene...that when you happen upon it you can say, "aha, so that's what she/he meant...ah, so I am on the right path after all"!

In my case, if a reader gave me a prediction of more than 6 months out *for a relationship reading*- I would disregard the reading as a positive one - simply because there is too much time between then and now for me and the subject to stay on the current path and too many opportunities for free will to change the course.

--- Quote from: Zee on September 03, 2012, 08:15:57 PM ---Hell no it doesn’t happen, but that is what the big search is for.  I agree. I am a bit more demanding too.

And BellaLife, that’s part of my point.  You never asked about timeframes, but were given them nonetheless.  Even if one never asks about timing during readings and the psychic tells you one, shouldn’t the psychic be held liable for misinformation?  Isn’t this mainly the reason psychics are deemed inaccurate even if they tap into the situation correctly?

Personally, I have found, I get better readings with accurate predictions from Clairvoyance, Clairsentience, Clairaudience specialists, with a sprinkling of tools throughout, so for me, smee2 your numbers seem really good.

Empaths, IMO would be the least accurate over time, because you'd have to read with them every minute of every day, due to emotional fluctuations. Emotions can change as easily as blinking.  And isn’t remote viewing a tool like tarot cards?  Empaths as well as CV/CA/CS can use it nor do you have to be psychic, and I’ve read it’s considered more of a science than psychictry. I haven’t come across any RVs myself, but don't really think I have a need for them either.

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This is a very interesting issue. I remember asking several psychics cause they kept predicting marriage, as to when that would happen. They kept saying May 2012, august 2012 etc etc. The reason I was asking at the time was because I wanted to move on (which I am doing now, cause I can't wait forever) if it was going to take eons. They kept saying, "its so close, don't move will regret it etc...and that a new guy will not make you happy like him."  Given the current state, I wish I would moved on a year ago and not wasted time.

However, if for some shocking reason we do get married, then I will credit these psychics cause the ultimate outcome would manifest. Does everyone agree to that?

I had one prediction that included a phrase "and I wouldn't be surprised if X asks you to marry her/him then" in my goodie bag of readings.  Frankly, in my opinion, I don't need a psychic to predict that to me.  Just get me to the "outcome" which is in the relationship and back on track, and we'll take it from there. Now, of course, if your reader was a clairaudient and he/she heard the significant other precticing his proposal speech, then that's another idea.  In my opinion, the term marriage in readings is another way for psychics to demonstrate the depth of intention of the subject.  In other words, if there is a reconnection, it's not going to be a flash in the pan.

--- Quote from: truelove on September 03, 2012, 08:58:47 PM ---This is a very interesting issue. I remember asking several psychics cause they kept predicting marriage, as to when that would happen. They kept saying May 2012, august 2012 etc etc. The reason I was asking at the time was because I wanted to move on (which I am doing now, cause I can't wait forever) if it was going to take eons. They kept saying, "its so close, don't move will regret it etc...and that a new guy will not make you happy like him."  Given the current state, I wish I would moved on a year ago and not wasted time.

However, if for some shocking reason we do get married, then I will credit these psychics cause the ultimate outcome would manifest. Does everyone agree to that?

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