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I think this is where the "dreaded free will" comes in and most good psychics will make sure to mention that.  My take on a reading is a forecast of probability given that the emotions and situation does not change.  Change can be anything - a new person, as in your case, impatience on the part of the querent, also in your case, or some opportunity that crosses the path of the subject of your query.  Which is why when psychics predict timeframes that are way out, in terms of many months or years, no matter what their predicted outcome might be, you have to take it with a grain of salt and remember that the more time that passes, the more influence free will might have on the situation.
--- Quote from: sunandmoon on September 03, 2012, 07:01:33 PM ---
--- Quote from: loops77 on September 03, 2012, 03:49:30 PM ---
Now, readers that tell me that something will happen in two weeks. It dosent happen, but it happens one to two years later. I give them credit for calling it. Usually, I keep these readers in limbo mode and dont say that they are innacurate or accurate until I know for sure. I dont put the timing against them anymore.

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I sort of have an issue with this - not with YOU but with the theory.

OK many of us call on relationships. So yes in the beginning I was asking if he'd come back. As time went on I'd ask what he thought of me, or if we had a future. I had a high percentage of psychics who would give positive outcomes, and not just that he'd be back but that we would be together.

Timelines have come and gone so that's all wrong.

But giving the benefit of the doubt, if he comes back in the near future, would I have him back? No, because I am very happily involved with someone.

To me, that is an incorrect outcome, if I was told we'd be together. Yes you can say I changed the outcome by dating someone else, but let's get real here, I have a right to move on and enjoy life with or without someone. If I am told that my ex will come back and we will be together, I expect that if the psychic sees that, they also see that I am available to be with him.

So now let's put another twist on it - if he comes back in 5 years and I am no longer with my current guy (and I don't see either scenario happening) - then does that mean positive outcome, when most of my predictions were for fall 2011? I mean, just how long does one wait so they can say - wow, that psychic I read with 6 years and 7 months ago was RIGHT! IMO there just has to be a time where we say, ok enough is enough and nothing came to pass.

It's not like we're 16 and someone is giving us a synopsis of the rest of our lives.

My .02 to stir the pot  :o

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--- Quote from: sunandmoon on September 03, 2012, 07:01:33 PM ---
--- Quote from: loops77 on September 03, 2012, 03:49:30 PM ---
Now, readers that tell me that something will happen in two weeks. It dosent happen, but it happens one to two years later. I give them credit for calling it. Usually, I keep these readers in limbo mode and dont say that they are innacurate or accurate until I know for sure. I dont put the timing against them anymore.

--- End quote ---

I sort of have an issue with this - not with YOU but with the theory.

OK many of us call on relationships. So yes in the beginning I was asking if he'd come back. As time went on I'd ask what he thought of me, or if we had a future. I had a high percentage of psychics who would give positive outcomes, and not just that he'd be back but that we would be together.

Timelines have come and gone so that's all wrong.

But giving the benefit of the doubt, if he comes back in the near future, would I have him back? No, because I am very happily involved with someone.

To me, that is an incorrect outcome, if I was told we'd be together. Yes you can say I changed the outcome by dating someone else, but let's get real here, I have a right to move on and enjoy life with or without someone. If I am told that my ex will come back and we will be together, I expect that if the psychic sees that, they also see that I am available to be with him.

So now let's put another twist on it - if he comes back in 5 years and I am no longer with my current guy (and I don't see either scenario happening) - then does that mean positive outcome, when most of my predictions were for fall 2011? I mean, just how long does one wait so they can say - wow, that psychic I read with 6 years and 7 months ago was RIGHT! IMO there just has to be a time where we say, ok enough is enough and nothing came to pass.

It's not like we're 16 and someone is giving us a synopsis of the rest of our lives.

My .02 to stir the pot  :o

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I'm a bit more demanding when it comes to relationship readings... I would deem your prediction wrong as well. If the psychic was anywhere near accurate, she would have said "He will come back into your life, but you would have already moved on and be dating someone else. I just don't know if you would want to pursue anything then". To me, they would have to get the total dynamics and  cirumstances around it right for me to give them credit. The exact date that it happens won't matter to me. In the end, she was right.

I would be stingy of giving your second psychic any points as well. Five years is a long time, lets face it. She should be able to determine that things wont happen "in the now". She would have had to say "He loves you. There is potential to have him back in your life, but it could take a long while and you will each go through your own experiences during that time. I don't know how long it could take. But you wont have the opportunity to be with him anytime soon. I see several guys that you will date in the mean time (goes on to explain the new guy). As time goes by, you realize that she is right.   This is how explicit a psychic would have to be with me to deem her right on. This rarely ever happens.

Hell no it doesn’t happen, but that is what the big search is for.  I agree. I am a bit more demanding too.

And BellaLife, that’s part of my point.  You never asked about timeframes, but were given them nonetheless.  Even if one never asks about timing during readings and the psychic tells you one, shouldn’t the psychic be held liable for misinformation?  Isn’t this mainly the reason psychics are deemed inaccurate even if they tap into the situation correctly?

Personally, I have found, I get better readings with accurate predictions from Clairvoyance, Clairsentience, Clairaudience specialists, with a sprinkling of tools throughout, so for me, smee2 your numbers seem really good.

Empaths, IMO would be the least accurate over time, because you'd have to read with them every minute of every day, due to emotional fluctuations. Emotions can change as easily as blinking.  And isn’t remote viewing a tool like tarot cards?  Empaths as well as CV/CA/CS can use it nor do you have to be psychic, and I’ve read it’s considered more of a science than psychictry. I haven’t come across any RVs myself, but don't really think I have a need for them either.

@Zee.....I see and get your point......I just have not found a psychic yet that has been great with timing.....I wonder if there are truly any psychics out there that can predict times and be correct. Love to know if anyone can share?


--- Quote from: Zee on September 03, 2012, 07:31:49 PM ---I agree..that was a pretty good .02 to stir the pot.  If someone gets a prediction of finding a $100 dollar bill in a week of the reading, and you find a $1 bill instead in a month, is the psychic still right? IMO, a resounding NO.  They were specific about the time (one week) specific about the money ($100), but what happened was a $1 bill find in a month.  Just because it's money doesn't make it accurate, only because of the specificity from the psychic. Many psychics are off because of how they misinterpret what they see/feel/hear based on their own experiences. I am going to want a refund.

I've gotten that "definitely there was a delay" line from AboutAgirl, when I chatted her back and told her she was wrong about a prediction.  I swear these must be default answers readers give to disclaim their inaccuracies.

I haven't read with Cookie but have had conversations with her, so do be careful. She seemed more concerned with making money than helping people.  Don't get me wrong, I want to make money in my lifetime too, but not at the expense of people in a crisis.

I believe it was either Christine Lynn or Gaylene who mentioned that they do not necessarily make predictions unless there is a very strong indication to do so.

BellaLife, I'm interested in your post about your timing situation.  When you kept going back to the same psychic after continuous failed predictions, did you ever ask her why she was off or the universe or whatever it was, that made the prediction not happen during the time frame she mentioned?  If she was so positive about the prediction, what was she seeing/feeling that gave her such confidence for her inaccuracy.  For some reason this is key, because the prediction happened like an entire year later?  A time, I would have written off a long time ago at three friggin’ months, because that is what she told me.

It's interesting because when a psychic is off on a prediction, they can still be accurate but off (why is timing almost always off?).  Psychics almost always say it’s some other entity other than the fact that they misread that particular situation.

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wait, you KNOW cookie? Tell us more. Honestly, that is the vibe that I get from most readers, and I honestly think it is part of the reason why they are so innacurate. Ive read that Cookie is also slow in readings as well.


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