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Well, I will clarify. When I say a reader was wrong, something else actually happens that resolves the situation. If a reader says, you will get the loan, but at a sucky interest rate and I end up not getting it. It is wrong to me.
Now, readers that tell me that something will happen in two weeks. It dosent happen, but it happens one to two years later. I give them credit for calling it. Usually, I keep these readers in limbo mode and dont say that they are innacurate or accurate until I know for sure. I dont put the timing against them anymore.
Remote viewers, empaths, clairvoyants...if they were able to validate the situation, give me accurate information, but ended up being wrong about the whole thing anyway...I give them a bit of partial credit because they DID tap into it. Just that the information was misleading and didnt help me very much in the end. This is the majority of psychics, I believe. Cookie can tell me today that my boss will be in a bad mood, will be wearing a multi-colored tie and that he will be a hard ass on me during the big meeting. She may be right about everything else except him being a hard ass to me.....i give her a smidgen of credit...but her reading wasnt really helpful was it? This is the major reason that we keep trying to call and get readings by different psychics. They do have ability...just not always about what you want t o know about it seems.
--- Quote from: truelove on September 03, 2012, 05:38:06 AM ---@loops77....was the prediction you described a major one? I totally agree re "free will bs." After all the readings I have had, just wondering if the final outcome will maniefest.
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Yeah, it was related to a house purchase.
--- Quote from: loops77 on September 03, 2012, 03:49:30 PM ---
Now, readers that tell me that something will happen in two weeks. It dosent happen, but it happens one to two years later. I give them credit for calling it. Usually, I keep these readers in limbo mode and dont say that they are innacurate or accurate until I know for sure. I dont put the timing against them anymore.
--- End quote ---
I sort of have an issue with this - not with YOU but with the theory.
OK many of us call on relationships. So yes in the beginning I was asking if he'd come back. As time went on I'd ask what he thought of me, or if we had a future. I had a high percentage of psychics who would give positive outcomes, and not just that he'd be back but that we would be together.
Timelines have come and gone so that's all wrong.
But giving the benefit of the doubt, if he comes back in the near future, would I have him back? No, because I am very happily involved with someone.
To me, that is an incorrect outcome, if I was told we'd be together. Yes you can say I changed the outcome by dating someone else, but let's get real here, I have a right to move on and enjoy life with or without someone. If I am told that my ex will come back and we will be together, I expect that if the psychic sees that, they also see that I am available to be with him.
So now let's put another twist on it - if he comes back in 5 years and I am no longer with my current guy (and I don't see either scenario happening) - then does that mean positive outcome, when most of my predictions were for fall 2011? I mean, just how long does one wait so they can say - wow, that psychic I read with 6 years and 7 months ago was RIGHT! IMO there just has to be a time where we say, ok enough is enough and nothing came to pass.
It's not like we're 16 and someone is giving us a synopsis of the rest of our lives.
My .02 to stir the pot :o
I agree..that was a pretty good .02 to stir the pot. If someone gets a prediction of finding a $100 dollar bill in a week of the reading, and you find a $1 bill instead in a month, is the psychic still right? IMO, a resounding NO. They were specific about the time (one week) specific about the money ($100), but what happened was a $1 bill find in a month. Just because it's money doesn't make it accurate, only because of the specificity from the psychic. Many psychics are off because of how they misinterpret what they see/feel/hear based on their own experiences. I am going to want a refund.
I've gotten that "definitely there was a delay" line from AboutAgirl, when I chatted her back and told her she was wrong about a prediction. I swear these must be default answers readers give to disclaim their inaccuracies.
I haven't read with Cookie but have had conversations with her, so do be careful. She seemed more concerned with making money than helping people. Don't get me wrong, I want to make money in my lifetime too, but not at the expense of people in a crisis. (Edited) this is not Cookie Spiritualist Reader, since she only reads on Keen. The Cookie I am referencing has her own site.
I believe it was either Christine Lynn or Gaylene who mentioned that they do not necessarily make predictions unless there is a very strong indication to do so.
BellaLife, I'm interested in your post about your timing situation. When you kept going back to the same psychic after continuous failed predictions, did you ever ask her why she was off or the universe or whatever it was, that made the prediction not happen during the time frame she mentioned? If she was so positive about the prediction, what was she seeing/feeling that gave her such confidence for her inaccuracy. For some reason this is key, because the prediction happened like an entire year later? A time, I would have written off a long time ago at three friggin’ months, because that is what she told me.
It's interesting because when a psychic is off on a prediction, they can still be accurate but off (why is timing almost always off?). Psychics almost always say it’s some other entity other than the fact that they misread that particular situation.
Hi Zee......honestly I do not believe I ask about the time, I do remember telling her I was bummed because I did not meet the guy yet......she just kept telling me you are going to meet this man.........and I still do not go by timing, (believe me Zee, I wish I could make things happen in the time frame they predicted).......but if I am being told over and over again the same thing then it will happen....just not sure when......timimg is tough.....wish I had the answer to that for sure!
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