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Generally, a failed prediction to me is one that never comes to pass. I have experienced where a psychic predicted something to occur in a certain month ( I figured in the same year). It actually happened two years later.

I don't believe in" free will, you can change the prediction, thinking about it stops it from happening bs" when I get readings. 90 percent of the time, I think a good psychic can tell a final outcome of a situation. It is just that less than 10 percent of psychic out there are good. I don't believe in timing anymore...stuff happens when it happens.

@loops77....was the prediction you described a major one? I totally agree re "free will bs."  After all the readings I have had, just wondering if the final outcome will maniefest.

Well, that's my point entirely.  If the outcome can be off by as much as several years, we have to be very careful when reading posts where members say that a psychic's predictions didn't come to pass.  Unless, of course, several years have passed since the reading.

I think that there are many members on this forum that report that their readings were not accurate because certain timing has not occured within a timeframe given.  But if "outcome" is the deciding factor, and if outcome can be delayed for one reason or another, how do they really know?

The reason for my inquiry is because I, myself, am analyzing the readings I have received to see if there is consistency in the predictions given.  If, for example, a member has received 100 readings and all  have predicted a positive outcome, but contact timeframes may have differed within the 100 that report a positive outcome, should the member consider that the "outcome" predicted is probably going to occur? 

If a member has received 100 readings and 97% of them report a positive "outcome" with varying timelines, should a member consider that the predicted "outcome" is likely to occur, or does the fact that 3% report a negative "outcome" suggest that there is a chance that the "outcome" could either be positive or negative?

What measuring stick is used to determine the accuracy? 

I'll cite my own example here.  I received a reading yesterday with an "outcome" the same as 97% of the readings I have received.  However, there were a few poignant facts revealed in that reading, without any input from me, that indicated to me that the reader might very well be seeing something that is true.  Do all of you ask something in a reading to try to verify the reader's accuracy?  Is that something we should all be doing in our readings?  And what sort of query should it be, because I think that detail might be difficult for all readers to report.  Tarot readers for example might not be able to report the detail that remote viewers can. 

Remote viewers may give details in the now, but have been reported to have difficulty with outcome.  Empaths report on the emotions in the now, but may have difficulty reporting the outcome.  Clairvoyants may be able to report outcome, but not give as much detail as remote viewers, etc.  So is the best process to get a variety of readings from a variety of readers, a mixture of remote viewers, empaths and CVs and then see if they all "get" something?

Just curious to see what the rest of you think.

--- Quote from: truelove on September 03, 2012, 03:17:35 AM ---Well I can't speak for everyone, but from what I gather, a failed prediction is one that the never came to pass at all. Most when writing reviews, will say something like came to pass (but timing was off by x months.)

 Then some members have reported predictions coming true 2-3 years later. Scary!!

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@loops77.......I am with you on free will bs............that is only an escape for the psychic who gave you the reading!

Yes.  I go into each reading I have with one key question.... "will the outcome I desire in this situation be positive?"  Details, such as when I might receive contact or when the outcome might occur are less important to me... than "if" the outcome is probable.

I wish to find out whether a certain outcome will occur from a situation I find myself in.  I query the readers, "will such and such occur?" focusing on the outcome, principally. Since my situation involves another person, I have consulted with a variety of readers - empaths, clairvoyants, what I refer to a garden-variety psychics that use a mixture of approaches, none of which are listed as their specialty and tarot card readers.

Now this may appear to some of you as being a somewhat scientific approach, but I believe with readings we are dealing with the "probability" of something happening, and as such I feel that the mathematical approach to determining whether a desired outcome is possible, could work as long as nothing changes significantly.

So, in my case, I felt the need to consult a variety of readers.  Empaths would only give me the emotional state at the time , which could vary from time to time dependent upon what was happening with the subject and while consulting them frequently might give me a sense as how emotions are progressing, perhaps I wouldn't get a clear picture of the outcome.  But with a mixture of empaths and clairvoyant/clairaudient/clairsentient would give a more comprehensive assessment and adding in tarot card readers as well, would perhaps give yet a clearer sense of the probability of the outcome .  I have yet to consult a remote viewer yet, because I am not sure how that could contribute to the overal picture.  Any of you that have consulted a remote viewer, I'd be interested in hearing if it does help.

So, here are the results of my readings thus far.
The mix comprises:
15% empaths that only promote their empathic abilities, they may have others, but I don't know
62% clairvoyant/clairaudient/clairscentient specialists, some may have empathic abilities as well
18% of what I call garden-variety psychics that use any or many forms or tools to do a reading
5% tarot card readers that simply read cards.

And the predictions thus far
Empaths :- 89.0%   positive outcome  11.0% negative outcome (reasonable since emotions fluctuate and they don't always offer predictions )
CV/CA/CS :- 98.1%    positive outcome  1.9% negative outcome
Garden-variety psychics (multiple tools) 96.8% positive outcome  3.2% negative outcome
Tarot card readers : - 100.0%   positive outcome 0.0% negative outcome

From those stats, should I be considering that the probability is high that I shall see the desired outcome?
I'm also curious to see if anyone else has taken this approach and developed a mix of "go-to" readers to maximize the clarity of the situation namely  someone that can hone in on the emotional male up of the subject, along with someone that might "see or sense" a series of events that are likely to occur, plus someone that reads cards to get a general sense of how things will play out, if nothing significant alters a path. 

Reason I am asking is because I read here that people have one or two go-to readers that they focus on.  I presume they are not simply remote viewers and empaths...since I would sense that might not render the overall picture.

--- Quote from: BellaLife on September 03, 2012, 12:29:27 PM ---@loops77.......I am with you on free will bs............that is only an escape for the psychic who gave you the reading!

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