Author Topic: My story of heartbreak ...  (Read 9368 times)


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My story of heartbreak ...
« on: August 26, 2012, 10:11:26 PM »
My story is not unlike many of yours.  A case of a broken heart and a long-term relationship with my ex that abruptly ended.  We had been exclusive all that time, and had an amazing connection and relationship.  About a year ago, my ex took on some rather time-consuming volunteer work in addition to a demanding career.  His work and volunteer position consumed most of his free hours and being in love with him, and being that this volunteer position was the culmination of years of dedication to a cause that he is passionate about, I supported him in his efforts.  Of course it made a rather significant impact on the amount of pivate time we had (that and an adult son that moved in with his dad that changed our opportuity for intimacy, aswell).  While I missed the time we spent, I was understanding and a constant cheerleader for him.  We maintained constant daily contact by phone, text and saw each other at least once a day (albeit in public) and he was demonstrably affectionate and declared his love for me frequently.   

Fast forward to March of this year, when my ex's volunteer work was winding down and I, naturally, expected that "our" time would pick up.  It didn't and in April he announced that he was no longer attracted to me.  I was devastated and in an effort to save the relationship asked what I could do to improve the situation, and offered to take a break for a little while to see if that would help.  I sent 4 texts to him in the next 60 days - just friendly hellos..nothing deep.  Then, during the only phone call we had in those 2 months he announced that we were over - that he was feeling generally unhappy in his life (nothing about me) and that he wanted to find out why.  No goodbye in person...just him telling me over the phone that he loved me "more than a best friend" and that he cherished our friendship and the things we did as friends and a request from him that I consider if we could continue to talk, and do things as friends at times.  I told him that I would in an email I sent to him 2 days later (which I know he received) but never heard from him again.

I miss him and would dearly like to reconcile....if that is in the cards.  Before I knew about the importance of not reading too often, I consulted many readers.  I don't know if I have impacted the "predicted outcome" or the timelines I am taking a break for a week to see if that improves things.

Here is the recap of my readings:  When I look at the data, it seems I might have a fighting chance, but would really appreciate any input from any of you that have more familiarity with the probabilities that are predicted by readers.  Since there has been no contact yet, there are no predictions that have manifested I will wait to report which reader predicted what.

I took copious notes in my readings, so it was rather easy to compile this data. In all the readings that I have had, I asked questions that derived the following information:
Will we reconcile?
97% - yes    3% - no
What are his feelings for me?
Love - 97%  Friendship, only 2%, Nothing 2%
What is his current emotional state?
Fear of his deep feelings - 67%; Confusion - 26%; Overwhelmed by stress - 2%; Wanting to date - 2%; Moving on - 2%; Having too much fun - 1%
Is there an outside influence?
Another woman - 69%; Not stated - 31%
What type of influence is it?
Superficial relationship/fling - 38%; None stated - 24%; Other woman's manipulations - 15%; Interference -jealous/negative comments made by others about me - 8%; Midlife crisis - 5%; Involved in another significant relationship - 2%; Infatuation with another woman - 3%; Making sure of his feelings for me - 2%; Distractions - 2%
When will he make contact?
July - 6% (clearly incorrect); August - 36% (there's still hope); September -17%; October - 4%; November -1%; Not stated - 36%
When will we reconcile?
August - 0%; September - 11%; October - 13%; November - 7%; December - 5%; January 2013 - 2%; February 2013 - 1%; Not stated or asked - 60%; Never - 2%


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Re: My story of heartbreak ...
« Reply #1 on: August 26, 2012, 10:47:06 PM »
As you can see, there seems to be a predominant theme that there is another woman involved - albeit most of the readers classify it as a superficial thing - fling energy.  Now, in some of my readings I may have mentioned that I suspected there could be someone else, but as I went along I tried not to ask, until I heard things like "negative forces", or "interference" and then I would query for more detail.

What type of reader is best for this sort of situation?  And how are third parties detected, any way?  In my readings, I was told that emotional commitment can be sensed....and if there is no emotional commitment - then the third party doesn't come up in the reading.  Is that your understanding as well?


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Re: My story of heartbreak ...
« Reply #2 on: August 27, 2012, 06:48:45 AM »
Smee2, sorry to hear this. I am in a very similar situation. Although I don't have a situation with a third party, a couple readers incorrectly predicted this for me last year, which I was able to verify as incorrect. I know several people though who have asked repeatedly if there is someone else, and all been told no, and then later find the person has a girlfriend. so it's all very confusing. I just stopped getting readings in the last month because all the timelines that were predicted and passed caused me so much anxiety.  I will be  very interested to see how your predictions pan out. even though you may reconcile, you have to life your life as if you won't. I finally realize that and have stopped putting my life on hold for something that may never happen. But I do hope your predictions come true!!


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Re: My story of heartbreak ...
« Reply #3 on: August 27, 2012, 03:42:08 PM »
I've read with more readers than I can list, but seeing as many of them are not mentioned at all on this forum, I'm not inclined to rest on those readings so much.  I have read with many that have good ratings here, and some that members have reported are accurate.  I will list them below.  I have not read with Cookie, Uli or Indio or Northstar Julie yet.   I guess I have leaned toward advisors that are empaths because I wanted to get a sense for what my guy is thinking at this time.  They all say about the same thing, that he still loves me deeply and there is no one else in his life that he has such a connection with.  I have read with Tarot card readers as well, and with Clairvoyants to get a sense of the overall picture - and they mainly suggest that we are not done and that we will be together in the near future. Once again except for 3 they all say the same thing.  What I am seeing is that all of them (100+) give me the same outcome, with varying timelines.  I know that timelines can vary and can be changed by various outside stimuli, so the outcome is really what I am resting on.

Here's my list below.  I was a little more open in the first readings as to the situation by noting that I was interested in knowing if I would "reconcile" with X, so I am not necessarily resting on those predictions.  Later, after realising that I could be giving up too much information, I became a little less expressive with details.  In most cases, I simply asked "what are X's feelings for me at this time?" or "Will I have a relationship with X?".  Not even indicating that we had been together before.    Some I have read with more than once and I indicate that in parentheses.

Yes, we will reconcile (100 readings or more, but I am only listing those readers that I see discussed on this forum that have been accurate with at least one person at some time)

Aries Intuition (Keen) read 3 times
Aurora /Your Meesage from Above (Keen) 2 readings
AstroSarah (Keen)
Abundant Visions/Gaylene (thirdeyelive) 2 readings
Allynis (Keen)
Avalon (contact) 2 readings
Bonneisha (PPN) 2 readings
Dr. Ginny
Ellen Hartwell (Keen) 2 readings
Jane Wilcox (Keen)
Joanne Salem (BestAmerican)
Lady Kathryn (BitWine)
Lady Sarah (BestAmerican)
LadyAshley 15 (Keen)
Lilith Morgaine (PPN) 2 readings
Madea Michelle (Keen)
Matthea (PPN) 2 readings
Midnight Magical Spirit (PPN) 3 readings
Mikki Reno (Click4Advisor) 2 readings
MizzPeg (Contact)
Raven (Contact) 3 readings
Raymond (PsychicAccess)
Samantha Wild (Keen)
Sandy Esther (Keen)
Sansanvi (Liveperson)
Soul Navigation (Keen)
SourcePower (Keen)
Stella (PS) 2 readinfs
Trish Helm (PPN)
Vallentina Rose (PPN) 2 readings
Venus (CP)

No, we will not reconcile These are the only 3 that I read with that gave me a negative response.  And I don't see that these advisors have been mentioned here at all, so I am not certain as to the level of accuracy.

White Guide (Bitwine)
Spirit Advisor Gemini (PPN) In the first reading I got a no, but in a second reading I actually got confirmation that he would come back. Since I got a no once, I am putting this one in the negative prediction list.
Yukio Ishikara (Bitwine)

Any thoughts on this would be appreciated :-)
« Last Edit: August 27, 2012, 03:43:49 PM by smee2 »


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Re: My story of heartbreak ...
« Reply #4 on: August 27, 2012, 04:45:16 PM »
Well at the recommendation of a few members here, I consulted with NorthstarJulie this morning. I really enjoyed her reading - she's very calming and seemed to connect quickly to the situation.   I posed the question of what might occur in the near future in regards to my love life.  She then asked if there was a specific person in mind (I think she said a name helps her) and so I offered her the name of my ex.

Almost immediately she picked up on the fact that there is a lot of distance and stagnating but the reconnection card came up.  At various stages in the reading she would consult the cards to dig deeper into the situation to gain clarity in a number of areas.

From there she was off and began to report her sense of what my ex's intentions are towards me; what is his level of interest; is there another influence that is causing the separation; what does my ex sense in terms of how I am feeling towards him at this time; when could I expect to see some action in terms of contact; and what course of action is best for me in this situation.  I feel that the reading was probably the most comprehensive I have received to date.

While I do realize that I can't rest on one reading, and that there's no guarantee (100%)  I do feel somewhat relieved because her reading matches the others I have received - she also senses the same outcome and gave me some validation of the reasons why we separated as well.  My reading with Julie jives with my own intuition of the situation with regard to why he might have left and what underlying causes there might be for his disappearance. 

I did not get any specific date as to when I might hear from him from Julie but she senses it is within months and that the connection we shared is not over by any stretch of the imagination (she was very, definitive in her comment that we will be lovers, and that it will not simply be a friendship) and there is, indeed, a future relationship in the cards for us!  If that turns out to be true, whether it means I must be patient for another couple of months, then I will be a very happy camper.  So, for now I believe that I do have a chance and I'm sure if you could see through your computer screens you'd see that for the first time in months, I have a  :) on my face.


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Re: My story of heartbreak ...
« Reply #5 on: August 30, 2012, 08:44:31 PM »
Update:  I have now consulted with the last of my assembly of "dream team" readers.  I have just received a reading from the last of the psychics I wanted to speak with that painted a clear picture of the individuals concerned and the matters at hand, and the predicted outcome of this reading gels with what the rest have predicted  (save for 3 that do not predict a happy outcome).  With that, I believe I have covered the ground I needed to get some sense of comfort in order to quell my fears and am content to leave it at that and let the Universe now do it's thing.

Nothing to report on as far as predictions that have manifested, yet, but I will once I begin receive them.   ;D

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Re: My story of heartbreak ...
« Reply #6 on: February 08, 2017, 06:22:42 PM »
I didn't realize how old the original posts were.  I was going to say that I used to read with White Guide on bitwine and she was always right.  I rarely liked what she had to say, but I can't say she was wrong.

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Re: My story of heartbreak ...
« Reply #7 on: June 10, 2020, 01:24:14 AM »
Im sure i will never see a reply, but if u do ever come back. What was ur out come?!