Author Topic: LLOYD STRAYHORN  (Read 19196 times)

Offline Zee

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« on: August 26, 2012, 12:41:34 AM »
Has anyone read with or heard of Lloyd Strayhorn?  I just had a reading and he is an astro-numerologist (He doesn't use the word psychic at all).  He tells you about your life, what you do or should be doing and where you’re going.  He tells you so much about yourself; you might think he has a camera following you.  I don't generally trust male readers, but he has come as close to being psychic as far as I can see.

I asked if he was psychic and he said people ask him that all the time, but for the most part everything is ruled by numbers and is scientific. He states whereas a psychic will say they sense, or they feel, he deals only in numbers and gives information, as the numbers present themselves through your name and date of birth.  He only gives accurate facts, because numbers is all he uses, and he was on an Eye to Eye episode with Katie Couric in 2007:  There is no guessing with his technique.

As many psychic odysseys I’ve been on, no one has ever brought up that I served time in the military.  No one.  He charges $100 for a half hour and goes through everything (your love life, the best days/months for you, the best SM for you, the best signs for you, etc.)  It was a fabulous experience. He also records the call and gives you a reference number where you can access the call up to six months afterwards.

He offers free mini readings which he posts on his Facebook page: If you can get through, which I have after a gazzillion callbacks, afterwards he will be more than happy to make an appointment for you, once you are convinced he is the real deal. His number is also on FB.

I felt he might be more ideal for those who haven't found their go to psychic yet.

« Last Edit: August 26, 2012, 01:01:47 AM by Zee »

Offline Zee

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« Reply #1 on: August 26, 2012, 02:54:30 AM »
Absolutely.  More so than most psychics.


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« Reply #2 on: August 26, 2012, 04:40:14 AM »
Scientific? Astrology is not a science, any scientist would shiver at this affirmation.
It's just a a different approach to 'fortune telling'

Offline Zee

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« Reply #3 on: August 26, 2012, 05:30:37 AM »
EXCELLENT explanation greenclover. EXCELLENT!!  Have you read up on this or know about it from a previous reading?  I couldn't understand enough of what he was saying to do it myself, although he says anyone can.  He also explains how he comes up with what he does. It's really fascinating.  I'm not disputing what you are saying eleonora, I just know that science is slowing changing its mindset about the way they use to think certain things work. Vibrational frequencies that make up how we think, attract, feel, etc are now being given a scientific spin although scientists refused to believe it was real. Over the years, many have changed their tune about this.

I plan on purchasing his book and learning more about it. He stated it rules every aspect of your life.

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« Reply #4 on: August 26, 2012, 06:26:58 AM »
There is a topic about some of that on this forum,161.0.html, but the link in the thread no longer seems to be valid.


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« Reply #5 on: August 26, 2012, 06:10:06 PM »
Scientific? Astrology is not a science, any scientist would shiver at this affirmation.
It's just a a different approach to 'fortune telling'

Astrology is much more than fortune telling. I'm an astrology and it is MUCH more than what you read in the Sunday horoscope. That is sun sign astrology and is useless. Your whole life is in your birth just won't tell you all of the nitty gritty details that a psychic can.

Offline Zee

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« Reply #6 on: August 26, 2012, 06:41:24 PM »
To a degree the better astrologist can. I've had my astrological chart done before and the astrologist didn't give me half the information I got from Lloyd. He was even able to tell me about stuff that would be coming up for me (employment, marriage, children, relocation, etc.)  Lloyd told me, based on the numerical aspect, I look like my father and that at family reunions people would probably tell me that all the time.  And he is absolutely right. I’ve heard this since the beginning of time.  My father looks a lot like his mother and people tell me all the time (family at least) that I resemble her tremendously.  I never met her; she died when my father was 17. People who are not in the family always say I resemble my father. Period.  I have his height, skin complexion, some characteristics, etc.  Lloyd asked for my parent’s date of births (dob) too to compare to mine.

Lloyd can also assess your relationships, again, based on your name and dob with your partner’s information.  As I've said, it's completely by the numbers for him.  He told me the career fields that work best for my numbers, my best days of the week, my best months, stuff like that. He will also tell you how people react to you based on the numbers, and he explains the numbers and where he gets the information that he does.  I believe he has been at this for over twenty years and he just rattles the information off like a ticker tape.

I am transcribing the recording now, so I should be able to give more specifics at a later time.

Offline Zee

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« Reply #7 on: August 26, 2012, 07:47:30 PM »
Oh, I wanted to post my reply that was sent privately, so that everyone can get the word out about this service.  Just google to find the service.

I was asked how does Lloyd record the phone call and this was my answer:
I'll tell you how he records because it's friggin brilliant and free!  All psychics need to use this shit.

I was aware of free conference call sites on the internet (there are many), but Lloyd has you hang up with him, after he takes your payment, then call into a tollfree number.  He also gives you the access code to log in.  He tells you to wait a few seconds while he calls in first, then you join the call.  It's extremely simple.  He turns the recorder on through the site, which you will hear, then begins the call.  Afterwards, he gives you another phone number that is similar, and the access code again, (plus a reference number) for your playback call only, so you can access it later anytime you want.

You can take notes, but then you can go back and listen to your call up to six months, although he says anytime. I'm not sure if he is even aware it doesn't stay in the server forever. That’s why I’m transcribing mine. 

I went and read up on the information about the callback features.  Also, there should be some way for him to download and send the call via email, but I haven't contacted the sites customer service to see if that is available through them.

There are a few readers I am going to email about this so they can use the recording features available too. Voile!

 IT'S ALL FREE!!  Technology is the deal!!!!

I just contacted Lloyd and mentioned that yes (after I called customer service) that the recordings can be either downloaded and emailed to the client or a link can be emailed to the location of their file.  And it's all still free.  If you sign up and get a conferencing account for your own use, the amount of recordings you can have are unlimited, but are saved up to six months from the date of the recording..SMOOCHES.
« Last Edit: August 26, 2012, 08:31:06 PM by Zee »

Offline calista

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« Reply #8 on: November 09, 2012, 09:16:14 PM »
To a degree the better astrologist can. I've had my astrological chart done before and the astrologist didn't give me half the information I got from Lloyd. He was even able to tell me about stuff that would be coming up for me (employment, marriage, children, relocation, etc.)  Lloyd told me, based on the numerical aspect, I look like my father and that at family reunions people would probably tell me that all the time.  And he is absolutely right. I’ve heard this since the beginning of time.  My father looks a lot like his mother and people tell me all the time (family at least) that I resemble her tremendously.  I never met her; she died when my father was 17. People who are not in the family always say I resemble my father. Period.  I have his height, skin complexion, some characteristics, etc.  Lloyd asked for my parent’s date of births (dob) too to compare to mine.

Lloyd can also assess your relationships, again, based on your name and dob with your partner’s information.  As I've said, it's completely by the numbers for him.  He told me the career fields that work best for my numbers, my best days of the week, my best months, stuff like that. He will also tell you how people react to you based on the numbers, and he explains the numbers and where he gets the information that he does.  I believe he has been at this for over twenty years and he just rattles the information off like a ticker tape.

I am transcribing the recording now, so I should be able to give more specifics at a later time.

Did he predict stuff for you and did any of it happen the way he said? I heard his blogtalk and interview with Katie Couric and he sounds legit.
Whats your verdict on Lloyd?

Offline Zee

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« Reply #9 on: November 09, 2012, 11:16:28 PM »
A lot of predictions are suppose to be happening end of December towards the New Year, 2013.  I know.  It's an eternity.

Offline calista

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« Reply #10 on: November 09, 2012, 11:22:36 PM »
A lot of predictions are suppose to be happening end of December towards the New Year, 2013.  I know.  It's an eternity.

So you think he is good because he got the obama prediction right? thats an easy one to guess its sort of 50-50 and Im thinking half the psychics got it right and the other half got it wrong?

Offline Zee

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« Reply #11 on: November 10, 2012, 12:19:46 AM »
Yes, that is definitely true but a correct prediction, no matter the chances will move Lloyd's accuracy up a couple of notches.  Check Lloyd's Facebook page because you can often get in a free, quick call to see if he works for you.  He was excellent for me, and I am now a fan.

Offline marybell

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« Reply #12 on: June 13, 2013, 02:55:13 AM »
Now that time has passed, how accurate would you say this guy was?

Offline nikkii

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« Reply #13 on: June 21, 2013, 01:58:45 PM »

I'm not new to the forum but this is my first post. I've had many readings on Keen but just recently had a phone reading with Lloyd Strayhorn earlier this week. I've never been one to be fond of astrological readings; preferring a psychic reading for "now" answers as opposed to astrological readings which can span out over years.

I'm so numb to predictions that have been pushed back over time or just don't come true at all with the exception of small victories. Yet in speaking with Lloyd, things he said just made perfect sense and I was able to validate many things..through numbers go figure. He spoke of what my name means and how it is in co-relation to my mother, boyfriend, where I'm currently working, etc. It was kind of eerie but in a good way. He spoke of things to come in the upcoming year. I don't want to be excited about the things he told me only to be let down again.

Zee, would you sharing if what he has told you has manifested? I thoroughly enjoyed my reading with him, in fact I was floored which has become a rarity nowadays.

The call was recorded, I can go back and listen for about 6 months until it's deleted. I'd like to find a way to download but don't know how that works yet.

I hope he is accurate, although I hesitantly booked an appointment for this reading I was glad I did so.


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« Reply #14 on: June 21, 2013, 06:24:31 PM »
I just called for a mini reading from Lloyd's FB page. In those few minutes he said I don't take orders or direction well (true), that I wear glasses (contacts, close enough), that it's likely that I have relationships with men long distances away (dead on, actually my SM is on another continent) and that this year would be a new direction and beginning for me, starting in August (if my dearest wishes come true, I will give up my life here and move to be with my SM, even though we are currently not in contact). Oh and the bonus: he said I look ten years younger than I am! I think he is right on the mark with that one!  LOL!  There was a lot of info packed in that short call so I made an appt. to have an extended reading with him later this afternoon. It will be nice to get specifics after so much "psychic" vagueness and time push-backs.

