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I didn't mean the reading. I meant does it work or play in your favor when you do things by your best days, or best dates or best months, that were given to you.  Please can you post who the $250 person your friend used?

Lloyd briefly mentioned it might have to do with not using my best days for things and as I've previously posted, if things haven't transpired, it doesn't mean the seeds haven't been planted for things to still happen.  He pretty much extended the time frame for stuff to happen for next year, just like many readers do - that "let's take a look at what has happened," speech then spew out dates further and further into the future.  What a crock.

Oh, and he tried to give me suggestions and I stopped him in the middle of his list and told him that wasn't necessary. I was extremely polite and thanked him for his services, but halfway through the call I knew it was just another waste of more money.  No one to blame but myself.

Lloyd gave me a prediction the first time and actually said that he guarantees it will happen.  And jack is what happened.

Is Rakesh that good that he predicts too?  Does he allow a mini read like Lloyd?
His website states that your life is already predestined, as I was saying about astrology, so you really have no control over what happens.  I've sent him an email and will follow up later.

Is Rakesh that good that he predicts too?  Does he allow a mini read like Lloyd?

He does not do mini-readings as far as I know.

Very clever Zee, I didn't realize others could set up a Yelp page other than the owner itself. I checked out Lloyd's Keen page, I can tell he's rarely on. There isn't any feedback. I'd rather (if I decided to consult with him again) reach him through Keen than pay another $100.

Yeah, anyone can set up a page for anyone. My review was filtered of course and filtered reviews aren't factored into the over rating, but it is at least there for those to read it, if they know how to.
I've set up 3-6 over the last two days or so and have added readers as well. I just added a review for a major crah crah reader and wondered why I had not thought of that before. 

You shouldn't need to consult with Lloyd again. Really, he is going to tell you the same thing, unless you have questions from your first reading.

$250 is a bit steep for Rakesh and I really can't justify paying that for an astrologist, but I might if he had answers.  I'll have to ask him what test does he accept.
He was also in New York, where Lloyd is located so I wonderd if they know each other. I'll ask Lloyd.


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