Author Topic: LLOYD STRAYHORN  (Read 19214 times)

Offline Zee

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« Reply #15 on: June 21, 2013, 08:19:47 PM »
First let me say I haven’t kept track of this thread.  I was notified about your responses just today, and it reminded me I had read with Lloyd.  Absolutely nothing transpired from his reading.  His mini read was so good, better than any psychic, that I was all in. Lloyd was so specific about me, my life, where I am, where I’m going, it was like he knew me and was in my brain or like he was looking down on my lifeline.

I read with Lloyd 08/24/12 (man how time flies) and he actually read for me longer than his clients. I not only downloaded my session, I transcribed it word for word and it took forever.  It took up about 10 pages, single spaced, but I reduced the font, so it’s now 4 pages.

I just called Lloyd a few minutes ago and asked him why nothing had transpired. I asked him had anyone ever called him back for an explanation and he said yes, but two/three months afterwards, not almost an entire year.  He remembered me because we hit it off really well. I have his home number now. 

He touched on the fact that the seven cycle which I am in now, is one of the hardest cycles and it’s a period of reflection, inward reflection and introspection, but I caught him on his way out the door, so we only talked for 15 mins and we are scheduled to talk tomorrow on Saturday.  He told me it would be more in depth and he could explain everything later and we’d have more time to talk, at a discounted rate.

All of the psychics I have posted about on this forum, nothing has manifested. Let me be clear; their readings on the here/now have been superb, but anything down the road is null and void:

Answers By Allynis,
Samantha Wild,
Psychic Medium Gab (Gabreael),
Christine Lynnn,
Miss Ann,
Jane Wilcox,
Visions (Gaylene),
Dr. Ginny. 
WRONG, WRONG, WRONG. These are ‘some’ of the more popular ones I’ve read with due to recommendations from this forum and who initially, I thought were fabulous. I thought SoulLove11 was really, good, we’ve become friends now and I know her real name and we talk without me being charged, but I’ve learned if I need a pep talk and want to be talked down from the ledge of life, some of these are still good to speak with.

I’ll follow-up afterwards on our talk, but let me say Lloyd is not psychic.  I asked him the first time during our mini read.  He has been doing astrological readings for eons. It’s all scientific to him and he is often EXTREMELY, EXTREMELY right.  Based on your time of birth, the significance of your name, the state you live in, the place where you work, the people you attract, the people your family attract – it’s already predestined.  It has made me change to some degree the way I thought that we had control over our lives. I’ll ask Lloyd more about his tomorrow and let you know what transpired.
« Last Edit: July 05, 2013, 10:20:15 PM by Zee »

Offline nikkii

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« Reply #16 on: June 22, 2013, 12:05:14 AM »
Zee, thank you for replying. It's quite disheartening to hear that a year went by and nothing he told you has taken place. When I spoke with him, I was so floored because he nailed so many things and people in my life. I mean he was dead-on accurate. So I held fast to the things he told me that would be coming up for me this year and the next. He also spoke with me longer than the half hour, it was about 45 minutes. And on top of that in a subtle way he asked for a donation; twenty dollars which I was willing to give since he spent more than the allotted time scheduled. But he was so charming I didn't give it a second thought.

The numbers he gave me radiated much accuracy in regard to my personality and that of my boyfriend and the current situation in which we're in so I was hooked line and sinker. Now I will not put much credence into that reading, I spent money I had no business spending so I was hoping finally I found someone who gave a different type of reading being that it was astrology that I'd have better luck than with a psychic.

The ONLY psychics who have been extremely accurate have been the following:

Ness21 (I had to book an appointment through her personal site)

The Tarot Lady (same as above)

Lady Persephone - I like her ALOT. Straight-shooter and has been able to pinpoint minute details as though she was a fly on the wall.

Tarot With Jane (who is off with me regarding timing but gets the final outcome, so far correct)

Angelic7 (not on Keen anymore, but has become a personal friend)

These five ladies have not given me the "fairy-tale; oh I see marriage, rainbows and unicorns type of reading" and although some things were hard to hear, I'd rather the truth than a temporary feel-good reading where nothing manifests thus resulting in calling again and again. And believe me I've called more than my fair share of readers over the years and thankfully have cut back quite a bit.

Regarding Lloyd's astrological reading for me, I won't put much into it. I'll have to table it for now and just wait and see if anything transpires.

Sorry for the very long post. Zee thank you again for sharing your experience.

Offline Zee

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« Reply #17 on: June 22, 2013, 12:31:25 AM »
I never said Lloyd wasn't accurate. He really was about the things he mentioned on the here and now.  And because nothing manifested for me, doesn't mean it won't for you.  He is very charming and again, Spot On about the numbers that pertained to me.  I have an entire chart with the numbers he gave me, so I was all into it and purchased his book and yes, I spoke to him longer than 45 minutes and I am giving him another chance, because of how accurate he was about my life.

Again, I too was hooked with what Lloyd told me and he was right, right, right, but predictions are not a lot of reader’s forte and I just wanted to be honest in my assessment of what portion of his reading did not work.

I just love how he records the call so at least the caller can concentrate on more important things than taking notes and I wish more readers would incorporate this into their businesses especially since it is free.  Some people are just so computer illiterate it's irritating, but it's good to know he thrilled you.  I keep saying this, but again I was thrilled and still was for a long time afterwards.

That's the main reason I want answers as to why what he said did not transpire.

Offline nikkii

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« Reply #18 on: June 22, 2013, 12:54:58 AM »
I did really like the fact that he recorded the reading, I agree more should use this type of format and incorporate it in their readings with others. It's so helpful to be able to go back to listen to what was told as opposed to taking notes, which by the way I did because he offered up so much information. Yes, I was thrilled. It was a different type of reading than what I was used to and like I mentioned I was able to validate a lot of current and past events through what he said.

I think I'm just gun shy with all the hope I've been given over time. I feel some psychics can only read maybe about approximately six months out, but astrology is a whole different animal which I felt well hey perhaps being that this is a different type of reading I'll get more out of this.

I hope he is able to provide the answers for you as to why what he said has not transpired. Who knows maybe it's timing? And the answers he provides will make sense and be concise.

I'm just learning about this astrology thing and am intrigued. I guess time will tell with what he's told me. I appreciate your honesty Zee! I hope Lloyd is able to provide answers for you.

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« Reply #19 on: June 22, 2013, 01:09:52 AM »
Thank You Nikkii. Me too.

He did mention briefly that because something has not transpired, doesn't mean the seeds haven't been planted for it to still take place.
I've had other astrological readings and Strayhorn's has been the most indepth as far as reading the star map.  As I've stated on another thread, he has been the only living person who has ever mentioned I was in the service; and this based solely off numbers and during a 10, 15 min read.  I thought that was fabulous.

I bet his relationship reads are great too. I wonder has any couple on here had their charts done together by Lloyd?
« Last Edit: June 22, 2013, 01:11:47 AM by Zee »

Offline nikkii

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« Reply #20 on: June 22, 2013, 01:32:53 AM »
I wonder as well if anyone else has read with him. Another earlier mentioned a facebook mini-read with him that was on point. It is amazing that he was the only one to pick up the you were in the service, and he's an astrologer, not psychic. You would think a psychic would have picked up on that important aspect of your life. Go figure!

As far as the couple reading, he did a brief one for me and my boyfriend and things are supposed to shape up after he comes out of his "me" cycle at the later part of the year. We haven't done one together, my boyfriend will think I'm nuts! He is correct regarding the "me" cycle with my guy. Right now and for the last couple of months he has been all about himself and not "us" which has been frustrating.

The psychics I mentioned in my earlier post have also said the same in so many words regarding the current state of my relationship with my boyfriend. Lloyd has seen a change in that towards the end of the year as did Lady Persephone and Tarot with Jane, so we'll see!

Offline Truth

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« Reply #21 on: June 22, 2013, 01:34:04 AM »
sorry to go sideways here on this topic. i haven't read with Lloyd, but wanted to just talk about Astrology and a little bit of Numerology.

in my opinion (and i'm biased here because i have studied and practiced Astrology for years), Astrology can be more accurate than psychic readings can be. this is because Astrology doesn't always (sometimes can) get SUPER specific. it can pinpoint years and times in your life where certain energies are present. you can see where the energies are coming from and what they are affecting, but you can't always say for certain exactly how it will play out. for instance, i could look at your chart and see you are about to enter a period where deceit and illusions will be present in your relationship. there could be cheating happening, or at very least strong fantasies involved. now, i wouldn't be able to say if that was YOU cheating, or your partner cheating. granted, looking at both charts you should be able to get a better idea (does one chart show depression or other negative symbols, etc). i think with psychics they tell us such specific things, and their timing is based on whatever info they are getting (not something as physical as the actual planets moving in the heavens which can be measured) it doesn't always work out to the specifics they give us. whereas Astrology takes a step back and puts you in more control in a way because it will give you the general themes affecting you and where it will be taking place.

i can't say i've studied or practiced Numerology, but i suspect it follows similar guidelines. i've heard stories of people that have had Numerology readings and people would tell them exactly how many siblings they had, what year they got married, etc just based on numbers.

so, in this regard i think Astro/Numbers can pinpoint things better. especially the "when". just don't expect crazy detailed information.

again, i have not read with Lloyd and he may use methods where he can find more specific stuff. i'm just writing this as a general FYI about the amazing subject of Astrology (and to a degree, Numerology).

Happy Summer Solstice everyone! hope you are enjoying the longest day of the year (those in the Northern Hemisphere). Full Moon/Supermoon on Sunday!

Offline Zee

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« Reply #22 on: June 22, 2013, 02:40:09 AM »
I wonder as well if anyone else has read with him. Another earlier mentioned a facebook mini-read with him that was on point. It is amazing that he was the only one to pick up the you were in the service, and he's an astrologer, not psychic. You would think a psychic would have picked up on that important aspect of your life. Go figure!
Well it's not really that important. It's over, something of the past, and I'm no longer a part of it, but you are right, just the fact he picked up on it and a so called legitimate psychic hasn't, is very telling.

Thank you for that post Truth, but I've had other astrological readings and they were kind of general with a few specific things. Lloyd's was very, very accurate. I can't say that enough, but he calls himself a Astronumerologist (Astrology and Numerology), which is a combination of the two.  My previous Astro readings were all about my charts and nothing about the numbers. I've never had just a Numerology done.

You are very correct on the outcomes aspect because as things shift, so will the themes affecting you. As an FYI Lloyd only uses Numbers. He will ask for your date of birth then rattle off what your life means based on that, then your name, then give the numbers that represent your name, then rattle off what that means.  He will tell you the best day(s) of the week for you to make a decision, take a test, have an operation, go on a job interview, as well as the best dates and months.

He says that all you got to do is know you have been armed with how to pick your battles. And you will find that if you do things on your days, dates and your months, things seem to go your way.

Another thing with the numbers.  He will show, based on the numbers that make up your name, that those same numbers are patterns in every aspect of where you are in life and the decisions you've made.  The address where I live, the apartment number, the year of the car I drive, the office number where I work, stuff like that. He even explained how to find my soulmate based only on numbers.

so, in this regard i think Astro/Numbers can pinpoint things better. especially the "when". just don't expect crazy detailed information.
But I disagree about your crazy specific comment. He was Crazy Specific with me.  Based on my numbers he said the following:

What about your dad’s birthday? His numbers are the 1, 4, and 9 so I see where you get where the 9 comes from, cause you see you are born on the 18th which is a nine and that is one of your father’s numbers.  So that means you will look even more like your dad and act like your dad. Or you might have all your mother’s looks but your dad’s disposition, temperament, walk or behavior or something like that.  You go to family reunions. They say girl you remind me so much of your father.  How’s your daddy doing, you know? This happens all the time.  Lloyd has never met or seen me and knew this. I'd say that's pretty accurate, but this is only one example.  Yeah, I'm sure he had a 50/50 chance of getting this right, but when he mentioned how people see me during our reunions and know that we even have them, well I find that to be accurate.

Offline nikkii

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« Reply #23 on: June 22, 2013, 07:00:24 PM »
Hi Truth,

Your post is very interesting. I've only called psychics and just recently became interested in astrology which I am finding fascinating by the way. Lloyd through out numbers and almost told a story of my life. I am trying not to call psychics as much as I used to and have only stuck with those I mentioned.

I agree that with astrology it can put you more in control because you have an idea of what your best days/months are to make important decisions and to perhaps at times to wait until you make major decisions.

I will post at a later time if things Lloyd told me transpires.

Happy Summer Solstice everyone! hope you are enjoying the longest day of the year (those in the Northern Hemisphere). Full Moon/Supermoon on Sunday!

Offline Zee

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« Reply #24 on: June 22, 2013, 07:28:09 PM »
I agree that with astrology it can put you more in control because you have an idea of what your best days/months are to make important decisions and to perhaps at times to wait until you make major decisions.

But seriously has this worked for anyone? And what control exactly is there?
The best thing about a good astrology read is that you should only have it done once, practically for your entire lifetime.  Lloyd's second read was basically exactly like the first. Almost word for word with a few deviations. At least he's consistent.

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« Reply #25 on: June 23, 2013, 02:01:36 AM »
I didn't mean the reading. I meant does it work or play in your favor when you do things by your best days, or best dates or best months, that were given to you.  Please can you post who the $250 person your friend used?

Lloyd briefly mentioned it might have to do with not using my best days for things and as I've previously posted, if things haven't transpired, it doesn't mean the seeds haven't been planted for things to still happen.  He pretty much extended the time frame for stuff to happen for next year, just like many readers do - that "let's take a look at what has happened," speech then spew out dates further and further into the future.  What a crock.

Oh, and he tried to give me suggestions and I stopped him in the middle of his list and told him that wasn't necessary. I was extremely polite and thanked him for his services, but halfway through the call I knew it was just another waste of more money.  No one to blame but myself.

Lloyd gave me a prediction the first time and actually said that he guarantees it will happen.  And jack is what happened.
« Last Edit: June 23, 2013, 02:04:55 AM by Zee »

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« Reply #26 on: June 23, 2013, 03:47:57 AM »
Is Rakesh that good that he predicts too?  Does he allow a mini read like Lloyd?
His website states that your life is already predestined, as I was saying about astrology, so you really have no control over what happens.  I've sent him an email and will follow up later.
« Last Edit: June 23, 2013, 04:04:01 AM by Zee »

Offline nikkii

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« Reply #27 on: June 23, 2013, 04:10:44 AM »
Is Rakesh that good that he predicts too?  Does he allow a mini read like Lloyd?

He does not do mini-readings as far as I know.
« Last Edit: May 29, 2014, 05:18:56 PM by nikkii »

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« Reply #28 on: June 24, 2013, 12:33:43 AM »
Very clever Zee, I didn't realize others could set up a Yelp page other than the owner itself. I checked out Lloyd's Keen page, I can tell he's rarely on. There isn't any feedback. I'd rather (if I decided to consult with him again) reach him through Keen than pay another $100.

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« Reply #29 on: June 24, 2013, 02:22:52 AM »
Yeah, anyone can set up a page for anyone. My review was filtered of course and filtered reviews aren't factored into the over rating, but it is at least there for those to read it, if they know how to.
I've set up 3-6 over the last two days or so and have added readers as well. I just added a review for a major crah crah reader and wondered why I had not thought of that before. 

You shouldn't need to consult with Lloyd again. Really, he is going to tell you the same thing, unless you have questions from your first reading.

$250 is a bit steep for Rakesh and I really can't justify paying that for an astrologist, but I might if he had answers.  I'll have to ask him what test does he accept.
He was also in New York, where Lloyd is located so I wonderd if they know each other. I'll ask Lloyd.
« Last Edit: June 24, 2013, 02:32:08 AM by Zee »