Metaphysical, Spiritual and Psychic Discussions > Storefront Psychics & Online Services
Has anyone read with or heard of Lloyd Strayhorn? I just had a reading and he is an astro-numerologist (He doesn't use the word psychic at all). He tells you about your life, what you do or should be doing and where you’re going. He tells you so much about yourself; you might think he has a camera following you. I don't generally trust male readers, but he has come as close to being psychic as far as I can see.
I asked if he was psychic and he said people ask him that all the time, but for the most part everything is ruled by numbers and is scientific. He states whereas a psychic will say they sense, or they feel, he deals only in numbers and gives information, as the numbers present themselves through your name and date of birth. He only gives accurate facts, because numbers is all he uses, and he was on an Eye to Eye episode with Katie Couric in 2007: There is no guessing with his technique.
As many psychic odysseys I’ve been on, no one has ever brought up that I served time in the military. No one. He charges $100 for a half hour and goes through everything (your love life, the best days/months for you, the best SM for you, the best signs for you, etc.) It was a fabulous experience. He also records the call and gives you a reference number where you can access the call up to six months afterwards.
He offers free mini readings which he posts on his Facebook page: If you can get through, which I have after a gazzillion callbacks, afterwards he will be more than happy to make an appointment for you, once you are convinced he is the real deal. His number is also on FB.
I felt he might be more ideal for those who haven't found their go to psychic yet.
Absolutely. More so than most psychics.
Scientific? Astrology is not a science, any scientist would shiver at this affirmation.
It's just a a different approach to 'fortune telling'
EXCELLENT explanation greenclover. EXCELLENT!! Have you read up on this or know about it from a previous reading? I couldn't understand enough of what he was saying to do it myself, although he says anyone can. He also explains how he comes up with what he does. It's really fascinating. I'm not disputing what you are saying eleonora, I just know that science is slowing changing its mindset about the way they use to think certain things work. Vibrational frequencies that make up how we think, attract, feel, etc are now being given a scientific spin although scientists refused to believe it was real. Over the years, many have changed their tune about this.
I plan on purchasing his book and learning more about it. He stated it rules every aspect of your life.
There is a topic about some of that on this forum,161.0.html, but the link in the thread no longer seems to be valid.
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