Relationship Psychology Discussions > My Story
I know how you feel about privacy I am the same way. I work with the public I dont want anyone to see my photo just yet. but I have to say that I dont have a lot of friiends....Most of the friends I do have are psychics but they are also my friends and I dont ask them for readings anymore. They think I need to move on. Most are single anyway and are bitter bc they dont have a BF. I am trying to move on but I like it that we can talk to one another here about our readings and not be judged. Thanks everyone!
join the chat beachgirl
Just sharing my experience with you guys, I just did a meditation to find out my Angel, at first I didin't think much of it, I thought I will just listen, but I actually went on with the meditation and when it was the time to hear the Angels name I heard it! It's was ARIEL, an Archangel. I was really thrilled, I went on Google quickly to research and what I found, Ariel is connected with nature, I love nature and I always have plants and fresh flowers at home. Ariel's crystal is Rose Quartz, well I wear Rose Quartz bracelet, Aromatherapy oil is Rose, I love rose oil, I use rose face toner! Also Ariel may appear if close to you if you are having respiratory issues, I am now! Or if you have low energy, yes! Everything matches. Wow!
I just want to remind you guys that we all have Guardian Angles, and it doesn't take much to connect to them, even if you don't hear or feel them, they never leave your side, and they are always there to assist you! If you even do a 1 minute meditation to acknowledge them it will be a start. I wish everyone a blessed evening. Love and Peace!
wow amazing Libra..tell me how to do that :)
Thanks for sharing, Libra. That's really cool.
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