Author Topic: Spencer from CP  (Read 5362 times)

Angel light

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Spencer from CP
« on: August 17, 2012, 10:36:27 PM »
Hi all!

I am new to the boards and have just posted once but i wanted to let everyone know about a great psychic I just read with.  her name is Spencer and she is on 2 sites, CP and Keen.  She is cheaper on keep and goes by "The Sane Psychic" there - $3.99 min.
She hit the head on the nail with the 2 men I asked her about, and picked up accurately on me too.  She made a prediction about a man coming into my life, as many others have, and her take on him was the same as the others exactly.  They all say I will just run into him - still waiting!  Her prediction is by the end of this year to March 2013.  I will update everyone on this!!

Others who talked about this man are: (all from CP)
Trinity (made the prediction for anytime between now and end of the year)
Venus (made this predication in Dec 2011 for the spring of 2012 which has passed now but we all know about timelines)
Casey (prediction was for Dec 2012 but she does say she's bad with timelines)
Elijah (prediction was for spring of 2012)

Others who saw this wonderful man:
Sir Char (PPN)
Dr Ginny (800-375-3446)
Lady Ahsley 15 (Keen)

I also read with Leo from CP for almost 2 years.  He was accurate for me about when SM would call, but the biggest prediction he made was the same as from Venus, that they both see me walking away from my SM eventually and it looks like I am in the process of doing this now.  Leo did not see another man for me for a long time, though because now I have changed my attitude towards my SM Leo may have a different prediction.

Psychics on CP who were not accurate for me were so many:
Miss Krystal

All of these I read with never ever saw my SM leaving again (including Leo) and I think they should have been able to see a break to be honest if they are a good psychic.  Any others I read with were good for short term predictions but not able to see the long term which is what I wanted (don't we all?).

Anyway - I hope all of you can find some direction in where you want to spend your money with these readings!

Offline BellaLife

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Re: Spencer from CP
« Reply #1 on: August 17, 2012, 10:46:09 PM »
HI Angel Light and welcome.....thanks for sharing your readers......could you tell me if they gave you any specs on the new guy that will be coming, like hair color,  what type of career, and do they see marriage with the new guy...?

Angel light

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Re: Spencer from CP
« Reply #2 on: August 17, 2012, 11:28:31 PM »
Yes good question!

Spencer gave me lots of info and so did Venus - both said the exact same thing:
Dark hair but with silver on the sides
A bit older than me
Will know him by the look in his eyes when we first look at each other like he can see right through me
Does something with his hands like perhaps in the medical field

All who saw this man saw marriage - every one. 

Angel light

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Re: Spencer from CP
« Reply #3 on: August 18, 2012, 05:32:56 AM »
oops yes that is her name!

Angel light

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Re: Spencer from CP
« Reply #4 on: August 18, 2012, 08:07:02 PM »
So here is what she said about the 2 men kinda in my life:

"D" - she said he was going through an emotional time (he is going through a divorce) and that he plays it cool with me even though he feels strong feelings to me very early in us seeing each other.  I feel this is totally accurate because I can tell when I am with him that he holds back, I can see him staring at me when I talk and it's as if he wants to tell me his feelings but hides them away (I am an empath too so I get a lot of this stuff already).  She also said what Trinity on CP told me that he will have to go down this path of heeling for a long time (1-2 years) before he will be in a better place for a relationship.  Also that he doesn't want to lose me (but don't they all say that really?).

SM "E" - she said he lets his fears sabotage our relationship - that he comes around then goes away and will always do this (totally accurate he has done this to me for years).  She said he is completely stuck and not moving forward in any area of his life (so many others have told me this too and I also know this to be true for him).  She said he would never really be available for a relationship with me ever not because he didn;t care, but because of his fears that I will eventually leave and he is not good enough for me.   She said I am getting tired of all the emotional immaturity with this guy - yup! Nailed him to a "T".

Here is what she said about the man to come into my life:
Dark hair but with grey in it too
Steel blue eyes - penetrating eyes that i will feel he looks right into me
great dresser - manicured hands
Secure - financially secure
accepts me for who I am (would love to see this guy as I am a free spirit and no one has quite accepted this about me ever)
We will have a connection at a spiritual, emotional physical (like my SM "E" but this new guy has the maturity and is more evolved and this is what I was lacking with SM - she is totally correct)

She said that there is a 3 percent part of me that thinks i will never find this guy - that he doens't really exsist  - she is so right because I have been thinking that for a while.  She said I need to fake this until I believe this is possible, because when I meet him I won;t quite believe he is for real - and he will pursue me and it will make me nervous (Trinity said the same thing.  Both Trinity and joyce said I will meet him before the end of the year - possibly not till March 2013 but that is a long shot.

Let's hope I meet him!  Until then I am going out, living my life how I want to and being happy in that because I no longer really need SM anymore at all.  It's weird and a huge relief to be free of that finally!!  And even if it takes me longer to meet him I don;t care, i am in a really good place right now!!

 8) ::) :-* :) ;) :D


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Re: Spencer from CP
« Reply #5 on: August 18, 2012, 08:25:09 PM »
So here is what she said about the 2 men kinda in my life:

"D" - she said he was going through an emotional time (he is going through a divorce) and that he plays it cool with me even though he feels strong feelings to me very early in us seeing each other.  I feel this is totally accurate because I can tell when I am with him that he holds back, I can see him staring at me when I talk and it's as if he wants to tell me his feelings but hides them away (I am an empath too so I get a lot of this stuff already).  She also said what Trinity on CP told me that he will have to go down this path of heeling for a long time (1-2 years) before he will be in a better place for a relationship.  Also that he doesn't want to lose me (but don't they all say that really?).

SM "E" - she said he lets his fears sabotage our relationship - that he comes around then goes away and will always do this (totally accurate he has done this to me for years).  She said he is completely stuck and not moving forward in any area of his life (so many others have told me this too and I also know this to be true for him).  She said he would never really be available for a relationship with me ever not because he didn;t care, but because of his fears that I will eventually leave and he is not good enough for me.   She said I am getting tired of all the emotional immaturity with this guy - yup! Nailed him to a "T".

Here is what she said about the man to come into my life:
Dark hair but with grey in it too
Steel blue eyes - penetrating eyes that i will feel he looks right into me
great dresser - manicured hands
Secure - financially secure
accepts me for who I am (would love to see this guy as I am a free spirit and no one has quite accepted this about me ever)
We will have a connection at a spiritual, emotional physical (like my SM "E" but this new guy has the maturity and is more evolved and this is what I was lacking with SM - she is totally correct)

She said that there is a 3 percent part of me that thinks i will never find this guy - that he doens't really exsist  - she is so right because I have been thinking that for a while.  She said I need to fake this until I believe this is possible, because when I meet him I won;t quite believe he is for real - and he will pursue me and it will make me nervous (Trinity said the same thing.  Both Trinity and joyce said I will meet him before the end of the year - possibly not till March 2013 but that is a long shot.

Let's hope I meet him!  Until then I am going out, living my life how I want to and being happy in that because I no longer really need SM anymore at all.  It's weird and a huge relief to be free of that finally!!  And even if it takes me longer to meet him I don;t care, i am in a really good place right now!!

 8) ::) :-* :) ;) :D
hi angelight r u in nj or ny as i have a friend that wants to take me to a storefront psychic in ny she says its very good. for $20 he tells you everything and that he hasnt failed yet. she will take me when she goes on vacation. that may help if he is as good as she says.

Angel light

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Re: Spencer from CP
« Reply #6 on: August 19, 2012, 12:59:20 AM »
I am in CA - Spencer is on CP and is Joyce on Keen