Author Topic: AngelGuided  (Read 41451 times)


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Re: AngelGuided
« Reply #90 on: February 24, 2011, 04:18:45 PM »
I am going to post a special message under my story after this one, and it has a message for you.  I just want to type it once and want to keep it there.  So please look for that...
OK!  I want to add to this conversation-  I would definitely not call any psychics yet about the new guy.  I completely understand your excitement (I actually feel it), and I've felt it recently for myself.  I had a date a couple weeks ago, first one since my heart was smashed up in January.  I thought this new guy might be the one!  There was just something... well, I called a couple psychics 24 hours after the date (on psychic source) and they told me (1) I found my soulmate! and (2) it was the start of a healthy relationship.  I was so excited and you know how we give them the power to make that huge!  Well, I texted him 2 nights after the date, and he hasn't responded in two weeks now since that!!  Ok.  I got over it, but...
Anyway, dating is crazy, but do have fun!  Can I also share that something is going on with me?!  Last week a guy I dated twice in October messaged me that we should get together and chat soon, two night ago a guy I talked to in June(?) who told me he'd rather not get involved with a woman with a kid, messaged me on dating site, I reminded him we already 'met', and last night a guy who stood me up for coffee in November emailed asking if I remember him and did I want to get coffee!!!!
They are something... men... (no offense to ours here, but...)  Anyway!  I can't wait to see who's next to reappear!! I know they will, I can feel it!!!  Thing is, I don't care to hear from a single one I've already met!  Let's get on to the new!!!
Just a funny little adventure in dating, thought I'd share since you're back in the game!  xo

ok- I'm going to my story now for your other message!!!!

Offline jb27

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Re: AngelGuided
« Reply #91 on: February 24, 2011, 04:20:26 PM »
Well angel its going alright. me and the new girl really hit it off last week if ya know what i mean ;) haha Shes gone this week so unfortunatley ive had sm on my mind most of the week lol

Im totally interested in this new girl, but i am still talking to a few other girls I know and i certainly didnt take my dating profile down yet....and im pretty dont worry about that. Also it might be just as new an experince for him as it is you so i imagine he is just as nervous as you are.

I really feel like this is going to go really well for you



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Re: AngelGuided
« Reply #92 on: February 24, 2011, 04:49:45 PM »
I don't know if you read my story above about dating... just a word of advice from a woman to a man!  Don't mess up by playing it cool and for goodness sake don't appear to be exploring every option.  With online dating, I've felt that guys are like, 'I like you but I need to sample everyone and be sure...'  Just be honest about new feelings, even if it seems risky.  Girls love to know where they stand!  Games are never good, never never!  Also, try to let that sm girl go, because it will most definitely interfere with your new chances.  I dated several guys while I was entangled with 'the guy who nearly broke me' and I honestly think nothing sparked because he was on my mind.  Although I know that's easier said than done...but if you can!

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Re: AngelGuided
« Reply #93 on: February 24, 2011, 06:02:43 PM »
Girls love to know where they stand. You are so right, kirakira.

I'd rather know the harsh truth than make up my own stories of what's going on.

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Re: AngelGuided
« Reply #94 on: February 24, 2011, 06:05:43 PM »
Hey Kira,

Thanks for the pointers, and dont worry im not explroing every option out there i was just saying that my dating profile is still up and i am very interested in the new girl. We have already briefly talked about what we were looking for and how we felt so far about each other, so she knows that im digging her and i know that shes into me. And moving on from the sm is the whole reason i have started dating again and met this new girl so thats what im doing, or at least working on.

I dont know how much details you guys want to know about me and the new girls dates but it sure seems to be going somewhere. I didnt really post to much before cause work has been crazy and i havent had a lot of time to post, but i do know so any questions are welcome lol... its also been kind of a weird week with me seeing sm so much and the new girl being gone all week!!!



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Re: AngelGuided
« Reply #95 on: February 24, 2011, 06:28:19 PM »
JB - what I find interesting is that you meet someone you actually like and suddenly you see SM a bunch of times in one week after not running into her in 4 months. Don't know what it means but I think you are heading in the right direction my friend.

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Re: AngelGuided
« Reply #96 on: February 24, 2011, 06:34:22 PM »
Yes i find it pretty interesting myself lol...Just wish i knew what it meant haha. I sure would like something a little more concrete to tell me things are moving along other then just some random times of me seeing her, but you are right it is kind of a strange coincedence lol

I think something that may be bothering me a little about this new girl is i am kind of worried of scaring her away, like how forward and open i should be with her. I know i didnt really hold anything back from sm and it kind of scared her....I dont want to do that with the new girl....ya

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Re: AngelGuided
« Reply #97 on: February 24, 2011, 06:37:39 PM »
Thanks Kira and JB!  I appreciate the info and perspectives, I couldn't agree more Kira. 

JB, my advice would be to take it slow, especially for you, you're still healing.  Don't worry too much about scaring her off.  Maybe open up in a slow, evolved fashion to test the waters.  See how she responds to the baby steps then you'll know how honest and open you can be  and whether she's ready.

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Re: AngelGuided
« Reply #98 on: February 24, 2011, 06:38:52 PM »
JB, one other note the fact that you are seeing sm now is no coincidence.  Maybe it has do with the shift of you moving on, as was explained to me?


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Re: AngelGuided
« Reply #99 on: February 24, 2011, 06:51:02 PM »
I know everyone's gonna say take it slow because you're healing, but I personally love jumping on the wild ride of new love!  I love nothing more than a guy I like being really honest and open and courageous about how he feels!  I honetsly think it attracts me to him more -to feel a man isn't too proud to wear his heart on his sleeve and be romantic and run with it.  I don't know what she's about, but don't you really want to be with someone you can just go there with?  Know what I mean?  I totally can't wait to feel that again, the unabashed shameless flow of adoration!!!! sigh..... oh man!!!  That's just me.  Imagine losing someone because you DIDN'T tell them what you really felt!  That would be far worse than scaring someone with your love, right?  Anyone who's scared either isn't ready or isn't for you anyway!!
Now I'm all excited for you too!!  When is she coming back?  Do you have plans to see each other?


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Re: AngelGuided
« Reply #100 on: February 24, 2011, 07:00:11 PM »
sorry jb!  I got carried away! Of course you should listen to your heart!  Do what feels right, just don't be afraid, because if we're feeling it, we love to hear you are too! ;)

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Re: AngelGuided
« Reply #101 on: February 24, 2011, 07:01:05 PM »
Thanks all for the advice, its greatly appreciated.

I suppose i should let you all know that we may have had some intimate time the second time we was out. Just so you all know the whole stroy when giving me advice =) please no judging i am a guy :P lol

Kira I totally understand what you are saying, i am excited about this myself. I to am kind of a sucker for the wild ride of things at the beginning. You make a good point about scaring her away, that means she isnt ready....and i know what im ready just going to go with the flow....and that seems to be going pretty fast :)  Im not exactly sure when she gets back we havent talked all that much since she left. On monday when i asked her she just said not for awhile. Its been snowing lots here and where shes from so the weather is delaying her coming back lol should be on the weekend or begninning of next week!!!

Angel- I have also thought about that, cause i was just a few days after my second date that i seen her a bunch, so it very well could be related....Its just hard to believe with out something a little more a text back saying hi lmao


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Re: AngelGuided
« Reply #102 on: February 24, 2011, 07:13:15 PM »
jb- no judgment from me! I move wicked fast too!!  In fact, I almost told angel to be sure and shave her legs Saturday!! haha! (Then I remembered not everyone's like that!)   ;)   
Boo, snow!  >:(

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Re: AngelGuided
« Reply #103 on: February 24, 2011, 07:54:02 PM »
Maybe it's the fact that she's seeing you more than you needing to see her, if you know what I mean?  Maybe it's divine intervention trying to move her?  Definitely go with the flow, I wasn't implying that you were moving too fast.  I was just saying if you're unsure how she may respond, to test the water a little.  No judgement from me whatsoever. ;D

Yeah, Kira I'll probably shave my legs just because I'll feel more confident, but I don't think we'll be intimate on 1st date.  Especially since both of us have been in 20+ yr relationships.  I know men are different, but I'm still surprised he's dating and already filed for divorce and it's only been 3 months for him?

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Re: AngelGuided
« Reply #104 on: February 24, 2011, 07:56:36 PM »
No doubt, she's into you JB!  She wouldn't be intimate on 2nd date if she wasn't. ;)

