Author Topic: Manifesting/Law ofattraction & destiny/Fate  (Read 13999 times)

Offline Libra

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Re: Manifesting/Law ofattraction & destiny/Fate
« Reply #15 on: August 27, 2012, 03:04:16 PM »
CJ great way is to start with Abraham Hicks books, they are Law Of Attraction specialists. But I will be creating a Women's Prosperity Group on facebook. Women ONLY! Gay men are OK too :) So if you or any one is interested to make $$$ MONEY! The money you lost on psychics, send me an PM Ladies.

Offline BellaLife

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Manifesting/Law ofattraction & destiny/Fate/Linda Grabhorn
« Reply #16 on: August 27, 2012, 05:14:24 PM »
Linda Grabhorn/Excuse me your life is waiting for you is a great book of teaching on LOA. She wrote this with a sense of spice and humor.....great lady....must note...she has sinced passed over.....but her books live on.

Offline newlyPsychicAddicted

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Re: Manifesting/Law ofattraction & destiny/Fate
« Reply #17 on: August 27, 2012, 06:48:02 PM »
thanks guys!!!!! I have already started to practise it. hope m h=going to be super consistent with practicing it.

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Re: Manifesting/Law of Attraction
« Reply #18 on: August 28, 2012, 10:12:30 PM »
Any of you from NY, NJ, PA area there is a SPIRITQUEST EXPO Health & Healing Expo 2012 Best Western Hotel in Pompton Plains, New Jersey Sunday September 23rd at 10am, there is a goodie bag for the first 250 guests :-*

There will be psychic readings, and energy healers and tons of spiritual stuff for you!

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Re: Manifesting/Law ofattraction & destiny/Fate
« Reply #19 on: August 30, 2012, 04:18:05 AM »
The last time that I read with Abrielle on CP, she told me that I should read "Excuse Me, Your Life is Waiting." I completely forgot about it until the thread jogged my memory! Funny that she was talking about this at the end of last year!


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Re: Manifesting/Law ofattraction & destiny/Fate
« Reply #20 on: August 30, 2012, 03:00:39 PM »
Hi All: This LOA subject caught my attention, and wanted to share. Manifesting/LOA DOES WORK. Its worked for me and others. Fluttershy is RIGHT - DOUBT KILLS IT! I've manifested many things since seriously practicing this. What works for me is, first, KNOWING what is right for me, what is best for me, what I want. I write these things down, and also have a vision board. Then, knowing and believing it will come, & not worrying about HOW it will come, and just having the strongest faith in that. And then, putting it out of my head. Forget about it. Also: gratitude is so very important. I give gratitude always - I am thankful. Also: one must have the ability to harbor no ill will towards others, and must be able to forgive - to have a sincere heart. The logic for this is, we must be able to forgive others if we wish for others to forgive us. I don't want any bad karma stuck on me, so although I may have bad thoughts about situations or others run through my head at times, I don't let those thoughts pass through my heart. I immediately think of a 'positive' thought - a happy thought, no matter how small. This is NOT  always an easy thing to do, as most of you probably know. In the past almost year, many things have manifested and I am truly amazed and thank God every single day. EVERY SINGLE DAY. Some of these:
a new MacBook, a new SLR camera, a Burberry handbag that I've wanted FOREVER, some new Ralph Lauren duds. Almost all were given to me as gifts, that I never even asked anyone for, but were on my vision board and list. The handbag and RL clothing I got at very deep discounted prices.   These are just some of the material items that I've manifested. But also non-materials things I want to have happen have also been manifested. These are personal things, so I won't mention them here, but I just wanted to share how I practice LOA, incorporated with my religion, because there are many biblical passages I can site regarding this subject. Other key things to consider: what you ask for should to be logical, has to be 'do-able', reasonable.  And, somethings require action, whether consciously or subconsciously, whatever - I did not know when I went into that store that I would see, much less buy, a Burberry handbag, or my fav. designer clothing - I went into that store on a whim! Also, DO NOT DWELL ON THE PAST OR THE FUTURE. I know - very hard, which is why we call psychics, but we are human, we get stressed, etc. Anyway, back to point:  it is perfectly reasonable to manifest the relationship you've always wanted - but you have to know what it is you want in a relationship, in that other person - their qualities, lifestyle, how you would like to be treated, etc. These are reasonable expectations, logical, not impossible. Same with a lot of material items. So, somehow, someway, it shall come to be. So those of you who are struggling with ex's and what not, I believe this is because someone better is coming along - this has ALWAYS been the case for me as far as relationships, and I've only been in 3 relationships: someone better always came along. The next guy has ALWAYS been better than the previous. ALWAYS. So change the way you think - that something BETTER is on its way, no matter what. Dwelling on past, and doubting, I believe, prevents better things from coming. And when the things you want do come, be eternally grateful - give thanks, gratitude. I am truly grateful to God and all the heavens above for all things. When something on my vision board comes about, I offer up thanks and praise, and I take that thing off the board, but a check mark on my list and a date. Which reminds me: that is another thing I do - I put a date as to when I ask for things, and sometimes, depending on what it is, I put a 'would like this to happen by" date. Sometimes it happens in the time frame, sometimes not, just something I do.

I hope this helps anyone.  :)


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Re: Manifesting/Law ofattraction & destiny/Fate
« Reply #21 on: August 30, 2012, 03:13:37 PM »
ADDITIONAL: Sorry, just wanted to mention something else I do in particularly stressful situations: I will ask for a sign. I also pray to certain Saints for their intercession. So, I ask for a sign, and I will ask the sign be a certain thing - I ask for something unique - not something commonly seen. This just happened not too long ago: I asked for a certain sign, and I got it. I was watching a tv show, and I rarely watch tv. On that show, I saw the thing I asked for to be my sign that things were going to happen as I had prayed for. Not only that, but in this same show, a character in the show mentioned a name, first name & middle name of someone, which happened to be my formal first name, which is kind of a common name, but middle name, which happens to be MY middle name, which is most definately NOT a common name. So, the sign I asked for, along with my first and middle name. May sound corny to a lot of you, but I am a firm believer. I firmly believe the outcome of the situation will be as I would like.

Offline Nottakingthebait

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Re: Manifesting/Law ofattraction & destiny/Fate
« Reply #22 on: August 30, 2012, 03:44:54 PM »

I LOVE this post! I could not agree more!  I believe that if we are calling because things are important enought to call a psychic about, they are important enough for us to do the work to see the results.

Obviously the things we call for are real, or at least real expections, wants, desires.  I have a lot of real things in my life, day to day stuff, but the things I call about are just as real.  I am a firm believer that if you want to manifest, or get the things you desire, you have to believe they have already been given to you.

Time, you and I have discussed vision boards and the importance of manifesting at great length and we both know first hand it works.  I have not obtained the final result yet, however, I know it is mine.  I look back over the last few years and I have come a very long way. 

Thank you for this post today!!!  This post came at just the right time!

Hi All: This LOA subject caught my attention, and wanted to share. Manifesting/LOA DOES WORK. Its worked for me and others. Fluttershy is RIGHT - DOUBT KILLS IT! I've manifested many things since seriously practicing this. What works for me is, first, KNOWING what is right for me, what is best for me, what I want. I write these things down, and also have a vision board. Then, knowing and believing it will come, & not worrying about HOW it will come, and just having the strongest faith in that. And then, putting it out of my head. Forget about it. Also: gratitude is so very important. I give gratitude always - I am thankful. Also: one must have the ability to harbor no ill will towards others, and must be able to forgive - to have a sincere heart. The logic for this is, we must be able to forgive others if we wish for others to forgive us. I don't want any bad karma stuck on me, so although I may have bad thoughts about situations or others run through my head at times, I don't let those thoughts pass through my heart. I immediately think of a 'positive' thought - a happy thought, no matter how small. This is NOT  always an easy thing to do, as most of you probably know. In the past almost year, many things have manifested and I am truly amazed and thank God every single day. EVERY SINGLE DAY. Some of these:
a new MacBook, a new SLR camera, a Burberry handbag that I've wanted FOREVER, some new Ralph Lauren duds. Almost all were given to me as gifts, that I never even asked anyone for, but were on my vision board and list. The handbag and RL clothing I got at very deep discounted prices.   These are just some of the material items that I've manifested. But also non-materials things I want to have happen have also been manifested. These are personal things, so I won't mention them here, but I just wanted to share how I practice LOA, incorporated with my religion, because there are many biblical passages I can site regarding this subject. Other key things to consider: what you ask for should to be logical, has to be 'do-able', reasonable.  And, somethings require action, whether consciously or subconsciously, whatever - I did not know when I went into that store that I would see, much less buy, a Burberry handbag, or my fav. designer clothing - I went into that store on a whim! Also, DO NOT DWELL ON THE PAST OR THE FUTURE. I know - very hard, which is why we call psychics, but we are human, we get stressed, etc. Anyway, back to point:  it is perfectly reasonable to manifest the relationship you've always wanted - but you have to know what it is you want in a relationship, in that other person - their qualities, lifestyle, how you would like to be treated, etc. These are reasonable expectations, logical, not impossible. Same with a lot of material items. So, somehow, someway, it shall come to be. So those of you who are struggling with ex's and what not, I believe this is because someone better is coming along - this has ALWAYS been the case for me as far as relationships, and I've only been in 3 relationships: someone better always came along. The next guy has ALWAYS been better than the previous. ALWAYS. So change the way you think - that something BETTER is on its way, no matter what. Dwelling on past, and doubting, I believe, prevents better things from coming. And when the things you want do come, be eternally grateful - give thanks, gratitude. I am truly grateful to God and all the heavens above for all things. When something on my vision board comes about, I offer up thanks and praise, and I take that thing off the board, but a check mark on my list and a date. Which reminds me: that is another thing I do - I put a date as to when I ask for things, and sometimes, depending on what it is, I put a 'would like this to happen by" date. Sometimes it happens in the time frame, sometimes not, just something I do.

I hope this helps anyone.  :)

Offline Nottakingthebait

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Re: Manifesting/Law ofattraction & destiny/Fate
« Reply #23 on: August 30, 2012, 03:51:12 PM »


I so remember you teaching this technique to me, I have used it and it works!  I told miracle about this the other day.  I live in the desert not a common place for finding sea shells, I asked for a sign using sea shells; while hiking the mountain in flip flops LOL, my son and I found a fossilized sea shell....that was my sign.  I have used this a few times since and each time it works, Im not saying at that particular moment but rather when I needed a sign.

You have taught me so much about manifesting and have been a powerful influence in showing me how to receive my own validations...I could not be more thankful today!!!

ADDITIONAL: Sorry, just wanted to mention something else I do in particularly stressful situations: I will ask for a sign. I also pray to certain Saints for their intercession. So, I ask for a sign, and I will ask the sign be a certain thing - I ask for something unique - not something commonly seen. This just happened not too long ago: I asked for a certain sign, and I got it. I was watching a tv show, and I rarely watch tv. On that show, I saw the thing I asked for to be my sign that things were going to happen as I had prayed for. Not only that, but in this same show, a character in the show mentioned a name, first name & middle name of someone, which happened to be my formal first name, which is kind of a common name, but middle name, which happens to be MY middle name, which is most definately NOT a common name. So, the sign I asked for, along with my first and middle name. May sound corny to a lot of you, but I am a firm believer. I firmly believe the outcome of the situation will be as I would like.


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Re: Manifesting/Law ofattraction & destiny/Fate
« Reply #24 on: August 30, 2012, 04:45:08 PM »
@KTH: So glad to be of help to you!! Yes, we did indeed discuss this - and I've told you about things past, the signs I asked for, signs received, giving me validation - so at least someone on here can verify what I say!! Thank You!

 It works, people.

And, not to go all biblical here on anyone, but-MY DISCLAIMER: these are my beliefs and I am by no means shoving my beliefs down anyone's throat, but the Bible does state for us to believe our prayers our answered the moment we prayed and asked. So yeah, Kicking: you are def. doing this right! I am very happy for you!!! :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

Offline Nottakingthebait

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Re: Manifesting/Law ofattraction & destiny/Fate
« Reply #25 on: August 30, 2012, 05:16:25 PM »

I have to say that until we talked I expected the predictions to 'just come to me', I never thought I had to do anything, it was just suppose to happen.  I am on fire today!!!  Things for me are becoming clear, I have put my desires in motion, and I believe I have already received.

Today I am thankful for the turn this forum has taken, I am thankful for the positive uplifting messages, and I am thankful and blessed knowing I was brought here to find empowerment and be empowered. 

You have touched my life in a way you will never know.

@KTH: So glad to be of help to you!! Yes, we did indeed discuss this - and I've told you about things past, the signs I asked for, signs received, giving me validation - so at least someone on here can verify what I say!! Thank You!

 It works, people.

And, not to go all biblical here on anyone, but-MY DISCLAIMER: these are my beliefs and I am by no means shoving my beliefs down anyone's throat, but the Bible does state for us to believe our prayers our answered the moment we prayed and asked. So yeah, Kicking: you are def. doing this right! I am very happy for you!!! :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

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Re: Manifesting/Law ofattraction & destiny/Fate
« Reply #26 on: August 30, 2012, 06:26:49 PM »
KTH and Time - You two rock with all the manifestation talk!  I loved reading your posts and the positivity along with it was just amazing.  I have seen miraculous stuff happen recently in my life and it's all got to do with manifesting.   It's a lot of work to manifest but I realized the more work I put in it, more unbelievably great things happen in time.  Just so happy to hear your experiences... loving the positivity, YAY!!!
« Last Edit: August 30, 2012, 06:36:34 PM by Miracle »

Offline newlyPsychicAddicted

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Re: Manifesting/Law ofattraction & destiny/Fate
« Reply #27 on: August 30, 2012, 06:51:09 PM »
So glad that a LOA club is beginning!!!!!!!!!!!!! guys I totally believe in LOA. and everytime I practice it by being constatntly positive the things that happen make me say a big WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Nowadays I want my dream career to manifest..... the second I close my eyes I can only see a very very successful me!!!!!!!! and guys you know what!!!!! my email has been bombarded with interests from HR's from companies ranging from USA to JAPAN to INDIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 I am like totally wow wow wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! just the thought of a very successful me has bombarded me with offers!!!!!!!!!! i am so good at LOA  ;D

this makes me put more efforts into my studies as I know that I dont want to be unprepared when my dream job comes!!!!!!!!!!!! thats why I dont accept offers which are good or very good because I know that my excellent job offer is soon coming out for for me :D

3 cheers for LOA.......

PS: I am so over my SM , sometimes I think I dont want him back in my life because he is going to interfere with my aspirations LOL.....
I LOVE LOA......

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Re: Manifesting/Law ofattraction & destiny/Fate
« Reply #28 on: August 30, 2012, 07:07:13 PM »
The forum is on fire today! This is the positive that needs to take place in order to receive! Predictions are just predictions unless WE can see and believe them...that is when they become a reality!  I have not felt this empowered since I joined!

Newly, LOVE. LOVE. LOVE your post!  I am thankful for you today and the positive energy you have contributed! 

KTH and Time - You two rock with all the manifestation talk!  I loved reading your posts and the positivity along with it was just amazing.  I have seen miraculous stuff happen recently in my life and it's all got to do with manifesting.   It's a lot of work to manifest but I realized the more work I put in it, more unbelievably great things happen in time.  Just so happy to hear your experiences... loving the positivity, YAY!!!


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Re: Manifesting/Law ofattraction & destiny/Fate
« Reply #29 on: August 30, 2012, 07:11:57 PM »
@ Miracle: yeah, the hardest part for me was changing the way I think - I still struggle with that when very stressful situations arise. I wished I would have known about LOA/manifesting when I was a teenager!! I think younger people are much a greater be able to change their thought patterns.