Author Topic: Manifesting/Law ofattraction & destiny/Fate  (Read 12419 times)

Offline BellaLife

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Manifesting/Law ofattraction & destiny/Fate
« on: August 13, 2012, 02:39:55 AM »
Hey guys...just my I have manifested somethings myself....I am into manifesting/law of attraction as well....BUT.....I think somethings are pre destined. I believe we signed up for the major stuff before we came here.....we decided on the other side. I listen to Wayner Dwyer many times, he also explains previous lifetimes, and that he chose what type of parents he would like this time around. I know this may sound deep, but I honestly think we can manifest, but we can also delay what we are destined to do or who we are to be with......just my opinion. I know these thoughts are not for all, as I was raised and still am catholic.....just a real liberal

Now I do not believe if something is going to happen that was fore written, you can change it by manifesting something else, maybe delay it but thats it....again just my thoughts on how I feel.

Offline Cfisher

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Re: Manifesting/Law ofattraction & destiny/Fate
« Reply #1 on: August 13, 2012, 02:42:05 AM »
I believe that certain things are predestined as well, but there is still all the fun along the path that manifesting can help with. I would LOVE to hear about some of the things that people do to manifest things in.

Any takers or what?

Offline BellaLife

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Re: Manifesting/Law ofattraction & destiny/Fate
« Reply #2 on: August 13, 2012, 03:15:15 AM »
Jordie...ditto.. :)..about signing up for better things next lifetime.  Me toooo! Esp in guy department.

Offline Cfisher

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Re: Manifesting/Law ofattraction & destiny/Fate
« Reply #3 on: August 13, 2012, 03:36:20 AM »
Ok, I definitely have the positive attitude down pat. Ain't nobody I know more positive then moi! Got the thoughts down pat, belief system is fully in check, so I'm good there, faith in check. Then what? Release? Or focus on daily?

Offline Miracle

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Re: Manifesting/Law ofattraction & destiny/Fate
« Reply #4 on: August 16, 2012, 03:49:31 PM »
Jordie - YAY for manifesting!!!   Something similar just happened to me this morning as well.  I had a 3pm meeting scheduled for today which I have to lead.  After a lot of schedulng conflicts, it was finally decided to move the meeting to 5pm today.  I was praying and hoping that the meeting would get preponed to 3pm or earlier because 5pm is not my best time to lead a meeting and for some other reasons.  This morning, I got to work and guess what... the first email I see is a request to meet at 3pm!!! Unbelievable!  It's just what I wanted :)  I know it might sound trivial but if people got to know the true reason why I wanted this meeting to be at 3pm and not 5pm, I am sure everyone would be as ecstatic as I am!!!  Got to keep on track and keep manifesting... more power to our thoughts and actions!

Offline Miracle

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Re: Manifesting/Law ofattraction & destiny/Fate
« Reply #5 on: August 24, 2012, 11:22:01 PM »
Jordie - Since I have a good heart, I will forgive you this one time, LOL!  Just kidding!  Hopefully you are still manifesting interesting things... can't wait to hear more of your stories! :)

Offline Cfisher

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Re: Manifesting/Law ofattraction & destiny/Fate
« Reply #6 on: August 26, 2012, 03:13:32 PM »
Ok you fellow manifesters! I'm putting out there regarding relationships. I have been focusing on attention from men. There is nothing wrong with receiving the loving adoring attention from other men while you are healing, right? Heck, I don't know. But anyways, my dating life has been incredibly stagnant for a while and I'm sick of it. So yesterday morning for a couple hours I really focused on bringing in some attention, then I went on this dating site and started checking on guys and firing off emails. Now, I only fired off a few attention grabbers just to see who bites and this is the conclusion:
I ended up getting a last minute date last night with a very nice guy, who has some of the things I'm looking for. He said there was just something about me that intrigued him from my photos. We both actually had a really good time! Lol! And he wants to see me again. I have a date tomorrow with a guy who is still interested in me after 2 years, he reached out to me, and I suggested that we work out this morning. Had a great conversation with another guy who seems to be pretty fun, but not 100% sure if I'll end up seeing him, but still, a fun conversation, I have a coffee date lined up on Tuesday with a third guy, a fourth guy is going to get back to me Monday and let me know if he can see me this week and a 5th guy is moving to my city September 8 and made me promise him a date when I get back from holidays to show him around the city.

All this happened in a matter of about 6 hours. Some guys I contacted and all the ones I have dates lined up with contacted me. I was so shocked at all the movement within a few hours, I actually had to pat myself on the back. Now, get it in your head I'm definitely not some beauty queen, so I don't have that type of luck where guys are falling at my feet, so if you could only imagine what was going through my head here. I'm still slightly dumbfounded and granted had to put in a bit of effort but this was sort of shocking to me how quickly it all came in. Now if I could manifest Mr. Right vs Mr. Right-Now, I think that would just totally make my day :) lol

I'm still sitting here pinching myself a bit. I'm wondering if it's possible to bring this in every weekend? Ha! I'll keep working on it!
« Last Edit: August 26, 2012, 03:16:02 PM by Cfisher »

Offline Rima

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Re: Manifesting/Law ofattraction & destiny/Fate
« Reply #7 on: August 26, 2012, 04:00:56 PM »
Oh wow CFisher.  I am very impressed with you and saying "you go girl!"

Offline Cfisher

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Re: Manifesting/Law ofattraction & destiny/Fate
« Reply #8 on: August 26, 2012, 04:25:24 PM »
Thanks ladies!!! Love the support and bloody need it!! Woot woot! Jordie, you're
Already a total pro at all this stuff, but Rima, clearly you managed to manifest your house!!!!! Now that's what I'M talking about! Amazing! Let's see if I can do that? Lol!!!

Offline newlyPsychicAddicted

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Re: Manifesting/Law ofattraction & destiny/Fate
« Reply #9 on: August 26, 2012, 04:26:54 PM »

Wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! how do you practice law of attraction????

Offline Cfisher

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Re: Manifesting/Law ofattraction & destiny/Fate
« Reply #10 on: August 26, 2012, 08:01:39 PM »
Oh man, I'm seriously kicking ass over here! Just got another last minute coffee date for tonight with this guy, who, like me, has a crotch rocket. This is just bloody unbelievable.

How do I practice the law of attraction you ask? For starters, I've been practicing positive self-esteem affirmations every morning for the last month. If you want actual details, I'll PM you as they are seriously way to embarrassing to post here for everyone to read! Lol! But hella funny and it's changing my energy for the good!

And the stuff from yesterday and today is just as damn funny, but I'm starting to actually believe it and clearly it's working!! Lol! And the way I'm doing it, saying it, announcing it to the universe and then believing it, well if I posted it here, everyone would think I'm nuts, completely arrogant and self centered! But the truth is, it's those qualities that I really, really lack in my life. When it comes to guys I'm too nice, too giving and way too forgiving of jerks! So, screw it, I'm switching it around.

I'm not worried about anyone judging me on here as I think I'm quite obvious about my cheer leading and support skills as I truly believe THAT is how you should be for anyone you are in contact with, but the stuff that I'm saying to myself to change my thought process, let's just say it's a little silly and really over the top! Lol! And I'm laughing about how it's working and how powerful it's making me feel!

Offline newlyPsychicAddicted

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Re: Manifesting/Law ofattraction & destiny/Fate
« Reply #11 on: August 27, 2012, 01:32:56 AM »
I would  like to ask anyone  in the forum who knows how to practice LOA perfectly to  let me know how they do it???????

I believe in LOA a lot but sadly dont know how to be consistant in practising it :(

Offline Libra

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Re: Manifesting/Law ofattraction & destiny/Fate
« Reply #12 on: August 27, 2012, 04:03:17 AM »
I used Law of attraction for money and it always worked!

Offline Cfisher

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Re: Manifesting/Law ofattraction & destiny/Fate
« Reply #13 on: August 27, 2012, 04:11:06 AM »
@libra - elaborate please! What do you do, how do you practice that?

Offline BunnyStar

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Re: Manifesting/Law ofattraction & destiny/Fate
« Reply #14 on: August 27, 2012, 01:03:23 PM »
I would  like to ask anyone  in the forum who knows how to practice LOA perfectly to  let me know how they do it???????

I believe in LOA a lot but sadly dont know how to be consistant in practising it :(

Hi Newly

If I may give my opinion on LOA, I feel it's not about being perfect  with it however you have to be consistent. Consistent in affirmations that resonate with you and any area of your life that you may want to see a positive change. Consistent in thinking positive, being positive , doing positive things etc.