Author Topic: SourcePower (Keen) / (Independent site)  (Read 35283 times)

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Re: SourcePower (Keen) / (Independent site)
« Reply #45 on: August 13, 2012, 01:42:28 AM »
@positive @syn - ya got THAT right! "If ya ain't got action then there ain't no passion." And ya @kicking, you may be right about the pornography! Ha! That was a quote from my live girl I see once a year. Her and I have shared some good laughs over guys I've dated.

As for the postings on sapphire and cookie references we've made here, we probably should've posted under them. Ah well... So, we're a slightly disorganized bunch... But damn, it's the makings of some great conversations and sharing on here :) I love you lovely ladies. Especially you @bug, watch out for my flipping you the bird one of these days! Ha ha ha ha! I'm kidding, I swear. :)

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Re: SourcePower (Keen) / (Independent site)
« Reply #46 on: August 13, 2012, 01:43:47 AM »
I remember your situation with her synergy and that actually helps me take what I hear with, from everyone, with a grain of salt. Lol, such a silly saying. But seriously, I used to get the readings and expect it. After reading all the reviews I remember everyone's experiences so don't hang onto to what I was told like I used to. That is a good thing.

Told you were a wise old battle axe! Didn't I? Lol! Big hugs lady :)

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Re: SourcePower (Keen) / (Independent site)
« Reply #47 on: August 13, 2012, 01:45:58 AM »
« Last Edit: August 26, 2012, 02:35:42 AM by Miracle »

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Re: SourcePower (Keen) / (Independent site)
« Reply #48 on: August 13, 2012, 02:02:33 AM »
Alright. Let's get some stuff straight here. No one is attacking anyone. We're sharing ladies! If you disagree with what I say as you had a different experience than I, than say so!!!! This is what the whole thing is about! If offend someone, point it out, call me out on it! But no one is intentionally trying to harm anyone. Right ladies??? Ok, so now we've got the record straight on this (my goodness you all are such sweet people, really, really nice people and I think the world of every single one of you because you are online sharing your personal lives to strangers-that is amazing, courageous and bold) no more apologizing! Lol

@miracle - I concur ( damn, I've always wanted to say that, so thanks!). I used to believe that your destiny was your destiny and stuff was going to happen the way it was supposed to happen. What I forgot about was all the cool things that happen while you're going through the motions. I am a firm believer in manifestation and choices.

I agree with what the cookie monster says as I think you have the ability to make things better or worse dependent on your own actions.

The only part that I'm unsure of is if manifestation works as well as I want to believe it does, then what is the purpose of the reading in the first place? If you can change a reading THAT drastically for the good or the bad, and the reading changes so much, how does that work? Anyone?

I find it slightly confusing over here that cookie would tell you, you are going to change your reading THAT drastically making the whole reading completely false? How the heck does THAT work?

@miracle - how do you balance the manifesting part? Like daily life vs. focusing on what you want. I'm curious to know of you have anything specific that you do that helps as its clearly working really well for you... I'd like to tap into that expertise please!

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Re: SourcePower (Keen) / (Independent site)
« Reply #49 on: August 13, 2012, 02:13:00 AM »
Jordie - That's awesome you've manifested and are continuing to do so! So happy to hear positive stuff and I agree with your take on it!  Cookie knew I am into manifesting.  Her reading is positive for me but she believes it might change as in I could expedite stuff should I truly continue to manifest.  She said it is up to me in which direction I want to steer things.  I've been manifesting all my life but sometimes I get distracted, that is why I prefer guidance, it keeps me in check and helps me take charge of my life... and you're right, things always work out for the best in the end!  We just need to have faith, be fearless and live our best life come what may!

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Re: SourcePower (Keen) / (Independent site)
« Reply #50 on: August 13, 2012, 02:26:23 AM »
@miracle and @jordie - so what you are saying is that you are naturally manifesting things somewhat blindly? Huh? You have to be doing something to bring stuff in... What is that? What are you guys doing? Do you goal set, then work towards that goal? Do you picture something in your head and focus on it daily? Help a girl out here!

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Re: SourcePower (Keen) / (Independent site)
« Reply #51 on: August 13, 2012, 02:34:31 AM »
Jordie - Very well said!   That's exactly how I have lived my life.  My life has been anything but easy and at times I still wonder how in the world did I manage to do some of the things I have done...! There is so much power in our thoughts that if we truly understand the potential of the human mind, we can make the impossible possible!  We can create our own destiny but it doesn't happen by sitting still and dwelling... Love all the manifesting and positivity talk.  Just got to quote KTH here "We got this baby!!!"

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Re: SourcePower (Keen) / (Independent site)
« Reply #52 on: August 13, 2012, 02:53:09 AM »
Jordie, that was an amazing post. Thank you for the time you took to right it. @bellalife? I think, just posted in the manifesting thread. Can we take this over there, if you don't mind, of course. We've so completely off topic under source power! Lol

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Re: SourcePower (Keen) / (Independent site)
« Reply #53 on: August 13, 2012, 10:11:01 PM »
I'm not big on bible thumping, nor reading the damn thing but I do have this one particular quote saved. The concept of your conversation has been in the bible since the beginning of time: Faith without works means absolutely nothing.  If you want to lose weight, you can't expect for this to happen if you eat a gallon of ice cream everyday or if you want a house, you can't expect for it to fall from the sky. You have to go about doing something (actions/work) to make what you want (belief/faith) happen.

Here are some different translations:

This also reminds me of the Drowning Man parable and there are many variations on this too.

A fellow was stuck on his rooftop in a flood. He was praying to God for help.
Soon a man in a rowboat came by and the fellow shouted to the man on the roof, "Jump in, I can save you."
The stranded fellow shouted back, "No, it's OK, I'm praying to God and he is going to save me."
So the rowboat went on.
Then a motorboat came by. "The fellow in the motorboat shouted, "Jump in, I can save you."
To this the stranded man said, "No thanks, I'm praying to God and he is going to save me. I have faith."
So the motorboat went on.
Then a helicopter came by and the pilot shouted down, "Grab this rope and I will lift you to safety."
To this the stranded man again replied, "No thanks, I'm praying to God and he is going to save me. I have faith."
So the helicopter reluctantly flew away.
Soon the water rose above the rooftop and the man drowned. He went to Heaven. He finally got his chance to
discuss this whole situation with God, at which point he exclaimed, "I had faith in you but you didn't save me,
you let me drown. I don't understand why!"

To this God replied, "I sent you a rowboat, a motorboat and a helicopter, what more did you want?"

Offline aef2929 P

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Re: SourcePower (Keen) / (Independent site)
« Reply #54 on: August 14, 2012, 05:49:21 PM »
Ha Zee!  I also love that excerpt from the Bible it's often called the helicopter story.  Hence, God only helps those who help themselves :)  Strangely enough though we really only have to take one little step and then we can get a big Universal push from the Divine!

That being said I don't comment alot especially when things got so negative in here thanks Healer for making much needed changes but I did always read and never had the impression Synergy decided not to reconcile she clearly wanted to. 

I do feel we are learning lessons about readings.  They're not meant for daily, weekly, or anything of the sort.  Also they sometimes can put us in "that place" Zee for a reading will you lose weight the answer is yes you will lose you sit there and wait for the weight to drop off...not happening.

We are supposed to live in the now and also trust.  Once you are told something live like it's happening and go on your merry way and make other things happen for you.  We often get in the way of the Universe to do its work for us.  Eventually, that thing will disappear and we won't get it.  Hopefully the Universe will set up another opportunity to spur us to make it happen. :)

I do listen to alot of radio shows etc...and I will say a common thing I noticed being communicated is about the energy of this time period we are's meant for manifesting quickly.  Manifesting means living in the now, stop asking, and live like it's already happening.  I am hearing time and time again that we are to have no expectations of outcomes when we ask about something.  That moves us out of the way for the Universe to do its work.  Interesting enough after hearing 2 shows from 2 different people that spoke the same thing, I had an offer of a full reading from someone pretty high profile due to something I did for them on facebook. 

I almost fell over she started the reading with I'm being told you have alot of things that are coming to you to happen but you're in the way with all kinds of thoughts and expectations about how it should happen for you and outcomes.  She's correct. 

Right after that before I ever read with SourcePower (first time the other day) I was on the phone with a friend she was having a bad day and I couldn't do anymore for her I was on and off the phone with her all day.  So I said listen try this woman people are speaking of her just try 5 minutes then see how it goes.  So she did.  When she called to tell me the reading she said , when I got on the phone she said to me I"m being told why do you keep calling everyone you know it's not time yet October is the time you're being told over and over so just know that's when it is don't keep calling".  She was correct that was the time period she has been told over and over for what she is calling about.  So I said to her, that's funny I feel like it's the same message over and over again being delivered to us.  So, I want to say too many readings about something and it pushes it off.  We're too intense, causes too much energy to keep asking.  If it's about someone, they feel that energy.  It can cause a feeling of anxiety in that person when it relates to you and push off the time?  Just sharing as I feel since it's over and over I was getting that pushed in front of me that it was the message being delivered for me.

As far as SourcePower for me I will say I gave no info at all and she told me the story basically.  She missed something that was pretty major but I told her about it she made no excuses but then told me eerily accurate what was going on there and I can validate everything she said.  I only read with her once for a short time and for that one thing I tried her with the prediction is for next year. 

Have a beautiful day everyone.  Try not to get too many readings :) 
« Last Edit: August 14, 2012, 05:51:42 PM by aef2929 P »

Offline BellaLife

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Re: SourcePower (Keen) / (Independent site)
« Reply #55 on: August 14, 2012, 05:58:53 PM »
Aef@.....Thanks for this post!

Offline allbitenobark

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Re: SourcePower (Keen) / (Independent site)
« Reply #56 on: August 14, 2012, 07:49:53 PM »
I had my first reading with SourcePower the other day and I am still in awe. The way she described my ex with such precision and nothing generalized she could have been his mother. She nailed the date of when he and I first got together and how long we've been apart. She also pin pointed my exact feelings on my situation as if she were in my heart and head. It struck a cord, tbh, and actually made me cry. Sapphire has been able to get me choked up, but SP brought on tears, lol! I'm a cheeseball, sorry!!! I know not everyone connects the same and I know that some on here have not had as good an experience with SP as others. Any of you that have chatted with me or engaged in PM's with me know that I refuse to blindly promote or defend any reader. I hate going off topic, but for example, I absolutely adore Sapphire. Period. She is my #1 advisor and I trust her completely. Yet, not everyone here likes her style and were quite direct about it. Personally, I just simply don't see the point of debating someone else's experience unless I truly believe someone is a plant to either credit or discredit any reader. The point I'm trying to make is that no matter what any time you engage with a reader you run the risk of not connecting with that reader even if 1 or 100 of your friends have had a great connection. So, the only endorsement I will give SourcePower is that her and I connected, I believe she is an ethical reader, and I will read with her again.

To be clear, this statement is not directed at anyone just something I wanted to get off my chest, lol! You are all wonderful people and I thoroughly enjoy reading your experiences and I thank you all for letting me share mine. Cheers!!
« Last Edit: August 14, 2012, 08:00:51 PM by decibel.diva »


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Re: SourcePower (Keen) / (Independent site)
« Reply #57 on: August 16, 2012, 07:27:23 PM »
:) Just as I was wondering whether I should get another reading with Sourcepower, I saw these great posts here of those who got a reading with her and seem to have had a similar experience as myself.  This has surely helped me find renewed faith in the reading I got, combined with some validations already.  Great!  I will hold off on calling her for sometime.  Nothing like some great posts to help rein in the temptation to get another reading.  Happy for you decibel - that was amazing!  No great update from me, other than that the communication between my ex and I is gradually opening up as she saw it.  Looking forward to the end of the month and into Sept for "stronger interactions and increasing clarity" as she put it.

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Re: SourcePower (Keen) / (Independent site)
« Reply #58 on: August 26, 2012, 07:32:29 PM »

I never had the opportunity to reconcile with him. He moved on to a young trashy chick. Hahaha. I'm over it now. SourcePower assured me he'd be back and only needed to be single momentarily. She also didn't get anything else for me that I could confirm. I'm so happy she works for others, but she simply didn't work for me.

Also, I gave Esme the benefit of the doubt because she told me things I could confirm that were shocking. Same with Kisha who always has been accurate for me. She was wrong about C returning, BUT she acknowledged the change in circumstances as did Esme and Gaylene. For goodness sake, Barbara told me I'd marry the man, Sincerity told me 2012 would be memorable because we'd spend the whole year together, and Source said we'd be in a committed relationship. Even Cookie said he and I would be back together in the spring AND she said I'd date my previous ex who actually ended up marrying someone else.

Maybe I'm unreadable, maybe not. I know some readers have been right enough of the time for me to count on them, while others have been 100% wrong. Nothing Source told me was right, but that doesn't mean she doesn't work for others. My review is that she didn't work for me.

Best of luck to everyone. This is exactly why I don't post here anymore. I can't give an honest review of my experience with readers.

Synergy, my response to you is not to open old wounds and am VERY happy that you have moved on. I have not been here since my last posting about 3 weeks ago.  Coming here to day, I see that I have received a very warm reception, indeed.

Well, it seems that a misinterpretation on my part started a tempest in a teapot! All I stated was that I had a GREAT experience with SourcePower (SP) (and have had several others subsequent) and was curious about why there would be a thumbs down for a reader who told you what even your favorite reader told you. I certainly was NOT looking to step on anyone's toes. I arrived here to all this wrath my fellow members have rained on me.  It was an honest mistake on my part and do not blame anyone for being annoyed.  As you might have noticed, I am new to the forum.  I truly felt bad to read that your predictions were wrong, and went back to read your older posts to familiarize myself with what transpired.  In one of them, dated July 24th, you had quoted another's member's post
Quote from: PrettyLittleLiz on July 24, 2012, 01:07:19 pm
What I read there, I mistook for your personal account of predictions and interactions with your guy.  You see, I am still familiarizing myself with the layout of the forum.  Subsequently, after seeing all these vitriolic responses, I went back and realized that PrettyLittleLiz had been quoted in the post by you, Synergy, and whatever was in the quote were Pretty Little Liz' experiences, not yours.  PARDON ME.  Putting that together with your post of June 6, 2012, where your guy asked you to move on, and you did not want him back made me raise the issue of free will and canceling predictions.  I could not understand how C would be traveling to visit you, both would be traveling East together, you were getting all these readings keeping time of when things would happen, and then, C asks you to move on.  Apparently you had some life coaching sessions subsequently, which helped you to get over him and not want him back any more.
Yes, this situation was clearly taken out of Synergy's hands when C asked her to move on. Given his pattern, the readers could be right in what they saw, but if Synergy won't have him back, that would be the end of it.  Sorry everybody – that is all I was trying to understand.
Please let me make my position clear being a newbie.  I am not here to promote any readers, but some negative feedback that GREAT readers get sound like subterfuge, which is not fair. I needed to understand for my own edification, that what I read here is objective and accurate. I am quite sure that even the best readers do not connect with everyone all the time. The purpose of my being here is to share what I have learned, read about your experiences, and help us all towards receiving accurate guidance.  Peace!

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Re: SourcePower (Keen) / (Independent site)
« Reply #59 on: August 26, 2012, 07:35:52 PM »
I had my first reading with SourcePower the other day and I am still in awe. The way she described my ex with such precision and nothing generalized she could have been his mother. She nailed the date of when he and I first got together and how long we've been apart. She also pin pointed my exact feelings on my situation as if she were in my heart and head. It struck a cord, tbh, and actually made me cry. Sapphire has been able to get me choked up, but SP brought on tears, lol! I'm a cheeseball, sorry!!! I know not everyone connects the same and I know that some on here have not had as good an experience with SP as others. Any of you that have chatted with me or engaged in PM's with me know that I refuse to blindly promote or defend any reader. I hate going off topic, but for example, I absolutely adore Sapphire. Period. She is my #1 advisor and I trust her completely. Yet, not everyone here likes her style and were quite direct about it. Personally, I just simply don't see the point of debating someone else's experience unless I truly believe someone is a plant to either credit or discredit any reader. The point I'm trying to make is that no matter what any time you engage with a reader you run the risk of not connecting with that reader even if 1 or 100 of your friends have had a great connection. So, the only endorsement I will give SourcePower is that her and I connected, I believe she is an ethical reader, and I will read with her again.

To be clear, this statement is not directed at anyone just something I wanted to get off my chest, lol! You are all wonderful people and I thoroughly enjoy reading your experiences and I thank you all for letting me share mine. Cheers!!

decibel-diva - you seem to have had as powerful a connection as I have with SP!  I had a  great reading with her sometime ago, and had the thrill of seeing two of her predictions from that reading - quite critical - come true for me.  I was excited to share it here today, but responding to all this storm has been enough for a day as you can imagine.  I will save it for another day.  Just wanted to tell you and canary (and anybody else who reads with SP) to keep the faith - she brings a unique and reliable ability to her readings one can count on. 

