Author Topic: SourcePower (Keen) / (Independent site)  (Read 35746 times)


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Re: SourcePower (Keen) / (Independent site)
« Reply #15 on: August 09, 2012, 03:22:40 AM »
Synergy - you were on a roller coaster of readings - just terrible.  How did you endure your disappointment after all those assurances from all those readers?  I wouldn't know what I would have done in your place.  It is awesome to know that you have moved on - that would NOT have been easy.  At first, it seemed only SourcePower got it wrong, but it appears nearly every one of your top readers got the prediction about reconciliation wrong too.  Your experience cautions me to take it easy with the readings.  It also makes me reflect upon some insights I got from a friend who gets readings, about when/how to get a psychic reading, and ensure its accuracy.
1. Not to get a reading on something I already know the answer to but am afraid to face, hoping I will hear different 
2. Not to get a reading and then call another to confirm or cross-check
3. If I hear something I like but know not to be true, to lean towards what I know instinctively, not towards what I am told
4. If I fear a certain outcome, do not get a reading on it until you overcome the fear and get to a neutral place with it
5. Not to get a reading when in a bad/sad mood

These have held up pretty well.  In my own case, I want a reader to tell me how my ex feels about me, and if he will head back.  Of late, I have first hand info on one part of it, and that is what I wont ask about.  Whether he will be back or not?  Nice if he will, but whatever he chooses to do, I am so grateful I had the beautiful experience of knowing him and wish him happiness, no matter what.  Of course I will cry a load if he does not head back, and I am sure you will all attend my Pity Party!  These things are just not linear and logical. 




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Re: SourcePower (Keen) / (Independent site)
« Reply #16 on: August 09, 2012, 04:14:13 AM »
Well, lets not deter OPs thread. I'm sure she would like to continue to learn about experiences with SourcePower.

One thing I noted about her is that she does not do general readings. She said the information comes in random pieces and she ends up being super drawing erroneous conclusions.

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Re: SourcePower (Keen) / (Independent site)
« Reply #17 on: August 09, 2012, 04:18:13 AM »
Synergy - you were on a roller coaster of readings - just terrible.  How did you endure your disappointment after all those assurances from all those readers?  I wouldn't know what I would have done in your place.  It is awesome to know that you have moved on - that would NOT have been easy.  At first, it seemed only SourcePower got it wrong, but it appears nearly every one of your top readers got the prediction about reconciliation wrong too.  Your experience cautions me to take it easy with the readings.  It also makes me reflect upon some insights I got from a friend who gets readings, about when/how to get a psychic reading, and ensure its accuracy.
1. Not to get a reading on something I already know the answer to but am afraid to face, hoping I will hear different 
2. Not to get a reading and then call another to confirm or cross-check
3. If I hear something I like but know not to be true, to lean towards what I know instinctively, not towards what I am told
4. If I fear a certain outcome, do not get a reading on it until you overcome the fear and get to a neutral place with it
5. Not to get a reading when in a bad/sad mood

These have held up pretty well.  In my own case, I want a reader to tell me how my ex feels about me, and if he will head back.  Of late, I have first hand info on one part of it, and that is what I wont ask about.  Whether he will be back or not?  Nice if he will, but whatever he chooses to do, I am so grateful I had the beautiful experience of knowing him and wish him happiness, no matter what.  Of course I will cry a load if he does not head back, and I am sure you will all attend my Pity Party!  These things are just not linear and logical.

I think these  points are excellent although I am not in total agreement with point 5 because sometimes I get the best readings when I am sad, and open to be healing , so to speak.
Sometimes I use the I ching, and when I ask a question over and over again, the answers become blurred, and I know that I have lost the true answer by my repeated questions. There is an answer in the iching that often comes up for me, when I have gone crazy looking for verification from either the iching or from many advisers . Its the one that represents foolish questions. It says that sometimes the fool must be made to suffer because he won't listen to advice or he pesters the teacher when he already knows the answer. 


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Re: SourcePower (Keen) / (Independent site)
« Reply #18 on: August 09, 2012, 04:30:33 AM »
There is an answer in the iching that often comes up for me, when I have gone crazy looking for verification from either the iching or from many advisers . Its the one that represents foolish questions. It says that sometimes the fool must be made to suffer because he won't listen to advice or he pesters the teacher when he already knows the answer.

True that!! Excellent wisdom in those words marybell.  I know nothing about the i-ching.  About not to read when feeling negative - don't read with an empath or a tarot reader if you are a strong "manifestor".  I might be one, as I have found my readings to be so messed up when I am in a bad place emotionally. 

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Re: SourcePower (Keen) / (Independent site)
« Reply #19 on: August 09, 2012, 02:27:35 PM »
I agree. Synergy has always been a reliable source of info for me.

I agree 100%.  Synergy is not on here promoting a particular reader.  I respect her opinions and her honesty in posting her own experiences.
Thank you Synergy and so many of you ladies (and gentlemen) for sharing your truth.
I think we need to be very careful putting too much weight on what any particular reader has to say.  I am at the point now, where I know very quickly into the reading if they are real or not.
I don't have the time, energy or money to waste on psychics that give such general, pat answers that could seriously apply to anyone.
When I go back over my notes (and I have many) honestly, there is very little there that really means anything. 
I am soul searching into what it is I really am hoping to accomplish in these readings.
So many predictions and time frames have come and gone that it makes me extremely wary of what they say.  >:(

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Re: SourcePower (Keen) / (Independent site)
« Reply #20 on: August 09, 2012, 03:45:57 PM »
I think we need to be very careful putting too much weight on what any particular reader has to say.  I am at the point now, where I know very quickly into the reading if they are real or not.
I don't have the time, energy or money to waste on psychics that give such general, pat answers that could seriously apply to anyone.

Thank you for pointing this out :) I also have read with many psychics in the past and at this point, if they don't give me something i can validate within the first five minutes of the reading, i consider it a waste of time and money. I think the more experiences you have with accurate psychics, the higher your expectations become for other readers.

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Re: SourcePower (Keen) / (Independent site)
« Reply #21 on: August 10, 2012, 03:19:53 PM »
Wow!  Wisen (forgive me if I got your screen name wrong)

I can not believe you would write such a post! Reading your post I feel that you are not being objective and are defending SP, and for what reason?  I have been here for a while, and was here for the whole Syn and "C" breakup.  I am not sure why you would go to such lengths to try to discredit Syn's review, and to call her out publicly with YOUR opinion.  This is a review forum, Syn stated that SP did not work for her which is simply a review.  Why would you state that Syn had the opportunity to reconcile with C ?  Because of her post?  Why would you say that Syn's other readers where wrong?  I am puzzled by your post, because it sounds like an email a reader would send someone when their predictions were wrong!! 

It is nonsense like this that keeps the forum in the dark, because people dont want to be attacked for simply writing their honest review.  I stated earlier to some members that I did not want to post to the forum because of the drama, but let me tell you this.....I will not stay quiet when I feel someone comes here with such an agressive, confrontational post!

I read with SP, and she got NOTHING right for me, I even tried to hand her information but she didnt get it.  There was not one thing in her reading that came close to my situation, it was pretty general and could have applied to anyone.  I will say that most of the older members know my situation and will agree that I do not have a "could apply" to anyone type of read.  It is either really really right on, or really really way off. 

I am glad that SP works for you and that you feel you need to write post in her defense, but I hope you keep your opinions about how you feel Synergy's situation should have panned out to yourself !
There are a lot of readers that we all have read with, we all do not agree that any one reader works for all of us.  I am puzzled why you would single SP and Synergy out of everyone!!!  No, I am not at all puzzled LOL
I get so furious when I read the BS, like YOU posted, it is clear what it is meant to do!!!

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Re: SourcePower (Keen) / (Independent site)
« Reply #22 on: August 10, 2012, 04:17:18 PM »
agree with KTH.


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Re: SourcePower (Keen) / (Independent site)
« Reply #23 on: August 10, 2012, 04:58:56 PM »
This is my review and my opinion. I don't post often because of the well...I don't like to be attacked. I have read with Source and for me she was fishing...I found nothing psychic about her...i.e. her predictions did not happen...that was 3 years ago so I doubt it was a timing issue. She also gave me some interesting advice on how to handle a relationship...told me to be empathic and stroke his ego...I decided to ignore the hell of of him and tell him exactly what I thought of his behaviour....and he came crawling back. I trusted my own intuition and I thank God everyday for that. Go ahead attack me I really don't's time for us to use the forum as it was meant to be used. Reviews of our experiences so others can make a choice. This is a place to get support from REAL people that are going through or have gone through a similar experience i.e. psychic merry go round and heartbreak. Thank you to all the members that have kept this forum REAL!

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Re: SourcePower (Keen) / (Independent site)
« Reply #24 on: August 10, 2012, 05:15:40 PM »

It is a complete shame that a majority of us are not posting because we fear being attacked, better yet being torn apart.  There is no reason to tear someone's situation apart in hopes of validating a reader. I find it odd that someone would research post, in depth, to find a flaw with a review......HUGE red flag for me!

SP may work for some, but it is the purpose of the forum to give our opinions based on the reading received. 

Keep posting!!!  It has been seen by many here that the ones who are confrontational have alterior motives. 

I hope everyone keeps posting!!!

This is my review and my opinion. I don't post often because of the well...I don't like to be attacked. I have read with Source and for me she was fishing...I found nothing psychic about her...i.e. her predictions did not happen...that was 3 years ago so I doubt it was a timing issue. She also gave me some interesting advice on how to handle a relationship...told me to be empathic and stroke his ego...I decided to ignore the hell of of him and tell him exactly what I thought of his behaviour....and he came crawling back. I trusted my own intuition and I thank God everyday for that. Go ahead attack me I really don't's time for us to use the forum as it was meant to be used. Reviews of our experiences so others can make a choice. This is a place to get support from REAL people that are going through or have gone through a similar experience i.e. psychic merry go round and heartbreak. Thank you to all the members that have kept this forum REAL!

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Re: SourcePower (Keen) / (Independent site)
« Reply #25 on: August 10, 2012, 05:16:44 PM »
"It is nonsense like this that keeps the forum in the dark, because people dont want to be attacked for simply writing their honest review.  I stated earlier to some members that I did not want to post to the forum because of the drama, but let me tell you this.....I will not stay quiet when I feel someone comes here with such an agressive, confrontational post!"

Good for you KTH!  Good for you!   This is so true!  I know I've had to email people for information about their readers because they say they are uncomfortable posting their experiences for fear of attack.  I know for myself personally, I sometimes want to say something , but fear it will look like advertising, so I hold back.  But, also to be fair, I have done my share of attacking when I truly believe that someone is advertising, by actually making up stories and shoving a name in our faces.
I did join this forum, I will admit, to " advertise" my favorites, unfavorites ( is this a word?)  and get the same from others.
Instead , I have found there seems to be only a select group of psychics that people write about. It's like people are afraid to introduce a new name , and when they do,( and yes I dare admit , I am speaking from personal experience), I notice there is often not a lot of response around it.
I remember when I first came to this forum, someone was writing about their experiences and mentioned their favorite adviser being accurate. So I posted , and asked who this adviser was, and I received an email with the answer.
She explained that she could not post the name because she might get a nasty reaction. I remember thinking " what the....?"
I have to admit something. I was just about to post this, and suddenly became aware that for whatever reason, I will become suspect of something or other. but ( as my daughter would say ) whatever! :)

« Last Edit: August 10, 2012, 05:23:46 PM by marybell »

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Re: SourcePower (Keen) / (Independent site)
« Reply #26 on: August 10, 2012, 05:26:58 PM »

This is the reason I felt so strong about posting.  I have not posted because I am so tired of being ripped apart, but I am more frustrated that some feel the NEED to attack!  There is NOTHING wrong with saying if someone worked or didnt.  I enjoy reading post regarding predictions that have happened, and even the ones that did not.  I think we all feel that at some point readers become too familiar with our situations, a change can be good.  The post help all of us decided who to try, but if we are afraid to give our review how can any of us benefit?

Keep posting!!!!  And yes, whatever LOL

"It is nonsense like this that keeps the forum in the dark, because people dont want to be attacked for simply writing their honest review.  I stated earlier to some members that I did not want to post to the forum because of the drama, but let me tell you this.....I will not stay quiet when I feel someone comes here with such an agressive, confrontational post!"

Good for you KTH!  Good for you!   This is so true!  I know I've had to email people for information about their readers because they say they are uncomfortable posting their experiences for fear of attack.  I know for myself personally, I sometimes want to say something , but fear it will look like advertising, so I hold back.  But, also to be fair, I have done my share of attacking when I truly believe that someone is advertising, by actually making up stories and shoving a name in our faces.
I did join this forum, I will admit, to " advertise" my favorites, unfavorites ( is this a word?)  and get the same from others.
Instead , I have found there seems to be only a select group of psychics that people write about. It's like people are afraid to introduce a new name , and when they do, I notice there is often not alot of response around it.
I remember when I first came to this forum, someone was writing about their experiences and mentioned their favorite adviser being accurate. So I posted , and asked who this adviser was, and I received an email with the answer.
She explained that she could not post the name because she might get a nasty reaction. I remember thinking " what the....?"
I have to admit something. I was just about to post this, and suddenly because aware that for whatever reason, I will become suspect of something or other. Well, ( as my daughter would say ) whatever! :)


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Re: SourcePower (Keen) / (Independent site)
« Reply #27 on: August 10, 2012, 06:10:07 PM »
Well, lets not deter OPs thread. I'm sure she would like to continue to learn about experiences with SourcePower.

One thing I noted about her is that she does not do general readings. She said the information comes in random pieces and she ends up being super drawing erroneous conclusions.

Agree with loops, and so, back to the purpose of this thread.  Yes - she does not do general readings.  Sampled that already!! I suppose specific questions help her stay on track?  Sometimes I feel the question itself gives so much away to these damn readers, and prefer to start out general, but her page clearly states to not do that, and not ask for timing.  Anyway, I already got so many confirmations, but allow me to examine why it might have worked for me with her so far, as I would like that streak to continue!  I am still calling it Beginner's Luck.  After all those readers that bombed for the veterans here, I think it is time to brace myself in case of such disappointment. 

What I did like about Sourcepower, was her seeking confirmation about what she picked up on the situation before proceeding with the reading itself.  It is like she gives the client an "out" very early on, in case she is wrong at the outset, or there is no connection.  Is this something new with her?  I know I started to give a background, but she stopped me and asked for just the question and names.  I don't know how much info is possible with "I want to know what is going on with me and X", and saying his name and mine three times.  She said she will continue the reading after I confirm the info she gets to be accurate.  Only Sapphire21 had that approach too.  In my case, what SourcePower got was NOT general.  She got very specific info on when we met, when we last interacted, the actual hurdle between us, and the personal challenges on his front that only I can confirm - not even his friends know!  It is a bit of a mess and dragging him down bad, but, it impressed me to hear Sourcepower describe that so well - all with next to nothing but a question like that, and our names.  (Sapphire21's info was more current and about his feelings - the way they used to be and the way they are now - how can I agree or not - but they seemed good to go.  S21's short term prediction - not relationship-wise, but about something else, kind of panned out within a week)  Once I confirmed the accuracy of what Sourcepower got, she went ahead, and I might have shared those details already.  I got clarity and accuracy, and of course some strong validations have arrived as well.  I asked her one general question - "outside of the relationship, is there anything else that you get?"  She said she does not do general readings, and then she shared what she got, and it was all over the place, LOL!  Yes - keep to specific questions with this one. 

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Re: SourcePower (Keen) / (Independent site)
« Reply #28 on: August 12, 2012, 09:19:00 PM »
I've just finished reading through this post and noticed that good ole wisened has clearly become discouraged from writing again. I will also give some major props to @kicking for her opinion and say to @marybell that I too have felt like I was advertising for a specific reader and was questioned a bit by a couple people on here for voicing my opinion. And although the *questioning* was just coming from someone who truly felt I was *selling the reader* too much and took a very logical approach to her opinion of what I said, she wasn't wrong with her opinion at all.

I was very wowed and still am very wowed with a particular reader, and in truth, I've been searching for someone that I can connect with properly for 14 years. So ya, I spent a lot of money, and I am so EFFING relieved to finally find a reader who was/is accurate for me, correct and has carried on guiding me with how to deal with certain relationships and personalities that I have struggled with for a really long time! Damn straight I was bloody excited about this!!!!  Lol!

 I think most of us on here are very genuine people who just want to share their experiences and help others not get ripped off by 95% of the fraudulent readers out there.

@marybell and everyone on here, you have my complete support in your opinions of who's worked for you and who hasn't and I'm incredibly proud of you for voicing your opinion! If it wasn't for all of us on here sharing, we would be completely alone and still blowing butt loads of money on frauds and getting our hopes up on predictions that were never going to come to fruition in the first place.

That being said, I found SP to be fisherlady (as in fishing for info a little bit) she gave me a straight up fairy tail, never gave me any tools to deal with his personality or help me and didn't even pick up the situation. I feel like I wasted my money on her and I would never refer anyone to her.

As for my opinion on sapphire? Um, told me and I quote "can't you feel how much he loves you? Can't you feel how much he cares about you? You and he were meant to be together, he just needs patience and time". Uh ya, whatever lady, dude told me a week later to my face that he didn't feel the spark and wanted to keep sleeping with me but date others. You have GOT to be kidding me if you listen to that hogwash shit out of sapphire's mouth. Sorry, but that reading burned my ass up so much, I almost lost my shit on that woman. I read every page of her feedback and way too many people on there giving her glorifying reviews and in my head the only thing I can think of is how many poor people on there are holding for their supposed SM's as everyone calls them and yet does the guy ever come back? It just pisses me right off.  I was fricking lucky that the man I was dealing with last year was honest with me and cut me lose or I could've been holding forever... Thank God I discounted that reading immediately after he and I broke up, saw reality for what it was and he and I are now friends. Phew! Guys, you gotta be HELLA careful with who you read with and how you walk your path of life... Just sayin'!

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Re: SourcePower (Keen) / (Independent site)
« Reply #29 on: August 12, 2012, 10:02:34 PM »
Jordie - fair enough. I don't think that I hit anyone personally with their experiences, but I got burned listening to her and I got burned completely. Not because of what she said, but the 20 minutes I spent on the phone with her telling me this, that and the other thing. Some of the stuff she said could've definitely applied to my situation. And I didn't hold on to her reading and live my life around it whatsoever as I know better and things were moving along quite steadily with this guy. So I was so shocked when he and I had that conversation a week later as I had thought everything was fine. But I can't refer sapphire as she was completely wrong for me and her predictions of a future with this man were completely incorrect. Clearly, I'm still pissed about that.

Glad she worked for you and looks like a few others on here.

