Author Topic: any recommendations on keen?  (Read 295177 times)


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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #465 on: February 20, 2012, 11:03:53 PM »
Sorry with your experience with Barbara. I will note that her timing is sometimes off. Sometimes she is talking about things in the next year or even two years ahead. For example, she saw things a couple of years ago and gave me specific months. These things happened in the same months, but a year later. However, this dosent happen all of the time with her for me.


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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #466 on: February 20, 2012, 11:30:28 PM »
Sorry with your experience with Barbara. I will note that her timing is sometimes off. Sometimes she is talking about things in the next year or even two years ahead. For example, she saw things a couple of years ago and gave me specific months. These things happened in the same months, but a year later. However, this dosent happen all of the time with her for me.

Wow! That is crazy that Barbara can see a year or two out. I saw some people in Cookie's feedback saying the same thing about things not happening until years later. Everyone I read with around that time, end of 2010, including Cookie and AstroSarah that everyone is reading with now saw contact coming but I just never heard from him again.


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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #467 on: February 20, 2012, 11:50:21 PM »
Actually, that has been the case with a lot my predictions from various psychics. They can see stuff happening, but dont know when a lot of the time. So it seems like they are totally wrong. I think they just pick up on the energy of important events than looking at a timeline of the next year of your life. It is interesting, beause I have had readings from years ago saying particular things would happen..and only recently different psychics are picking up on it, I think because it is closer to happening.
« Last Edit: February 20, 2012, 11:53:13 PM by loops77 »

Offline dreamcometrue

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #468 on: February 21, 2012, 12:22:17 AM »
Hi Everyone, I'm new here but have read posts for a while and decided to join.  I also have spent a fortune in calling psychics and really want to stop this bad cycles and let things develop as they are.  Your posts have helped me a lot although I had to call some psychics strongly recommended here :-)  Recently I had two calls with Cookie and had completely opposite experience.  The first call was phenomenal.  She picked up a lot of stuffs happened last year with exact months, but I had to go and could not continue to talk at that time.  Then, I had to wait for a week to have a second reading, but the second reading was very disappointing.  Basically it was the same as the first reading and she was very slow.  I ended up spending a lot but with a feeling that I didn't get any new information.  The only explanation I can think of is that the first call was in the morning and the second call was late night.  Maybe she reads better and a little faster in the morning than during the night.  Any how, I'm not sure I will call her again unless her predictions pan out which is four or five months down the road.  Also, as somebody said here, I got disconnected and asked for finishing what she was telling me, but she didn't respond to my email either.
I also had a reading with Aurora (I had an appointment with her through her website).  Unfortunately, I had a reading with her right after I had the first reading with Cookie.  I was still in a shock at that time because of Cookie's mind blowing first reading.  Aurora was very nice and sweet, but she kept telling me the karmic situation I and my SM are in and I need to heal my soul.  At first I didn't understand what she meant.  But, when she sent me an email, it seems that she meant I need to get her healing process for at least 5 hours.  She said I can do that by myself but it will take really long time and because of my soul pattern, I will go through the same thing again and again in any relationship without healing.  She did not push me into buying her healing service at all, but I was left with feeling very confused.  I am just wondering whether other people who read with her heard a similar thing.  If not, maybe it is a unique situation with my soul and I might have to consider getting the healing process. 
Another reader I have talked for a long time, but not frequently is magicalsandra at keen.  She does not like my SM so I have not called her that much.  But, she has been telling me a final outcome for more than 3 years and a half of them came to pass early this year, the outcome was really bad for me.  For the rest half (which is finally good for me), she said it will happen but just doesn't know when, it could be months or years.  But, I was so shocked when her prediction (first half) happened because none of other psychics saw this.  She was the only one who saw this but she has never given me a timeframe.
I want to thank you all again for posting your stories and sharing your experience.  I hope I can also be of your help even in a small way.

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #469 on: February 21, 2012, 12:26:36 AM »
I read with MagicalSandra and she picked up on someome new coming in. Well, he came in, and he was a complete dbag/alcoholic/liar/manipulator. That's who she saw me being with and thought I should be with - not my ex. Needless to say, we dated and then I broke it off. So, she got that part right but I don't know how she missed how completely terrible he was going to be.

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #470 on: February 21, 2012, 12:31:27 AM »
Sorry with your experience with Barbara. I will note that her timing is sometimes off. Sometimes she is talking about things in the next year or even two years ahead. For example, she saw things a couple of years ago and gave me specific months. These things happened in the same months, but a year later. However, this dosent happen all of the time with her for me.

The psychic I read with most has said this about herself. That she may say December but it may not be the next December in line. She has been doing tarot for about 20 years and said she has a 2 year track record, and admits she's not good with dates.

She continually saw marriage and a child in my life, though she also saw my ex coming back. I've been reading with her since June/July 2010. Have a new guy, we're pretty serious, but neither of us is interested in kids.

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #471 on: February 21, 2012, 12:39:44 AM »
Look up Allynis.  She's sweet and really good.  She's funny too.  She won't try to keep you on the phone either.  10 or more years reading with her is pretty time telling.  Two of my friends and I love her.  Sometimes its hard to get her because she's so busy with clients off of Keen but let her know you want her and she'll find a good time for you to both talk.
oh! and she's really funny with numbers.  She'll tell you thinks from your birthday and you'll not understand how she gets them but there will be numbers in her answer that will come true and it will freak you out!


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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #472 on: February 21, 2012, 12:47:44 AM »
Welcome dreamcometrue! Thanks for sharing your experience.

That is interesting about your reading with Aurora. I have read with her at least 10 times over the past year and she never mentioned needing any healing to me. I felt speaking with her was a healing experience because she always helped me to see the bigger picture and I would get off of the phone feeling like I had more control over my situation but she has never mentioned soul connections, karmic lessons, or anything like that to me. However, I find her to be very spiritual (see some of her blog posts) and several times she would suggest praying for something or offer mantras to say all at no cost.

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #473 on: February 21, 2012, 01:30:52 AM »
I like Barbara4846 and I have read with her many times. The very first call she told me what state I was calling from, the age of the people involved, the number of kids, a breakup that was occurring soon, a trip that did not happen as planned etc etc. I was truly impressed. At times she has not been accurate regarding the relationship that I was broken up from. She saw reconnection and being together when in reality it was no more than a text message or a phone call. SHe has a prediction pending that I am eager to see happen  around March. I will come back about it. All in all I recommend her she is definetely gifted.

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #474 on: February 21, 2012, 01:57:13 AM »
Welcome dreamcometrue! Thanks for sharing your experience.

That is interesting about your reading with Aurora. I have read with her at least 10 times over the past year and she never mentioned needing any healing to me. I felt speaking with her was a healing experience because she always helped me to see the bigger picture and I would get off of the phone feeling like I had more control over my situation but she has never mentioned soul connections, karmic lessons, or anything like that to me. However, I find her to be very spiritual (see some of her blog posts) and several times she would suggest praying for something or offer mantras to say all at no cost.

Thank you, Kindred.  She did tell me to pray for my SM too, but definitely need healing for my soul.  I have received other responses too (thank you so much for your support) and sounds like I'm the only one who she said about going through a healing process.  Feels like she is really honest and cares about her clients.  I am thinking to get another reading with her and seriously consider healing ...thanks again for sharing your experience with Aurora.

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #475 on: February 21, 2012, 02:19:54 AM »
Welcome dreamcometrue!

While I initially loved my reading with Aurora, I hope she's wrong about something that only she has seen. She sees Chance back with his awful, cheating ex. No other reader sees this. They all say he was honest about needing time on his own to heal and that he'll be back when he's ready. She said he'll be back when his cheats on him again. I just don't believe that he's with her. Not just because my favorite readers say he's not, but because he told me he would never go back to her. I know people lie, but I truly believe he was honest.

I think these calls are doing me more bad than good because I end up more confused and with more questions. I don't know what to believe anymore. :(


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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #476 on: February 21, 2012, 02:22:43 AM »
"Oshunhoney"she is the biggest con artist on keen.Please don't call her.I spoke with her once and the stuff she told me within two minutes of the call was full of shit..excuse my language but I hate to see some of you calling a reader like her.Stay away from that women,"she is evil"and the other one you mention casssie in no good either.

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #477 on: February 21, 2012, 03:09:25 AM »
I read with Cassie about a year or two ago. She defintely keeps notes. You know how she says she can only give you names if her guides allow? So funny. I would call about someone and then I had to give his name. Then the next call she would say "I get a "John", are you calling about John? Then a year later I'd ask about someone else. Give a name, then the next call she would give me an initial. I never cared about getting names, so I never paid attention when she gave me inititals. Then the last time I spoke to her and she gave me his full name, I realised what she was doing. And I wasnt even calling to ask about him. She got some contact dates correct and that's why I kept calling, but it could have been a fluke because a lot of people started doing the "I see a 3 and a 7". What is that? It could be 7 minutes, 7 days, the 7th, 7th month, 7 months from now, 7:00 etc. If you manipulate it enough you can fit anything into that 3 and 7.

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #478 on: February 21, 2012, 03:18:06 AM »
Thank you for the warm welcome.  I'm really happy that I finally found a place I can share my story with.  As some of you said here, I have not told anybody that I talk to psychics because I'm so embarrassed about myself.  But, here I feel like I can be true to myself.  Synergy, I'm sorry to hear about Aurora's prediction on Chance.  In my case, I liked her reading, but I didn't feel that she got my guy quite right.  Some part, she was right on but some part she was not.  So, even if she is accurate, she can't be right all the time or all of her predictions.  BTW, she didn't give me a definite prediction.  If I do my soul healing, we will get back together sooner, but we could go a separate way.  I will find out toward the end of this year!  So, no definite prediction. :(

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #479 on: February 21, 2012, 03:19:45 AM »
So are we just torturing ourselves and getting false hope? It seems like we hear more about fraudulent readers than we hear about accurate, truthful ones. I'm afraid that the connection I had with Kisha may dissipate just as mine with Sandy Esther may have. This sucks.