I don't tell anyone i talk/talked to psychics either, they would think I am CRAZY. But, the reality is, they DID make me almost crazy!! Something I learned in my keen psychic experiences, that perhaps some others can relate to, being that hindsight is 20/20. I found that whenever things were going in a positive direction for me, there would always be the psychics that would 'draw me back in' by 'suggesting' a negative thing could be happening in a situation, and of course what would I do?

I would stay on the phone with them longer, call them more often, looking for updates, etc. All the crazy ploys they use to just to keep you rattled enough that they know you will call back searching for answers. I never talked to kisha, cookie, or astrosarah, this could very well be what they are doing, I don;t know, but this seems to be a common practice. Its how they make their living. Astrosarah said her 'guide' wanted to yell at you for spending money, but she sure was eager to take it. Anyway, I'd be wary of calling any of them anymore Synergy, because they know you will keep calling for updates, changes, etc, and know you probably won't be calling if everything is hunky-dory. Many of them just lead people on. So, I could be very wrong,but maybe this is what some of these psychics are doing to you - give you good, mixed with bad, so you continually call. When this happened to me, that is when I started blocking readers who's readings changed and they started sprinkling in a lot of bad, or had nothing good to say. It wasn't because I didn't want to hear the truth, it was just that they were so wrong, all the time! I just got so sick of it, and just started letting my OWN thoughts rule - and thinking about what direction I wanted things to go, (within reason, of course, and yes, this is something I learned from The Secret),and of course, turned to prayer - yes, I know a lot you are sick of hearing that, but just being truthful about myself. So, I stopped letting some psychic influencing my own thoughts. Because when they start telling you stuff, it CAN change your course of action, a lot of times for the worse. For instance, right now I can really relate to your hurt and confusion, and don't know who or what to believe. Believe your own instincts. I know you want concrete answers, we all do. Sorry to babble on like this, but I hate to see anyone get caught up in....drum roll.....THE VISCOUS CYCLE.
And the psychic telling you about 'predetermined'?? Bull. And, I think I mentioned on here aries intuition (keisha, right?) blocked me, even though I never had a reading with her. Why would a reader, IF they were ethical, do that?? Probably because she searched my username, and knew darned well that if she was so wrong about predictions I'd come back and give her a 1 star, and get my money back, that;s why. There could be no other logical explanation. And I don't accept the excuse of she didn't think she could read me or whatever nonsense she would say IF she had the decency to respond. Its been awhile since I've called keen and left ANY feedback, but back when, I did leave feedback good and bad. And - ask yourself - have any MAJOR predictions happened for you? The things that matter MOST to you. If the answer is no, than that tells you something. If the answer is yes, then stick with the psychic who actually came through for you.
Sorry for such a long post, but I just felt I needed to share that with you and others, tell about my experiences and thoughts. I still do very occasionally call on someone, though I try not to, but I am much better at dealing with things on my own now. I actually seriously thought of calling cookie about a family matter, but not now. Try not to over-analyze what these psychics are saying. In the end, you'll see that nothing is ever as bad as it first seems.
STILL rooting for you...............ok, I think I'll start a cheering squad for you.............