Author Topic: any recommendations on keen?  (Read 294983 times)

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #285 on: December 27, 2011, 05:09:40 AM »
Yes. It was a pretty generic email.

Gosh if she's gonna tell me something like that she should at least elaborate a little bit. Talk about dropping a bomb on someone...

Offline LiveLaughLove

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #286 on: December 28, 2011, 12:46:49 AM »
Everyone on keen is blocking new callers. I called the customer service line to get a refund because I put 40 dollars on my acct and the two advisors blocked me who I never spoke too.

The customer service are liars. they said the advisors can't see who we spoke too before or what not but how do they know we are new callers? Also they said that the advisors can block whoever they want..sure that makes sense if the customer is harassing them and what not but for a new caller?! Keen is a fake site anyway, I've spoke with so many advisors from there and not ONE predictiion came to pass. Save your money and look elsewhere.

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #287 on: December 29, 2011, 10:35:38 PM »
I read with Advisor Suzan yesterday as a new caller. I like how I just give her a name and she focuses on the person's energy and I don't have to ask her specific questions. She picked up on my situation exactly and I was quite impressed. Has anyone else read with her?

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #288 on: December 30, 2011, 04:14:20 AM »
Advisor Suzan is good at picking up what is happening now. But she is not as good with predictions, at least for me.  None came true.

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #289 on: December 30, 2011, 04:57:15 AM »
That's exactly how I feel! She's pretty good at the now, but big picture and big predictions never happened.

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #290 on: December 30, 2011, 05:59:07 AM »
hopefully the timeframes are just off and the predictions will pass! i really thought everything she told me was accurate. lately, i'm just skeptical about all these advisors which is why i'm asking

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #291 on: December 31, 2011, 06:50:42 PM »
Well, I just spoke with KentCoffee over on Keen and he definitely nailed the people I was talking about right on the head, no question about it.  I really just mentioned their names and their relationships to me and he went off like a shot.  No idea where his advice will take me yet, but he was soothing even when he was being honest - I'd be concerned that one of them was a "fairytale" reading except that I can see it happening and the reading on the other person was decidedly not a fairytale reading...and that's the one he read first.

I still have yet to read with AriesIntuition, though I did read with Maharani Rutan from her group.  She was interesting - she didn't ask me what my relationship was to the person I asked about, she didn't even ask me for his name, she just launched right into what was going on and how to make things better.  Again, DEFINITELY not a fairytale reading - she said that for this relationship to improve it would take a lot of work on both sides and right now she doesn't see either one of us really making the effort necessary, which is true.  She gave me a ten week timeframe though, and that was just earlier this week, so I'll have to wait and see what happens since she gave a pretty good outline of what would happen in each eventuality (we work on it, we don't, only one of us puts in the effort, etc) as well as some nearly set-in-stone things that will most likely happen.  I'll have to come back and update in a few months, I guess, unless something happens sooner.  She comes off as a little cold and slightly abrasive when she's reading (after each timeframe she's discussing - and she only goes 3 months out - she'll ask if there's anything you need clarification on, but it's very matter-of-fact and not very warm), but she is thorough.  I wouldn't call her if I was looking for reassurance, but if I'm looking for genuine, no-nonsense advice I will go to her again, I think, as long as things go the way she says they should (one way or the other).

JourneyBySpirit also didn't feed me a fairytale on one of the guys I was calling about, but she did ask a few questions that could have been leading.  I'm not sure about her yet.

Adam (Love Readings by Adam) definitely feeds you fairytales.  He's kind of like Liam on CP in that he'll build you up so you feel like a princess being pursued by a knight in shining armor, but it's not reality.  He's fun if you're just doing it for entertainment, but I would not go to him for sincere advice.

Seventh Son is an interesting character. I used to read with him months ago. He'll build you up in his readings, but if they fall flat and you leave a negative review because he was wrong he will not hesitate to send you a nasty message.  He did this to a friend of mine a while back, so I've made a point of not reading with him at all anymore.

I've posted about Spiritualist Reader (Cookie) elsewhere, so I won't repeat that here.  Still waiting on her predictions since they won't be taking effect until at the earliest the beginning of the new year.

I'm very curious about RoxiesGift.  I've noticed a few people on here have read with her - has anyone seen one of her relationship predictions come to fruition?  How about her business predictions?  I keep trying to get in with her, but she never seems to be online when I'm available.  Same thing with Kisha - I can't get hold of her.

Edit: Just spoke with Kisha (Aries Intuition).  I don't think we connected - she failed to pick up on the fact that one of the people I asked about was married (which was a key factor in the reading) and said I was going to cheat on my boyfriend in the next few weeks with someone I'm currently communicating with.  I don't really see how that's possible.  She also said something about me and my boss having a mutual romantic interest in one another, boss is a woman, and I am decidedly heterosexual.  Very odd; I don't know if she failed to pick up on her gender or something, but that made no sense either.

I guess we just didn't connect?  I've never really had a reading be this far off base before, but she seemed so nice that I don't really want to leave her negative feedback either.
« Last Edit: January 01, 2012, 09:44:31 PM by Somnus »


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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #292 on: January 07, 2012, 02:34:11 AM »
Hi everyone. I am a newbie and have posted a few things in the posts about individual readers that did not work out for me but I wanted to post here about those who did. I have been calling off and on for a few years, of course more when things were not going so great, but now for 2012 have finally decided to pump the brakes on the readings. So far, my anti-reading has been shopping but I may have to cut back on that too because I am still spending money haha. I have only ever called Keen so all the readers I speak of are from there and as you know may not connect with everyone but I am just sharing my opinions based on personal experience.

1. SINCERITY- I don't know how she sees so clear but she is phenomenal and worth the price since she is in the U.K. after the international rates plus whatever Keen takes out she isn't making a fortune or charging that much to be greedy. She was the first reader to ever give me a name and it was of a guy friend I had not seen in close to 10 years, she saw me bumping into him and a week after my first call to her I did out shopping and it took me totally by surprise because I did not have anyone in my life at the time with that name and dismissed it. The only thing with her is that her timing is not the best but her details are teeny tiny and crazy what she picks up on. For example, she saw me meeting a guy gave me two letters, described his physical appearance, said he was a man in a uniform, and had a red and white vehicle, and that I would meet him last January. Well, last May I met a firefighter with the descriptions she saw and after I got to know him a little more the letters which didn't turn out to be his initials were the last two letters of his nickname.

2. YOUR MESSAGE FROM ABOVE (Aurora)-She speaks with a heavy accent and you have to really listen but she is amazing and if you have trouble understanding her she sends a recap of the reading. She can explain the why's and the what's of a situation really well and is excellent at telling you how someone feels and what they are thinking. She never gives me timing (I think my guides tell her this chick will obsess over a date haha) although I have seen others in her feedback say she is good at it, but her predictions happen for me and she is honest with bad things so that is what matters. Aurora and I think they are her sisters have a youtube channel (gooroobaby), Aurora is the only one that is psychic but they give celebrity predictions and yearly predictions and she got a lot of stuff right for 2011. She is spiritual so if you are not you may not like that about her, but I loved it.

3. honesttogodpsychic (Thomas)-Initially, I read through his feedback comments since there were so few of them and was confused because they were either really good or really bad although the good outweighted the bad. After hearing him on blogtalkradio I decided to give him a call and he was really good. He gave me an initial for someone I'd meet and a timeframe and nailed both and like no one gets timing for me. I posted in the post about Aries Intuition about a negative situation she saw not happening and Thomas told me opposite of her and he was correct that things would not go my way.

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #293 on: January 07, 2012, 03:36:39 AM »
Hi kindred,

Welcome to the forum! I'm sad Kisha hasn't been accurate for you because she really has been for me.

I've spoken with Your Message From Above and Honesttogodpsychic. I spoke with each only once because I didn't like either reading. Well, it turns out that they were both right. Aurora told me that I would suffer greatly over my ex and that we could be together but it would take a very long time for that to happen. She told me I'd be wasting my time anywyas because I was too good for him.

Honesttogodpsychic didn't give me much information but he also said that we would not get back together and that we would only continue on as friends.

I've never spoken with Sincerity because she's tough to get ahold of.

I'm glad these readers worked for you!

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #294 on: January 07, 2012, 05:50:31 PM »
does anyone know Sandy Esther's schedule? she hasn't been available much lately :(


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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #295 on: January 07, 2012, 07:22:20 PM »
Hi Synergy, thanks for the welcome!

I am glad Kisha works for you. I know how hard and expensive it is to find the right reader for you. But I wonder what makes one reader who is clearly talented work so well for one and not so great for another, it is really baffling.

I agree Sincerity is tough to get on the phone. What worked for me was to get in line on Sunday when the line was short and the call would usually come in on Tuesday evening.

Offline LiveLaughLove

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #296 on: January 08, 2012, 01:31:42 AM »
99% of the people on Keen are fake....I've used keen off and on for years and not ONE THING has happened in those times that was predicted...including SINCERITY.

I would leave Keen alone if I were you all....unless you want to just waste money then that's on you lol

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #297 on: January 08, 2012, 03:05:22 AM »
I've actually only had accurate readers from Keen. Not one CP prediction has manifested, and I've spoken to so many fakes on PPN. I think it seems as if readers just don't connect with everyone.

Offline LiveLaughLove

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #298 on: January 08, 2012, 03:24:48 AM »
Well I guess all the readers on keen don't connect with me then lmao! Still think they are fake. Name one who's been accurate and giving your real predictions that have ALWAYS been true and I might believe but trust me I've met more people who haven't had predictions come true from keen than who has...oh wait! I know none lol. Oops

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #299 on: January 08, 2012, 05:20:36 AM »
Well, I know I'm a rare case because no one here has connected with her but Aries Intuiton has consistently provided me with accurate predictions for the past year. Sandy Esher told me I would meet a fire sign right before I met Chance. Dianalc made accurate predictions when I would call about my ex. No one on any other site has come close. :(