Author Topic: any recommendations on keen?  (Read 295027 times)

Offline aquarian

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #255 on: December 20, 2011, 02:40:23 AM »
Synergy, how did you like WhiteLightAngel? I feel that she gives really good advice and her message is positive.

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #256 on: December 20, 2011, 04:30:48 PM »

It was my first call with her, and I only decided to try her because there were some positive comments about her here.  I have to say I really enjoyed the call, AND I think she is completely right about everything she said. 

I didn't have to give her much to go on.  I told her I wanted to know about 2 men.  She immediately asked me if one has a "J" name.  That's my ex.  Then she went on to describe each man PERFECTLY!  Her reading was very similar to one that I had with "Healings by Rob" on PPN.  She told me that, yes, my ex cares about me and he's upset that I have moved on with someone else, BUT he was never going to make the move to be with me anyways.  Even though he wants me, he always convinces himself that he can't be with me. She told me that he's going to come forward soon and show interest again because he feels like Chance is competition, and he wants to get him out of the picture.  She told me that even if he comes forward and shows interest, he won't ever give me what I need, want, and deserve from a relationship because he's like a pouty, moody, selfish child (very true!!!).  She told me that his career will always come first (which is exactly how it was when we were together), and that he still wouldn't be ready to meet my daughters. 

Then she went on to tell me wonderful things about Chance, many of which I can confirm.  She sees him providing me a stable loving relationship.  The only problem she sees is that I might find him boring at times because he is so "solid" and "stable".  I can see what she means, and I agree with her that if that's the worst I could face with him, then that's not bad at all! ;)

She told me all of this in a fairly short period of time too, so I ended up not spending too much on the call.  I really enjoyed speaking with her, and I kept her on my favorites list because I do think I will call her again.

Have you spoken to her regularly, Aquarian?  Have any of her predictions manifested for you?

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #257 on: December 20, 2011, 08:46:07 PM »

I'm happy you enjoyed talking to her. I only recently started calling WhiteLightAngel because she wasn't taking new callers back in October when I really needed her. She hasn't given me definite time frames. She just told me there should be contact at the end of this month and in January so nothing yet... She sent me some free minutes too a couple days ago and told me to keep her posted about "J". She also told me that a new guy will come in that is ready for commitment and I won't want "J" anymore because by the time he's ready for commitment I'll be happy with the new guy (a few other advisors told me the same thing). We'll see if this happens...

Offline sunandmoon

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #258 on: December 20, 2011, 10:04:27 PM »

Was that Diamond Psychic (Keen) who told you that he watched you die?! I read with her over the summer, and she told me that there had been a drowning accident and that he watched me die, so that's why we had such an intense connection.  It was crazy. 

Found it! It was Ruby Moon, from Keen. This is what she said "i came up as his destiny
we had past lives together
something happened in our most recent past life where i was hurt and lost my life and he was with me, he said he’d meet up with me in the next life.

he needs to get his act and courage together and man up and come forward"

She said I should be his perfect women. She did also sense there may have been someone in his life and there was at that time (Nov 2010). She felt I'd be hearing from him before we got into the holidays - didn't happen!

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #259 on: December 21, 2011, 06:49:27 PM »
Hello, everyone. Haven't posted much here in a while, but I have been reading many of you guys' posts. So I went ahead and decided to try Kisha, SE, & WhiteLightAngel. Here's how it went- I called Kisha just 3 days after calling someone from PS. Her description of the situation seemed pretty accurate, but the ultimate outcome of my situation was a negative one(but apparently that won't happen 'till June or so). For a  contact timeframe she gave me the number 3, which she said was either 3 days or Dec 3rd which happened to be the same day. Didn't happen. Then, 2 days after Kisha I called Sandy Esther. Honestly, she seemed somewhat accurate on her descriptions. She was dead on when she said exactly how long I had known this guy & such. She described him fairly accurate as well, but then she started saying how he had some sort of gang involvement, to which I said, "I'm pretty sure he doesn't have any ties to any gangs." She then replied that there are many things I don't know about the guy, which is true, but if there's something I know about this guy, is that he's not in gangs or something of the sort. She went on to say that the reason she sees this is because by Feb/March, something bad is gonna happen to the guy & it involves gangs or something of the sort; that she hoped she was wrong on that but that she's usually pretty accurate when it comes to things like that. For contact timeframe, she gave me a 3 or 4 as well(at the time I took it as Dec 3rd, since Kisha had said the same thing), but I let 3 & 4 days pass and nothing. I didn't get any contact from the guy until 8 days after speaking to her. Here's the thing, both Kisha & SE had similar outcomes to my situation. They both said things would somewhat improve with this man by Feb/March, but that by June I will have moved on with someone else. Also, at the time of the readings, I had just asked this guy a question, to which he hadn't replied, & they both said I would have a positive response, which happened to be negative once he gave me the answer.
Now, WLA- I just spoke to her last Friday. She actually has her own personal website, which is $1 less per min than on keen. When we started, my 1st question was, "There's this guy in my life, how does he feel towards me?" Right away she told me how long I had known him, described his personality, & answered my question. Then I went into more detail with my situation, & she kept on saying things that rang true to me, & even said somethings about myself that I didn't even ask about. She said she sees me as a healer, maybe a nurse, and what do you know, that's what I'm going to school for- nursing(& I didn't give even a single clue to that). She basically advised me on what I need to do in order to change my situation because if I stay my current course, she doesn't see things improving any time soon. The ultimate outcome is a positive one from her, but she didn't give me any timeframes. She then told me that after I do what she advised, if I ever need help with the anxiety that's gonna come after, she can be there to help me out.
So, as far as these 3 ladies go, I think I liked WLA. I don't know if it's because she was the only one to give me a positive outcome though. But it even seems her descriptions were the most accurate out of the 3(even though all 3 of them had accurate things to say about my situation). Probably as soon as I follow her advise I'm gonna call her again. See how it goes.
And one more thing, I wanted to add my description of PS advisors, but since this is a post about keen, I didn't want to mix in other sites. But if anyone of you wants to know about PS advisors, let me know.
Hope everyone has a good day :)

Offline glasshalffull

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #260 on: December 21, 2011, 07:42:05 PM »
Hello, everyone. Haven't posted much here in a while, but I have been reading many of you guys' posts. So I went ahead and decided to try Kisha, SE, & WhiteLightAngel. Here's how it went- I called Kisha just 3 days after calling someone from PS. Her description of the situation seemed pretty accurate, but the ultimate outcome of my situation was a negative one(but apparently that won't happen 'till June or so). For a  contact timeframe she gave me the number 3, which she said was either 3 days or Dec 3rd which happened to be the same day. Didn't happen. Then, 2 days after Kisha I called Sandy Esther. Honestly, she seemed somewhat accurate on her descriptions. She was dead on when she said exactly how long I had known this guy & such. She described him fairly accurate as well, but then she started saying how he had some sort of gang involvement, to which I said, "I'm pretty sure he doesn't have any ties to any gangs." She then replied that there are many things I don't know about the guy, which is true, but if there's something I know about this guy, is that he's not in gangs or something of the sort. She went on to say that the reason she sees this is because by Feb/March, something bad is gonna happen to the guy & it involves gangs or something of the sort; that she hoped she was wrong on that but that she's usually pretty accurate when it comes to things like that. For contact timeframe, she gave me a 3 or 4 as well(at the time I took it as Dec 3rd, since Kisha had said the same thing), but I let 3 & 4 days pass and nothing. I didn't get any contact from the guy until 8 days after speaking to her. Here's the thing, both Kisha & SE had similar outcomes to my situation. They both said things would somewhat improve with this man by Feb/March, but that by June I will have moved on with someone else. Also, at the time of the readings, I had just asked this guy a question, to which he hadn't replied, & they both said I would have a positive response, which happened to be negative once he gave me the answer.
Now, WLA- I just spoke to her last Friday. She actually has her own personal website, which is $1 less per min than on keen. When we started, my 1st question was, "There's this guy in my life, how does he feel towards me?" Right away she told me how long I had known him, described his personality, & answered my question. Then I went into more detail with my situation, & she kept on saying things that rang true to me, & even said somethings about myself that I didn't even ask about. She said she sees me as a healer, maybe a nurse, and what do you know, that's what I'm going to school for- nursing(& I didn't give even a single clue to that). She basically advised me on what I need to do in order to change my situation because if I stay my current course, she doesn't see things improving any time soon. The ultimate outcome is a positive one from her, but she didn't give me any timeframes. She then told me that after I do what she advised, if I ever need help with the anxiety that's gonna come after, she can be there to help me out.
So, as far as these 3 ladies go, I think I liked WLA. I don't know if it's because she was the only one to give me a positive outcome though. But it even seems her descriptions were the most accurate out of the 3(even though all 3 of them had accurate things to say about my situation). Probably as soon as I follow her advise I'm gonna call her again. See how it goes.
And one more thing, I wanted to add my description of PS advisors, but since this is a post about keen, I didn't want to mix in other sites. But if anyone of you wants to know about PS advisors, let me know.
Hope everyone has a good day :)
Thank you - yes, I'd like to know about your cal to PS. Thank you.

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #261 on: December 21, 2011, 07:57:01 PM »
konekonova  - That's interesting.  I spoke with WLA last night and she said the same exact thing to me about being a healer and possibly a nurse (which I'm not).  She was very accurate in seeing the situation though.  She told me the good as well as the bad.

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #262 on: December 21, 2011, 08:07:51 PM »
konekonova  - That's interesting.  I spoke with WLA last night and she said the same exact thing to me about being a healer and possibly a nurse (which I'm not).  She was very accurate in seeing the situation though.  She told me the good as well as the bad.

Darn it! Now I'm curious if she told anyone else they are healers. Hopefully it's just a coincidence because I really liked her.

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #263 on: December 21, 2011, 08:18:12 PM »
Hello, everyone. Haven't posted much here in a while, but I have been reading many of you guys' posts. So I went ahead and decided to try Kisha, SE, & WhiteLightAngel. Here's how it went- I called Kisha just 3 days after calling someone from PS. Her description of the situation seemed pretty accurate, but the ultimate outcome of my situation was a negative one(but apparently that won't happen 'till June or so). For a  contact timeframe she gave me the number 3, which she said was either 3 days or Dec 3rd which happened to be the same day. Didn't happen. Then, 2 days after Kisha I called Sandy Esther. Honestly, she seemed somewhat accurate on her descriptions. She was dead on when she said exactly how long I had known this guy & such. She described him fairly accurate as well, but then she started saying how he had some sort of gang involvement, to which I said, "I'm pretty sure he doesn't have any ties to any gangs." She then replied that there are many things I don't know about the guy, which is true, but if there's something I know about this guy, is that he's not in gangs or something of the sort. She went on to say that the reason she sees this is because by Feb/March, something bad is gonna happen to the guy & it involves gangs or something of the sort; that she hoped she was wrong on that but that she's usually pretty accurate when it comes to things like that. For contact timeframe, she gave me a 3 or 4 as well(at the time I took it as Dec 3rd, since Kisha had said the same thing), but I let 3 & 4 days pass and nothing. I didn't get any contact from the guy until 8 days after speaking to her. Here's the thing, both Kisha & SE had similar outcomes to my situation. They both said things would somewhat improve with this man by Feb/March, but that by June I will have moved on with someone else. Also, at the time of the readings, I had just asked this guy a question, to which he hadn't replied, & they both said I would have a positive response, which happened to be negative once he gave me the answer.
Now, WLA- I just spoke to her last Friday. She actually has her own personal website, which is $1 less per min than on keen. When we started, my 1st question was, "There's this guy in my life, how does he feel towards me?" Right away she told me how long I had known him, described his personality, & answered my question. Then I went into more detail with my situation, & she kept on saying things that rang true to me, & even said somethings about myself that I didn't even ask about. She said she sees me as a healer, maybe a nurse, and what do you know, that's what I'm going to school for- nursing(& I didn't give even a single clue to that). She basically advised me on what I need to do in order to change my situation because if I stay my current course, she doesn't see things improving any time soon. The ultimate outcome is a positive one from her, but she didn't give me any timeframes. She then told me that after I do what she advised, if I ever need help with the anxiety that's gonna come after, she can be there to help me out.
So, as far as these 3 ladies go, I think I liked WLA. I don't know if it's because she was the only one to give me a positive outcome though. But it even seems her descriptions were the most accurate out of the 3(even though all 3 of them had accurate things to say about my situation). Probably as soon as I follow her advise I'm gonna call her again. See how it goes.
And one more thing, I wanted to add my description of PS advisors, but since this is a post about keen, I didn't want to mix in other sites. But if anyone of you wants to know about PS advisors, let me know.
Hope everyone has a good day :)

Konekonova - can you let me know about your experiences on PS?  I spoke to Moira but it didn't go as well as I thought.  She wouldn't give any predictions because of mercury retrograde at the time other than one for contact but I'll be shocked if that happens.  I also spoke to June and was impressed with her but I'll see how things pan out.

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #264 on: December 21, 2011, 08:21:36 PM »
Hello, everyone. Haven't posted much here in a while, but I have been reading many of you guys' posts. So I went ahead and decided to try Kisha, SE, & WhiteLightAngel. Here's how it went- I called Kisha just 3 days after calling someone from PS. Her description of the situation seemed pretty accurate, but the ultimate outcome of my situation was a negative one(but apparently that won't happen 'till June or so). For a  contact timeframe she gave me the number 3, which she said was either 3 days or Dec 3rd which happened to be the same day. Didn't happen. Then, 2 days after Kisha I called Sandy Esther. Honestly, she seemed somewhat accurate on her descriptions. She was dead on when she said exactly how long I had known this guy & such. She described him fairly accurate as well, but then she started saying how he had some sort of gang involvement, to which I said, "I'm pretty sure he doesn't have any ties to any gangs." She then replied that there are many things I don't know about the guy, which is true, but if there's something I know about this guy, is that he's not in gangs or something of the sort. She went on to say that the reason she sees this is because by Feb/March, something bad is gonna happen to the guy & it involves gangs or something of the sort; that she hoped she was wrong on that but that she's usually pretty accurate when it comes to things like that. For contact timeframe, she gave me a 3 or 4 as well(at the time I took it as Dec 3rd, since Kisha had said the same thing), but I let 3 & 4 days pass and nothing. I didn't get any contact from the guy until 8 days after speaking to her. Here's the thing, both Kisha & SE had similar outcomes to my situation. They both said things would somewhat improve with this man by Feb/March, but that by June I will have moved on with someone else. Also, at the time of the readings, I had just asked this guy a question, to which he hadn't replied, & they both said I would have a positive response, which happened to be negative once he gave me the answer.
Now, WLA- I just spoke to her last Friday. She actually has her own personal website, which is $1 less per min than on keen. When we started, my 1st question was, "There's this guy in my life, how does he feel towards me?" Right away she told me how long I had known him, described his personality, & answered my question. Then I went into more detail with my situation, & she kept on saying things that rang true to me, & even said somethings about myself that I didn't even ask about. She said she sees me as a healer, maybe a nurse, and what do you know, that's what I'm going to school for- nursing(& I didn't give even a single clue to that). She basically advised me on what I need to do in order to change my situation because if I stay my current course, she doesn't see things improving any time soon. The ultimate outcome is a positive one from her, but she didn't give me any timeframes. She then told me that after I do what she advised, if I ever need help with the anxiety that's gonna come after, she can be there to help me out.
So, as far as these 3 ladies go, I think I liked WLA. I don't know if it's because she was the only one to give me a positive outcome though. But it even seems her descriptions were the most accurate out of the 3(even though all 3 of them had accurate things to say about my situation). Probably as soon as I follow her advise I'm gonna call her again. See how it goes.
And one more thing, I wanted to add my description of PS advisors, but since this is a post about keen, I didn't want to mix in other sites. But if anyone of you wants to know about PS advisors, let me know.
Hope everyone has a good day :)

Konekonova - can you let me know about your experiences on PS?  I spoke to Moira but it didn't go as well as I thought.  She wouldn't give any predictions because of mercury retrograde at the time other than one for contact but I'll be shocked if that happens.  I also spoke to June and was impressed with her but I'll see how things pan out.
I agree - June was impressive.

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #265 on: December 21, 2011, 08:46:58 PM »

Thank you - yes, I'd like to know about your cal to PS. Thank you.

I only have 3 favorites there. My number 1 is Moira. To be honest, she's not 100% accurate prediction wise. Every now and then she gets a few things wrong, and she doesn't say much regarding time fames. Even the 1st time I spoke to her, I felt like we didn't connect; she gave me a negative reading, but said it in such a way, that it made me feel okay. Then I called again about a year later(which it was this June). It was ridiculously accurate the way she described my situation. Ever since, I've been sticking to her mainly. Like I said, she's about 90% accurate when it comes to predictions, but when it comes to describing why something is happening the way it is, and why the person is reacting the way the are, she is 200% right! Example, when I started calling her again at the beg of June, she gave me a description of the guy in question, something along the lines of "he feels like he's not good enough, like a loser, ect, etc" then something went down between the guy and me. Next time I spoke to the guy was in July, & word by word, he said exactly what Moira had told me the month before. This last I called her she gave me some advise on what to do regarding my situation(which is the same advise WLA gave me). And I've spoken to her for so many months that by now she even gave me a bit of tough love. Here's the thing though, I don't speak to her more than once or twice a moth at the most, because when I talk to her my conversations run about 30 - 45 mins every time & her rate is pretty high up there. So I usually have to save up money in order to speak to her, otherwise I would be broke. But like I said, when you speak to her, she clears up any confusion you might be having, and whether the reading goes a positive or negative way, she makes you feel okay about it all. She just has such a way of saying things.
Then there's Mandy- she describes things pretty accurately, and prediction wise, things do happen in one way or another. It might not be exactly what you think it is but for the most part, her predictions happen. Example- long ago, when I wasn't in speaking terms with the guy, she said she saw written communication coming up, and she assumed it would be texting, but it turned out to be Facebook messages, but nonetheless, it happened. So, thus, she's another one I call every so often.
And last, but not least, I would have to say Abbie- sometime in Aug she said I would start getting communication with the guy by the 3rd week of Sept, and Sept 25th came and next thing you know, we started talking again ever since. With her though, she's kinda on the blunt side of things. If she's in a good mood, she can be so funny, but otherwise, she's pretty dry; if you don't ask her to describe or explain her answers, she will give you just a yes, or no kinda answer, and  can give some harsh tough love advise. On the bright side, you don't spend more than 15 mins on a call with her, since she's so fast.
One more thing, these are not the only ladies I've spoken to- there are A LOT more! I think on one of the psychic source posts I have a pretty extensive list of people I've spoken to from that site. These 3 ladies are just the ones I've been sticking to now.

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #266 on: December 21, 2011, 08:58:32 PM »

Konekonova - can you let me know about your experiences on PS?  I spoke to Moira but it didn't go as well as I thought.  She wouldn't give any predictions because of mercury retrograde at the time other than one for contact but I'll be shocked if that happens.  I also spoke to June and was impressed with her but I'll see how things pan out.

Violet- to be honest, I wouldn't hold on to contact timeframes from Moira. None of them have passed from me. From her, I get more of the details regarding my situation. I think on one occasion I had asked her what this guy was gonna give me as an answer for something I had asked, and he had even said he would give me an answer later on the same day. I called Moira, and right away she said he wouldn't answer me that same day like he promised, she said "maybe tomorrow or the day after probably" and as it was, he didn't reply the same day, but it also didn't happen for the following 2 days, more like 2 weeks later. Then I called her again and she gave me a pretty accurate explanation to what was going on at the time. I think with her, it's more about the big picture when it comes to predictions, but none of the small ones(including timeframes for contact). I hope this helps.
And as to June, I've read her reviews and to be honest it doesn't give me enough confidence to call.

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #267 on: December 21, 2011, 09:00:31 PM »

Thank you - yes, I'd like to know about your cal to PS. Thank you.

I only have 3 favorites there. My number 1 is Moira. To be honest, she's not 100% accurate prediction wise. Every now and then she gets a few things wrong, and she doesn't say much regarding time fames. Even the 1st time I spoke to her, I felt like we didn't connect; she gave me a negative reading, but said it in such a way, that it made me feel okay. Then I called again about a year later(which it was this June). It was ridiculously accurate the way she described my situation. Ever since, I've been sticking to her mainly. Like I said, she's about 90% accurate when it comes to predictions, but when it comes to describing why something is happening the way it is, and why the person is reacting the way the are, she is 200% right! Example, when I started calling her again at the beg of June, she gave me a description of the guy in question, something along the lines of "he feels like he's not good enough, like a loser, ect, etc" then something went down between the guy and me. Next time I spoke to the guy was in July, & word by word, he said exactly what Moira had told me the month before. This last I called her she gave me some advise on what to do regarding my situation(which is the same advise WLA gave me). And I've spoken to her for so many months that by now she even gave me a bit of tough love. Here's the thing though, I don't speak to her more than once or twice a moth at the most, because when I talk to her my conversations run about 30 - 45 mins every time & her rate is pretty high up there. So I usually have to save up money in order to speak to her, otherwise I would be broke. But like I said, when you speak to her, she clears up any confusion you might be having, and whether the reading goes a positive or negative way, she makes you feel okay about it all. She just has such a way of saying things.
Then there's Mandy- she describes things pretty accurately, and prediction wise, things do happen in one way or another. It might not be exactly what you think it is but for the most part, her predictions happen. Example- long ago, when I wasn't in speaking terms with the guy, she said she saw written communication coming up, and she assumed it would be texting, but it turned out to be Facebook messages, but nonetheless, it happened. So, thus, she's another one I call every so often.
And last, but not least, I would have to say Abbie- sometime in Aug she said I would start getting communication with the guy by the 3rd week of Sept, and Sept 25th came and next thing you know, we started talking again ever since. With her though, she's kinda on the blunt side of things. If she's in a good mood, she can be so funny, but otherwise, she's pretty dry; if you don't ask her to describe or explain her answers, she will give you just a yes, or no kinda answer, and  can give some harsh tough love advise. On the bright side, you don't spend more than 15 mins on a call with her, since she's so fast.
One more thing, these are not the only ladies I've spoken to- there are A LOT more! I think on one of the psychic source posts I have a pretty extensive list of people I've spoken to from that site. These 3 ladies are just the ones I've been sticking to now.

Actually Moira & June's prediction for contact was the same timeframe.  Abbie is on my list of people @ PS to possibly try along with Chris and a couple others.  I'll check out your list and see if any of the people are on your list.  I'm not really in the mood right now for readings because I've spent so much $$ between Keen and CP. 

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #268 on: December 21, 2011, 09:14:51 PM »

Actually Moira & June's prediction for contact was the same timeframe.  Abbie is on my list of people @ PS to possibly try along with Chris and a couple others.  I'll check out your list and see if any of the people are on your list.  I'm not really in the mood right now for readings because I've spent so much $$ between Keen and CP. 

Violet- when you do call, please let me know how that goes for you. And I understand, it's been hard having to save up for Christmas presents when all I wanna do is call.

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #269 on: December 22, 2011, 02:35:29 AM »
konekonova  - That's interesting.  I spoke with WLA last night and she said the same exact thing to me about being a healer and possibly a nurse (which I'm not).  She was very accurate in seeing the situation though.  She told me the good as well as the bad.

Darn it! Now I'm curious if she told anyone else they are healers. Hopefully it's just a coincidence because I really liked her.

WhiteLightAngel didn't say that I'm a healer. She hasn't given me any details that weren't true so far and I've spoken to her 4 times now.

