I'm really happy for you Synergy

I can just imagine what you are going through right now & I really think that sometimes these psychics are aware of how the planets affect us & the time frames they give is not only based on what they channel but also based on the planets as well. I don't know much about how each of the planets affect us but I just read my email & this is what it says,
"It's over! All the miscommunications, technological mishaps, delays, lost emails and missed appointments of the last few days come to an end on December 14 as Mercury finally goes direct again!
Mercury is currently in Sagittarius and will remain there for the rest of its unusually lengthy nine-week stay. While it was retrograde, Mercury probably sent you back to the drawing board many times, forcing you to rethink certain plans you may have had. But now, not only will all these problems subside, but you'll have courageous Sagittarian enthusiasm to give you an added boost. In fact, the bigger your idea, the more likely it is you'll succeed with it!
With the chattiest planet sitting in the most philosophical sign, you can bet there will be many discussions in your immediate future. Everyone will be bouncing ideas off each other, and you may be surprised at who your next sounding board turns out to be! The only thing to watch out for as you become more and more sure you're right is a tendency to become argumentative.
As long as you keep that one pitfall in mind, though, you'll find that the rest of Mercury's stay in Sagittarius will be full of confidence-building fun. Enjoy!"
I wonder if there will be more people on here talking about their exes communicating with them quite more. Probably doesn't go for everyone but I do wonder how strong this Mercury is!