Author Topic: any recommendations on keen?  (Read 295052 times)

Offline hellonurse

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #240 on: December 13, 2011, 07:01:55 PM »
Sorry off subject, but has anyone here read with Josephine's Eyes on Keen, and if so, thoughts?

Offline BP1990

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #241 on: December 13, 2011, 07:28:54 PM »
I'm really happy for you Synergy :) I can just imagine what you are going through right now & I really think that sometimes these psychics are aware of how the planets affect us & the time frames they give is not only based on what they channel but also based on the planets as well. I don't know much about how each of the planets affect us but I just read my email & this is what it says,

"It's over! All the miscommunications, technological mishaps, delays, lost emails and missed appointments of the last few days come to an end on December 14 as Mercury finally goes direct again!

Mercury is currently in Sagittarius and will remain there for the rest of its unusually lengthy nine-week stay. While it was retrograde, Mercury probably sent you back to the drawing board many times, forcing you to rethink certain plans you may have had. But now, not only will all these problems subside, but you'll have courageous Sagittarian enthusiasm to give you an added boost. In fact, the bigger your idea, the more likely it is you'll succeed with it!

With the chattiest planet sitting in the most philosophical sign, you can bet there will be many discussions in your immediate future. Everyone will be bouncing ideas off each other, and you may be surprised at who your next sounding board turns out to be! The only thing to watch out for as you become more and more sure you're right is a tendency to become argumentative.

As long as you keep that one pitfall in mind, though, you'll find that the rest of Mercury's stay in Sagittarius will be full of confidence-building fun. Enjoy!"

I wonder if there will be more people on here talking about their exes communicating with them quite more. Probably doesn't go for everyone but I do wonder how strong this Mercury is!

« Last Edit: December 13, 2011, 07:31:14 PM by BP1990 »

Offline sunandmoon

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #242 on: December 13, 2011, 09:44:42 PM »
I have been going through this for almost 2 years now with my ex (march 2010) and calling psychics since June 2010 (have not since Labor Day though). I have gone through so many planet and moon phases it's not funny and trust me - none of them happened!

Synergy - you said your ex has never shown any interest in your children. You said that some readers told you he would want to meet them in the future. I'm asking you to remember how he was before - this is not meant as a slam or dig on him or you or anything.... but it's not fair to you for him to show interest in them in the future just because you now have an interest in someone else.

I know I've made changes in myself and many of us have done the same due to what we have gone through, but going from not caring about someones kids to wanting to be a part of their life is pretty significant and personally I'd wonder how serious they were and if they could keep it up. I think that's on par with changing religion for someone when you previously mocked them.

My .02 only!!!!

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #243 on: December 15, 2011, 12:28:02 AM »
So Sandy's prediction for December 14th was right. Haven't heard from my ex for over a month and a half. She told me I'd receive contact but didn't say anything more about how it would go down. Well...he contacted me but sad thing is, doesn't know it was me. Long story but basically the wife is selling his stuff & I decided to respond to the ad with my friends email requesting more information about some items in particular. I wrote to her because she had given her email in the ad she posted. This was over a week ago I did this. Today I not only got a reply back but it turned out that instead of her email response from her email address, I got his email response & it was his email address. I know this sounds so twisted but I don't think it was him responding to me about the items. She might be logging on to his email as well and probably checks it consistently to respond back because it's definitely not his writing. I don't know what to think about this all but I might need to call Sandy back but I will wait til after Christmas since she said it will be before Christmas too but I think it has happened already, just don't know if he will somehow still contact me by calling or something.

Offline BP1990

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #244 on: December 19, 2011, 06:33:31 PM »
I have a question. I am on line to talk to Sandy maybe today. I have two sets of free minutes she gave me but I wanted to know if I can use both of them at once and if so, how?

Offline misty

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #245 on: December 19, 2011, 06:43:12 PM »
Hey BP1990. I just talked to her like 2 hours ago! Boy was i glad she's back!

You most probably can use them up at once. I noticed that when she adds minutes while you're on the phone to her, the minutes are automatically added to the current call.

I'm not hundred percent sure but I don't think you should have a problem. But just to let you know. Keen has been acting up today. I noticed i wasn't the only one. It took me over 2 minutes to hear the prompt to add more minutes at the end of the call. there was complete silence and i freaked out but glad i didn't hang up or else I would have been at the end of the line behind 10 other people

Offline BP1990

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #246 on: December 19, 2011, 07:21:02 PM »
Thanks Misty and I did get an automatic reply from her saying that Keen has been acting up so I will be patient and good thing you mentioned waiting because I would have probably hung up if I didn't hear anything.

Offline LuckyInLove

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Emotions - Angry,Upset, Mad,Pain Etc
« Reply #247 on: December 19, 2011, 07:56:36 PM »
Hey Everybody:
I havent posted for a while here but have been regularly reading the posts. From what I have read so far, I think (my personal opinion) that the psychics on CP are really mostly fake. I have not had many readings on CP but from what I hear & read here it leads me to believe that they really are not gifted. The only one I felt great connection with on CP was Seha & she really nailed my situation very well. Her prediction in August (this year) right off the bat was for Feb 2012. She did not give me any hocus pocus dates of one day or week or month but told me Feb 2012 right away. I do believe what she saw or felt during the reading was absolutely correct. I dont know if her prediction for Feb 2012 will come to pass but I did feel she was genuine in her reading. I did read with a few others like Winter, Sable, Jacqueline, Fiona but none of their predictions come true for Sep reconnection.

Tango, just like you none of SE's predictions have come to pass for me. She picked up on many details about my situation but nothing has come to pass. I do beleive she is gifted but I am one of those 10% people where predictions are not coming thru for me so dont think you are the only one. I am here with you on this one LOL.

4everhopeful: I am so sorry that you are hurting so much & holding onto someone for 2yrs is really something. Obviously your love for this man is true deep down. Sorry that he is unable to see that. Can I recommend something? Try reading with Healings by Rob on PPN. It will give you an idea of how your ex feels about things and you right now. I have read with him twice now & he is absolutely bang on. Now I am not saying you will feel the same connection like I did but it might help if you did connect. PPN is cheap at $1.99 so you can always try. He does not give predictions of when there will be contact but his empathic abilities of feelings of the other person are brilliant.

When I called him the first time he was bang on with my ex's feelings & I am sure about it. At that time he told me not to write the letter that I was planning to because the outside influence from his friends was really strong & my letter would not be of any help. He told me to call him back in 2 weeks to see if there would be in any change & so I called him this morning & again he got so much right of the feelings but this time he told me to go ahead and write the letter because he "sees" a window of oppotunity to reconnect as my ex is feeling abandoned & betrayed by those people who influenced him. He misses what we had because he is starting to realize what we had was great. He did tell me he does not know what my ex's reaction will be to the letter but it will be something positive. He told me my ex is feeling the same things that I have felt when my ex broke up with me. The feelings of pain, hurt, abandonment & betrayal. That is exactly how I felt when we broke up in August. Rob clearly told me karma has come back to bite him & he is feeling the same as I have felt previously. I am better now but not experiencing those feelings that I  had before. I still love my ex & miss him alot but I am learning to love myself again & helping to move forward. I hope to be able to reconnect with him again but I will first help myself & then help him. I thank Rob for helping me feel this way once again.

Like many of the psychics have told us no contact Rob says go ahead with the contact. Atleast that way you have some peace of mind. If he responds to it, great. If he doesnt, atleast you will know the answer & that might help us all heal faster.

This is just my two cents on what I feel so I do apologize if many of you have had good or great connections on CP.


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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #248 on: December 19, 2011, 08:08:36 PM »
glad I helped =)

Offline Tango

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #249 on: December 19, 2011, 09:38:29 PM »
I agree that a lot of the CP readers are fake. They are so expensive too! I didn't mind Seha but only read with her once. I still like Nina, but all the other ones who I used to call and rely on were completely wrong and fed me a cookie cutter story that they tell everyone who calls. Both Seha and Nina seem to be much more straightforward and no-nonsense, though neither of their predictions came to pass. 

LuckyInLove, I know I shouldn't but I really do want to call Sandy Esther and tell her that my predictions didn't happen to see what she says about it. I hate how we're in the 10%. I haven't found ANYONE who can accurately predict anything for me yet. Have you been able to find someone who can make predictions for you that actually happen?

I am planning on talking to Healings by Rob as well. I wish he was available right now!

Offline LuckyInLove

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #250 on: December 19, 2011, 10:23:39 PM »
I agree that a lot of the CP readers are fake. They are so expensive too! I didn't mind Seha but only read with her once. I still like Nina, but all the other ones who I used to call and rely on were completely wrong and fed me a cookie cutter story that they tell everyone who calls. Both Seha and Nina seem to be much more straightforward and no-nonsense, though neither of their predictions came to pass. 

LuckyInLove, I know I shouldn't but I really do want to call Sandy Esther and tell her that my predictions didn't happen to see what she says about it. I hate how we're in the 10%. I haven't found ANYONE who can accurately predict anything for me yet. Have you been able to find someone who can make predictions for you that actually happen?

I am planning on talking to Healings by Rob as well. I wish he was available right now!

Even I read with Seha only once & really liked her. I do plan on calling her but in the new year. I will let these last few days go in Dec & see what happens. Maybe my ex will come around lol.

No I have not found ONE advisor that has had any reconnection predictions come thru. I have read with tons & tons but I should say that dianalc on keen was awesome with just reading for me. I had previously posted about her of how she knew my keen interest in the legal field, a relatives death 5 years ago & thinking of going back to school. She did read about me very well. Her romance prediction is not until the new year so I will see what happens with that. 

Cookie on Keen was great for me too. She predicted a health issue for me that I am experiencing now which I did not mention to her at all. She picked up on my ex and his feelings very well as well. She predicted something after the new year as well in terms of connection. I have three pages of notes with her but dont remember all of it. I felt she was very honest in her reading. At one point during the reading she goes, you havent asked me if he loves you? Then she goes ahead and answers the question herself saying yes he loves you very much but once again she picked up on those same two people that have destroyed my relationship with my ex. 90% of the readers have picked up the same two people I have been talking about all without me telling them anything.

I have had some really good readings but NOT ONE prediction for reconnection has happened yet. Hoping 2012 will be better. But I am planning to write that letter to my ex before the year is over. Hopefully that might trigger something or some response.

Offline Tango

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #251 on: December 19, 2011, 10:33:23 PM »
I hope that 2012 will be better for all of us! I find that predictions change depending on what you say to the psychics as well. When you tell them that you are completely angry with your ex and frustrated and you don't want him back at all, then they start singing a different tune. Suddenly, their last prediction of seeing you hugging and kissing again changes and they see you letting go and welcoming a new person into your life. This person is always someone who will make you happy, because you just aren't going to allow anyone to treat you badly like your ex did.

However, if you approach the reading a different way and ask if he is coming back, if you will reconcile, and if he will make contact, then the answer is almost a resounding yes. If you have any ounce of hope left in you, they just feed that and say "yes, I do see him coming back. He is facing obstacles right now. He's learning and maturing and he has lessons that he had to learn, which is why you had to be apart." '

Good luck with the letter! I really hope that no matter what happens, the outcome is positive as Rob had said. I really hope for more good things to happen to the people who use this forum. I'm so happy for Synergy with her new man and I'm hoping that for the rest of us in 2012, if our ex's don't come back, I hope that we will find someone who will put a smile on our faces instead of tears in our eyes.

Offline glasshalffull

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #252 on: December 19, 2011, 10:41:40 PM »
I hope that 2012 will be better for all of us! I find that predictions change depending on what you say to the psychics as well. When you tell them that you are completely angry with your ex and frustrated and you don't want him back at all, then they start singing a different tune. Suddenly, their last prediction of seeing you hugging and kissing again changes and they see you letting go and welcoming a new person into your life. This person is always someone who will make you happy, because you just aren't going to allow anyone to treat you badly like your ex did.

However, if you approach the reading a different way and ask if he is coming back, if you will reconcile, and if he will make contact, then the answer is almost a resounding yes. If you have any ounce of hope left in you, they just feed that and say "yes, I do see him coming back. He is facing obstacles right now. He's learning and maturing and he has lessons that he had to learn, which is why you had to be apart." '

Good luck with the letter! I really hope that no matter what happens, the outcome is positive as Rob had said. I really hope for more good things to happen to the people who use this forum. I'm so happy for Synergy with her new man and I'm hoping that for the rest of us in 2012, if our ex's don't come back, I hope that we will find someone who will put a smile on our faces instead of tears in our eyes.
Same to you, Tango!
I also find that the raedings will change depending on what you tell them. Yes, you are right Tango.

Offline sunandmoon

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #253 on: December 19, 2011, 11:15:23 PM »
I got to the point where I'd ask about a r/s or even a potential r/s with someone I'd known for years, instead of leading them on by saying he had left me and I wanted to know if he'd be back.

Was always told he was a sm, we had a karmic connection (never a twin flame though) and we'd fulfill it in this lifetime. Once person actually had me in tears describing how in our last life, he watched me die.

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #254 on: December 19, 2011, 11:24:38 PM »

Was that Diamond Psychic (Keen) who told you that he watched you die?! I read with her over the summer, and she told me that there had been a drowning accident and that he watched me die, so that's why we had such an intense connection.  It was crazy. 

BTW, on SoulAngel and ScottishMissCarol (both on Keen) pretty much tell everyone that the person is your twin flame.  SoulAngel got so much money from me earlier this year because she was the first person to use the term with me, and I was eating it up.  I know ScottishMissCarol must tell everyone the Twin Flame bit because she always sends mass emails encouraging people to wait for their Twin Flames.

I'd like to thank everyone for all the well wishes and kind words regarding my new guy!  I did call Kisha and WhiteLightAngel about him (and, yes, I asked about my ex, too), and they all had great things to say.  I'm also happy to say that I'm calling psychics a lot less and have been saving money in doing so.  It feels good!  It's just too bad I don't think I'll ever stop calling!  I sure do love getting readings, even though I should know that the majority of them are wrong. 

