Hi everyone! I've been reading this forum for about a month and finally decided to join the conversation.
I got a reading with SE after seeing the recommendations on this forum, but I'm torn about SE too. She also told me that she sees marriage for me and my guy, but that it would be difficult. I guess I could see this being difficult because I haven't talked to him for about a month and a half and I haven't seen him since the end of September

. But she was right about him not relationships at the top of his priorities. For my first reading with her, she said that she really didn't feel contact in November, but if he contacted me on the 22nd or 23rd that would be a good sign. She saw contact in December, but didn't give me a specific day or anything. Well, she was right about no contact in November because I got nothing from him!

For my 2nd reading, the timeframe she gave me was mid December and she said things will get better in January, but he might pull away in February... I had a third reading with her, but I don't think she gave me specific dates (then again I wasn't really paying attention). She did say to me that she thought I would run into my guy in the next 2-3 days after my reading. However, it didn't happen (not that I know of). Does SE use tarot cards with you guys too? I always hear her using them at the beginning of the reading.
Have any of you guys tried Lady Celest? I like her because she's quick and just tells me what I need to know, but none of her timeframes have passed for me. They keep getting delayed for some reason. I called her recently and she said that I should've received contact by now, but she didn't give me a new time frame. I only asked her if I should get contact this month and she said "definitely". I hope she's right.
I have also tried Lisa Dianne and she would tell me how my guy was feeling. For a while she would tell me to not contact him, but in my last reading with her she told me to "break the cycle" and ask him to go out for coffee and catch up. I ended up not doing what she told me to do because everyone else was telling me no contact at all. I'm quite confused about her now!
I've had a few missing items that I have asked Lady Celest and Lisa Dianne about and in the end they weren't able to help me find it. It was more of me testing their abilities, but I guess connecting with people and lost items are different? I stopped asking about lost items because it ended up confusing me and making me lose confidence in readings.