Author Topic: any recommendations on keen?  (Read 295143 times)

Offline misty

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #150 on: November 10, 2011, 04:35:05 AM »
U welcome Luckyinlove, maybe it was meant for something else but then again she gave you a 3 right? You have the 12th coming up that gives you a 3 or the 21st. And even if nothing happens by then, don't lose hope. Even some of her clients have stated that she doesn't always get timing right

Synergy I have another 3 weeks left till the next prediction:O. I have no idea what i'll be doing to keep myself busy till then

let me know when you talk to Elaina Jo!

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #151 on: November 10, 2011, 04:29:06 PM »
Good morning everyone,

Misty I did speak with Elaina Jo with the 5 free minutes I was sent for her.  Eh.  It was pretty much a repeat of my first call with her, and she wasn't very specific.  She told me that we'll be back together, but that was about it.

I FINALLY spoke with Bonniesha!!  She was great.  I liked her a lot.  She described my guy really well.  She gave me a 2 month timeframe for us to be back together and going strong.  She said that he will definitely come forward before then, but in 2 months I'll see a whole new side of him.  She said he'll feel like he can't do enough for me, and he'll be doing his best to make it work.  I've never seen this type of behavior from him, so I'll be surprised if it happens.  She told me that she goes out a full year when she does her readings, and she said that the last card was a marriage card.  She told me that by the end of next year we will be talking about marriage.  That surprised me too because I really don't feel as if he wants to get married again, but she's also not the first to see marriage.

There was one thing about the reading that bothered me.  I asked her if she sees any other women with him.  She hesitated, but she said that he had "friends" but nothing romantic.  She said "he's keeping it professional."  The reason this worries me is because even when we were together, he had a way of always keeping things casual and kind of "professional"!  He's super logical and unemotional, so he treats relationships as if they were some sort of business transaction.  What she said actually made me think maybe he is with someone...

Something happened today that made me feel as if this could be likely.  He NEVER comes in to work early.  NEVER.  He likes to come in late and then stays late.  Well, this morning he was in before me (and I'm one of the first people to get here).  We work a 9/80 schedule, so we get every other Friday off.  This is our 3 day weekend, and now I'm thinking maybe he's going to leave early because he's going away for the weekend.  :(

Roxies Gift was so accurate about the present that I'm tempted to call her to see if she sees him going away this weekend with anyone.  I don't know what to do.

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Re: any recommendations on keen? Roxie's Gift!!
« Reply #152 on: November 10, 2011, 05:00:33 PM »
Ok, sorry for basically having a conversation with myself on here, BUT I did call Roxie, and she did see a trip!!!  (I'm starting to think that I need to start developing my own psychic skills).  Anyways, she assured me that it's a short, non-romantic trip.  He's seeing an older woman, someone he loves in a family or friend way.  This could be his mom in a nearby state because he often visits her. 

I specifically asked her why he wouldn't see me in November if this is his one month off.  She told me that I can't keep asking myself these questions.  We don't think alike, and I need to put myself in his position.  He did not pass his exam the first time, and took it again in October.  This is why he has November off.  It's not party time for him.  He's feeling like a failure, and he needs time alone to process things.  She gave me similar timeframes to Sandy Esther.  I kept questioning things and saying "I hope", and she said, "No, sweetie.  It's not about hope.  You WILL be back together."

Lastly, she randomly told me about an upcoming promotion.  BINGO.  Other advisors have seens this, and I know for a fact that HR is working on reclassifying me.  She sees more money and a better job title between now and January.  Woo hoo!!! 

That's it all.  I've made a decision to stick with Sandy Esther, Aries Intuition (Kisha), and Roxie.  Kisha is the ONLY accurate reader who says I WILL NOT marry my guy.  I'm still going to call her regularly though because she has been right about everything.  She told me that there's no doubt he and I will be back together.  She said delays set things back but they don't change the outcome.  She sees us together, but not forever.  I think she's realistic, and she even told me it's because I am going to get over him. 

I really recommend these 3 readers.  I feel silly for calling new advisors all the time, when I know Sandy Esther and Kisha have been consistently accurate.  I am happy I found Roxie though because she's awesome and sweet. 

And thank you guys for letting me go on and on here!!!  :)  this is therapeutic. 

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #153 on: November 11, 2011, 03:59:47 AM »
Hey Synergy glad you liked Bonniesha, I like her too, however she did tell me something that no1 else picked up that got me quite upset. I indirectly asked a few other psychics to confirm but they didn't pick up anything related to the issue.

I'm glad shes back on. I have free minutes from her but I'm not sure if i really want to call her and she still picks up the same thing. As i mentioned before the last time i talked to her she gave me two readings one after another (We basically just put aside wtv she picked up before and reconnected and she picked up a lot of the same stuff) with a gap of a few minutes in between since there were a lot of noise in my background, I was quite upset + she was sick, so she wasn't really giving me her 100% nor was I. So synergy

Guys, with Sandy Esther, Does she ever give you two different timelines if you call her two different times?

1st of all I know she wont remember me so she there's a chance she'll give me different timelines

and 2nd Something might have happened that I'm totally unaware of that might have pushed the timeframe a whole lot further

Either way I'm always, always scared of calling someone back. I'm counting down the days till I can call her again
« Last Edit: November 11, 2011, 04:08:45 AM by misty »

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #154 on: November 12, 2011, 10:19:10 PM »
I use keen and have for many years. I am now down to just one reader and he is the real thing. He helped me so much when I was going through a divorce and brought me all the way through to a new man and I am so happy. Every time I called him he answered my questions, gave me predictions without wasting time, and the best part about his readings for me is that he is a man and gives you great advice when it comes to men. his name on keen is psychiatry. His main page is
They call him The Romance Psychic it is his specialty although he has answered my questions on just about every subject. I guess I also would say that when it comes to romance and relationships he is well the best I have ever spoken with. I don't normally leave reviews for him but when you read his reviews they are amazing that is what attracted me to him in the very beginning almost  4 years ago. I warn you though he is so very honest. he tells it like it is but with great compassion and he tells you what to do to make your life better. I do not know what I would have done if I did not find him. There are a few others on keen that I used to use. many are very good butt Andrew is great.
I hope this helps you

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #155 on: November 13, 2011, 06:59:13 AM »
Sandy Esthers rate just went down form 4.95 to 2.99 a minute. And her status is "Not taking calls" I did email her asking if the change was temporary or permanent, got a auto reply back instead saying due to limited time she will not be able to check her inbox frequently

Anyone have any idea about this? Or will she just be away from the phone for a few days?

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #156 on: November 14, 2011, 04:00:07 PM »
I saw that Sandy Esther did that, but it was weird because she had the "Send Mail" icon up. 

AND one of her predictions DID NOT come to pass.  She has been excellent when it comes to my guy, so last time I called her, I asked her a specific question about my living situation.  Long story short: I live with my parents and my daughters in a 3 bedroom house.  It works for all of us because my parents are older, and we get to help each other out.  We have to leave the house we are currently renting because the owner is going to move back in.  I asked Sandy Esther which of the places my mom would like.  She told me that my mom WOULD NOT like the 2 story townhome.  When she explained why, I was convinced it was true because she was SOOO acurate in describing my mom.  Well, we started looking at places this weekend, and when we walked into the townhouse, my mom said "this is it!!!"  Total opposite of what SE said!!!!!!

Here's the thing though.  When I was showing my mom the floorplans for all the places we were going to look at, she didn't love the 2 story.  When we finally starting going to the other places, she didn't love any of them, so when we finally got to the 2 story place, I think she CHANGED HER MIND!!!!  SOOOOOO... I don't think psychics can ever get things right, and if they do, they're lucky that the person in question didn't change their mind.  Maybe my guy has contemplated getting back together, but has talked himself out of it.  Hence, the free will argument.  Another reason I think I'm going to call empaths instead of people who strictly make predictions. 

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #157 on: November 15, 2011, 04:08:05 AM »
I emailed her asking about it and she replied back saying she has specials similar to it once in a while. She also said something very unusual to me about me which just made me very curious about what she has to say

I've been listening to some of her blogtalkradio episodes lately and I get what you guys meant by her whispering to her spirit guides. I find it quite fascinating. I've never spoke to a psychic who actually talked to their spirit guides during the call

when you were asking SE about your mom and your moms preference among the options available did you have a short amount of time left on your end to discuss it further? I don't know if her free will came into effect at the end or if SE wasn't able to look more further into it because lack of time

Have you talked to anyone else about your living situation apart from her?
« Last Edit: November 15, 2011, 04:12:46 AM by misty »

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #158 on: November 15, 2011, 07:14:42 PM »
Hi Misty,

No, we did have plenty of time to discuss the housing situation.  She was very specific as to why my mom would feel the way she would, and the thing is, she was REALLY accurate when it comes to my mom's personality. 

The only other psychic I've asked about the housing situation is Aries Intuition.  Kisha said that we wouldn't find a place until January.  I don't think that's right.  Sandy Esther said definitely before the holidays, and I think she's right.  Maybe Kisha saw a "1" and said January when it's really one month.  I don't know... I need to stop making excuses for my readers when they're wrong.

I still love Sandy Esther because she has been accurate for me in the past, but this time she wasn't right. 

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #159 on: November 17, 2011, 06:09:07 PM »
I'm not necessarily recommending this reader because I think she is too expensive for what she told me (I've gotten more (and more accurate) information from cheaper readers), but I read with Denise Monique, and she got something right!!!!

I read with her on Saturday night, and she told me that by the 14th (monday) I would see that my guy was going to start coming around in a silly way.  Like he'd try to run into me at work and stuff.  Well, I went home sick on Monday, and I thought, so much for that, she was wrong!  Yesterday, my guy started walking through the hallway where my office is.  He never walks by there.  He doesn't have to! 

When he did this yesterday, I had someone with me, and he didn't stop to talk.  Today, he walked by TWICE.  First, I had someone talking to me, so my SM just kept on walking.  The second time, he walked past me, then came back and asked me how I was.  He also complemented my outfit.  Last time I spoke with her, Sandy Esther told me to wear a short skirt because it would drive him crazy.  I dress up a lot anyways, and I wore I skirt with tights today (not even thinking of what Sandy Esther said), but I immediately thought of her when he complimented me! 

So, while Denise Monique was a few days off on timing, she was right about him coming around.  Unfortunately, her long term prediction wasn't what I wanted to hear.  She said he won't come back romantically until Jan/Feb and he'll still want to be casual, but I'll have met someone who wants something serious, so I won't be so heartbroken.  I doubt it, but maybe she's right.   

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #160 on: November 20, 2011, 09:57:32 PM »
... I need to stop making excuses for my readers when they're wrong.

I still love Sandy Esther because she has been accurate for me in the past, but this time she wasn't right.

I hear ya, I find myself doing the same

Synergy looks like they keep telling you about this new person, when is he supposed to show up?

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #161 on: November 21, 2011, 04:50:23 AM »
 :)Hi Misty,

Several readers have said that my SM is not the one and that I need to move on. Kisha and Sandy Esther both see the other man, but they've given different timeframes. Sandy Esther says I will meet him around February, at the same time she sees my guy finally ready for a relationship. She thinks I'll pick the new man, who supposedly is just amazing. Kisha says my SM will be showing me more by February (same timeframe for improvement), but she sees us together until June/July. She says I'm the one who's going to get sick of things. I must say that Kisha has ALWAYS said this. Sandy Esther told me from the get-go that I'd marry my SM, but she only recently changed what she saw and started talking about the new guy.

Neither of the twins have mentioned anyone else; they both think my SM is worth the wait and patience. Raven, in particular, is incredibly confident that we'll be together before the end of the year. CP readers have primarily seen me with my SM except for the ones who have been totally wrong about significant details and stuff.

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #162 on: November 21, 2011, 05:27:33 PM »
Hey synergy...see when advisors change their final outcomes i cant help but think we did something to change it unknowingly and that's when you start asking yourself what the hell did I do wrong?..but that's another debate

I remember you said you left SE a 5 star comment confused about the change in outcome and she gave you free minutes to explain the situation. What was her explanation?:S

Thats just another reason why I'm always so hesitant to call a new psychic back, I'm afraid they will "see" something different from the first time and change their stories, so far no one has done it yet but then again there's probably a dozen of them I haven't called back

btw Synergy, i'm eager/excited to know if SE's 2 week prediction for you starts manifesting! 2 weeks from the 9th right?

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #163 on: November 21, 2011, 07:20:45 PM »
I always do that, Misty!!  I keep calling them all the time to see if something has changed.  Crazy, right??  Kisha is the only reader who has told me that what she sees will happen, but the only thing that can change are timeframes due to delays.  Last time we spoke she told me that she hopes this time she's wrong, but she sees me marrying someone else.  Like I said, she has ALWAYS said this since I started reading with her about a year ago.  She says we will be together, but just not forever.

That comment I left SE was because the first two times she told me that I would marry my SM.  She was so confident... she even told me we were going to move to New York at some point.  She described our future together.  I was so happy!  Haha.  Well, when I called her over the summer (when things were at their worst with my SM; he was barely talking to me), she told me that he had been "talking" to another woman, and that I would meet someone else.  Her story changed completely.  When we spoke again, she told me that she stills sees marriage as a possibility, but that it would take a lot of work (which to be honest, she did say the first time we spoke).  She said that it would be so much work and it would move so slow, that she sees me moving on with someone else, so that's why the outcome had changed... because she thinks my free will will make me move on. 

Yes, SE's 2 week prediction will be here this week.  To be honest, I'm not all that sure it will come to pass.  :(  I see him EVERYDAY, and he ignores me completely.  Sometimes he says hello, but there's not much else.  I spoke with Kisha last night, and she says he's depressed and angry at me because he was jealous about something. (he did see me with another man two weeks ago, and that's when he started giving me the cold shoulder, so I think she's right about that).  She doesn't see any progress for 2-4 weeks, which is when she says he'll deal with his personal problems.  I do know for a fact that the holidays are difficult for him because of issues with his family.  Kisha said that communication will improve at that time, and that I will finally feel more interest from him.  She also cautioned me not to get too excited when that happens because he will do the on and off thing he usually does until February. 

Misty, has Sandy Esther gotten anything right for you???? 

I've been reading with these two readers primarily, as well as the twins.  Neither Avalon nor Raven gave me an actual timeframe.  Avalon said we'd be together when he's ready, and Raven said definitely before the end of the year.  I've stopped reading at CP because I'm sick of hearing the same thing without any real results.  So far Meryl and Nina have been wrong.  I was really hopeful they'd be right about October.  Vicki Joy also says February like Kisha and SE see, so I am most hopeful about that timeframe.  I also spoke with a Keen reader named Ry-ann (she has great feedback).  I wasn't blown away by her reading, but she also said February (Valentine's Day specifically). 

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #164 on: November 21, 2011, 08:17:27 PM »
Its been two months since I had a psychic reading.and I feel great.