Author Topic: any recommendations on keen?  (Read 295385 times)

Offline Synergy

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #105 on: November 04, 2011, 10:23:26 PM »
No, she was actually reall proud of me.  She thinks he's selfish, and she thinks I did the right thing because this will make him stew a bit.  However, she did tell me that if I would've agreed to doing things his way, we would be making continuous progress, and then things would be moving faster.  She said that now I'm pretty much going to be miserable because he won't show must interest between now and January.  She did say that he'll attempt to see me twice between that timeframe, but that since I was honest with him, I should "stick to my guns". 

I've spoken with Lisa Dianne, and I didn't think she was as amazing as her feedback would lead you to think.  She was never right with her predictions.  Yes, she says not to hang on to timing, but she was certain that he and I would be together in September, and we'd be celebrating my birthday together.  None of that happened.  He didn't do a darn thing for my birthday!!  Even the predictions that didn't have timing associated with them (he'll come closer, he'll express more, blah blah blah) didn't come to pass. 

I think all of these readers are going to cover their tushies somehow.  Either they blame us for blockages, or they blame free will.  If it's not one thing it's another.  So then why do they even provide this service??  And why on earth do I keep calling?? 

For the first time in this whole year that I've been going back and forth with this man, this is the first time I have very little hope. 

Offline misty

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #106 on: November 05, 2011, 03:33:06 AM »
hey luckyinlove!

I'm sorry you didn't get contact.,especially since it was just your birthday. but don't lose hope! I agree with Synergy Sandy Esther did see a 3 so it could be in 3 days or 3 weeks.

i also agree with others on not focusing on contact. I don't even ask for timing regarding contact anymore. Its the important ones that I'm more curious about. I recently started asking for signs, any type of indication that its coming soon.

When was the last time you spoke with Sandy?

& did she reply back to you yet? I emailed yesterday a while after my first reading with her to clarify something, haven't heard back yet. I know shes a busy woman and I don't expect her to email me back or anything. I just cant afford to call anyone for a while
« Last Edit: November 05, 2011, 04:07:32 AM by misty »

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #107 on: November 05, 2011, 01:22:32 PM »
I do agree that sometimes they blame "us" when a prediction doesn't happen. William on CP never does that. He will either say he didn't see it or explain what happened. He will also offer suggestions for getting things back on track but others on here have tried William and I don't think anyone loves him like I do. lol

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #108 on: November 06, 2011, 02:57:24 AM »
whats with all these guys taking their sweet time

Offline Synergy

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #109 on: November 07, 2011, 04:29:03 PM »

I spoke with William this morning due to your recommendation.  I really liked him!  He was definitely accurate in describing what's going on with my guy, and the dates he gave me actually made sense!!  He said November would be tough for my guy (so far this is true, he's had 2 big exams and he has issues with his family).  He said by December 15th, my SM will have something happen  that will show him that he can make time for a relationship with me.  Um... this is when he finds out if he passed the CA baby Bar exam!  If he does pass, I think he would be willing to focus on his personal life, so this seemed like an accurate timeframe.  He says that 4 weeks after we start up again (so January 15th), I will feel as if we are in a committed relationship. 

I like what I heard, but I'll wait and see.  Since William was so quick, I decided to ask him about an issue at work.  He did not sugar coat at all!  He told me the opposite of what I wanted to hear, but he also said I should see a promotion in Spring of 2012.  I hope he's right!  He was actually accurate aoout what I do at work, and he even made some recommendations about what I should do if I want to keep growing in this area. 

He seemed really confident about his predictions, and he was just so darn nice!!  I'd be interested to hear what others thought of him and if his predictions have come to pass. 

Offline Synergy

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #110 on: November 07, 2011, 07:04:35 PM »
I'm over it.

My guy stopped me at work this morning to "chat".  He also told me he skipped his exam on Saturday because he'll have a few more opportunities to take it, and that he did nothing this weekend.  Yeah, that really sounds like someone who's crazy about me but just can't juggle law school and a relationship.  Please.  This has hurt more than anything else, and I'm sick of hearing excuses for this guy.  He just doesn't care. 

Offline LuckyInLove

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #111 on: November 07, 2011, 07:11:22 PM »
I'm over it.

My guy stopped me at work this morning to "chat".  He also told me he skipped his exam on Saturday because he'll have a few more opportunities to take it, and that he did nothing this weekend.  Yeah, that really sounds like someone who's crazy about me but just can't juggle law school and a relationship.  Please.  This has hurt more than anything else, and I'm sick of hearing excuses for this guy.  He just doesn't care.

Oh Gosh Synergy this is not good. So would you say what William read this morning was not true about the commitment timeframe of Dec?

Offline Synergy

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #112 on: November 07, 2011, 08:33:57 PM »

I just don't believe anything anymore. 

Was Layla right about communication?  Did you hear from your guy???

Offline LuckyInLove

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #113 on: November 07, 2011, 08:46:12 PM »
I know dear its really hard to believe anything anymore.
Nah not a word from my guy & frankly speaking I didnt expect I would hear from him.
I had some bonus free minutes from PPN & I spoke to three advisors.

Laura of Light - I spoke to her last week & she said that she saw another woman he was with. I spoke today to her & she says he seems interested in someone but is not with one right now. So there how confusing is that. And no she does not see us getting back together.

Spiritual Gail - Completely wrong. Said that he left me for another woman. Not right and I know that for a fact. Said that we had a really bad breakup. Wrong again. It was done in a mature way. First she says no we will not get back but then later says there may be an opportunity. Yeah right! She herself was not sure. Waste of money but since it was free from her I had no choice but to speak to her. I didnt expect anything good because I have spoken to her before too.

June Starlett - Sees communication but doesnt see us together. Too much talking & more advice than answering the questions. Just ok. Will not call again.

All these were from the free minutes they gave so i dont feel so bad calling them.

Somehow I am losing hope from ever hearing from him!  :-[

Dont know what to believe anymore. Sandy Esther says yes she sees us together for sure & yet I dont hear a thing. No predictions of anyone has come to pass for me yet.

Right now only Seha from CP stands right. She was the first CP advisor I called & she told me right off the bat that I am going to have a rough two to three months. I will not hear anything for Sep & Oct and may get some communication in Nov. She specifically said I am being covered by dark clouds in his eyes & our energies are not flowing together. She said Feb 2012 will a very good month for us but till then I should not expect anything much. She does she me with him & have a good life but not until 2012.

Offline misty

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #114 on: November 07, 2011, 09:06:49 PM »
luckyinlove..did sandy reply back to your email?

im tempted to call her right now. theres only 1 person on line and shes on the phone. But i know i shouldn't not till a few weeks pass by

Offline Synergy

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #115 on: November 07, 2011, 09:07:44 PM »
Don't believe anything June Starlett says.  I read with her once, and it was like she was reading out of a dating book.  She is about as clairvoiyant as my hamster!  ;)

I think I'm going to stop calling PPN.  I really only liked a couple readers on there, and even their predictions haven't panned out within the timeframe they provided. 

Offline LuckyInLove

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #116 on: November 07, 2011, 09:14:56 PM »
luckyinlove..did sandy reply back to your email?

im tempted to call her right now. theres only 1 person on line and shes on the phone. But i know i shouldn't not till a few weeks pass by

No she still has not replied. I dont think she will because she is a busy woman lol. I am so tempted to call as well because there is not much of a wait but I dont know if I should call so soon. I just spoke to her last week. No prediction has come to pass yet!

Offline misty

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #117 on: November 07, 2011, 09:21:27 PM »
Synergy..didn't Vallentina Rose give you a prediction for November 4th? It didn't happen now did it:S 

Luckyinlove as am i! She hasn't replied back to me either.
And now theres no1 in line.. she'll probably log off after shes done.

We should probably just wait a week or two. calling psychics is draining my pocket

Offline Synergy

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #118 on: November 07, 2011, 09:43:14 PM »

Vallentina Rose, Mikki Reno, Spiritual Advisor Gemini, and Magical Mystical Spirit (or whatever her name is) all said he and I would clear the air by the end of last week and we'd be right on track.  It didn't happen. 

Aries Intuition (who I really like on Keen) said she sees a reconciliation in "2" but she didn't know if it was days, weeks, or months.  She reassured me that he wants this and that he will come forward, but she also holds to her long term prediction that he is NOT the one and that I will be married to someone else in 2 years.

Sandy Esther told me that I would hear from him by today and that I wouldn't like the communication.  This is true.  He stoppped me to basically tell me what a wonderful weekend he had without me.

I just spoke with Venus on CP, and while her prediction is the same as last time I spoke with her (we'll be in a relationship by the end of the year), she just told me there's another woman he's trying to end things with before he can start with me again!!!  I know I shouldn't care because we're both single, BUT she did not mention this last time, and he has not told me he's seeing someone... but then again, why would he tell me? Ugh.  This is so frustrating!!

I spoke with Raven on Friday and she told me that it would take a long time and that I need to be patient.  She also told me I need to compromise and make some adjustments with him if I want this to work.  She specifically said she doesn't feel any other females around him.  She didn't give me a timeframe... but she sent me 3 free minutes and I have money in my Click for Advisor account so I'm dying to call her to ask if she knows why he behaved the way he did today. 

This is getting out of control!  I can't stop calling.  :(  I just really want to know what's going on.

Do any of you recommend any accurate empaths??  I just want to know what he's really feeling. 

Offline misty

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #119 on: November 07, 2011, 09:44:10 PM »
btw people. when she gives a timeframe... Does she usually give a number? To me she gave me 1 week. So 1 week could mean 7 days or on the 7th right?

