Author Topic: any recommendations on keen?  (Read 289979 times)

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #60 on: June 10, 2011, 05:12:54 PM »
lmao. I was just going to tell you that its on keen. No worries, sometimes we dont post things in the same file


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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #61 on: July 05, 2011, 02:22:06 AM »
Sorry I guys..I wrote Ellen hartwell that I mentioned in my previous post.It was someone else I spoke with not her.Anyways I recently did speak to her.I find her extremely accurate.To be very honest I have spoken to tons of advisors but not one has been so good in describing the person.She did shock me with her level of accuracy.However I am still waiting for her predictions. Also yesterday I spoke to Catarina rose.She knew my situation and described really well.I don't know if she and ellen share notes.I got so frustrated with her accuracy that I even ask her if she is sharing info with her other associate and of course I didn't tell her who with.But seriously does any one else here thinks that she shares the info with ellen?I am fan of ellen.I really love that lady.

Offline LiveLaughLove

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #62 on: July 20, 2011, 01:39:04 AM »
None of my predictions from Keen came to pass.

Emmy didn't work.
Ellen said I'd hear from my ex end of june/beg july and never did
Sincerity I cant remember what she told me lol...Im on her waiting list trying to talk to her.

Anybody found anybody new who I should try and is ACCURATE and has had predictions come to pass? Pls share :)

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #63 on: July 20, 2011, 10:41:07 AM »
i spoke with mistress voice reader, she was ok.

Offline LiveLaughLove

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #64 on: August 03, 2011, 05:47:00 PM »
Has anybody read with elle martin?

Offline LiveLaughLove

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #65 on: August 09, 2011, 11:42:42 PM »
Hmmmm...yea she seemed like she knew her stuff ...I mean how can you ask for a persons name and DOB and already know what's going on?  I was a first time caller btw and haven't spoken to alot of advisors...aka chances of them  sharing info.she said she saw money coming into the pic soon which now that I think about it,it could be true since I am going to Vegas in a few wks.

She also picked up me thinking of someone ,someone how i care alot about and being worried about ...a male which is where my ex bf comes in. She said I should hear from him any day now...only bad thing is she kept repeating it and it was running my mins. So..idk...any day now is extremely vauge...but she said if she saw he wouldn't contact me till some other time like end of the yr shed tell I shall see...she does seem really nice though...

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #66 on: September 14, 2011, 08:21:46 PM »
had anyone tried Spiritualist Reader on keen before? she is one of the highest rating reader. i went thru her feedbacks, sounds awesome, with only one negative feedback in one year. and many repeat satisfied customers. some feedback says she tells bad stuff too, ie honest reading. i will try her for 5 mins and will update again.

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #67 on: September 14, 2011, 08:34:20 PM »
oh dear, her id is Spiritualist Reader but it doesn't come out when i do a keen search. weird. she came out as a heart icon when i look at top rated psychics. her name is cookie.

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #68 on: September 15, 2011, 03:10:06 AM »
lightme,, I've read with Cookie for years. She's the real deal.  She's honest too. She has amazingly detailed  visions of future events.. I can't count the times she would describe a scenario to me, and within days, I'd find myself in that very exact same scenario.  She picks up on feelings and thoughts of people around you too. Quite accurately.  When she sees the incredible details, the stuff happens for me. Her overall prediction for my situation however, didn't.  I've never had someone be able to see stuff the way she did tho.. one time I had asked if I was going to spend time with a particular person, she said she saw us walking together through a parking lot that was full of white trucks and vans.  She saw us laughing and happy.  A couple weeks later, there I was with him, walking through a parking lot full of white trucks and vans at a state park,, laughing and talking and happy to be together!! Several times she did this, describing colors of our surroundings and clothes we were wearing when she saw us together hanging out... but her overall prediction for me and this guy never happened.  I will say this tho, she kept telling me what I needed to do to make it happen and I guess I never really followed her advice. 

I'm not sure why you cant' search on her name, I've noticed that before. I find her by going to the Psychic Readings list and sorting by highest ratings... she's about 3/4 of the way down the page.

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #69 on: September 15, 2011, 03:32:04 AM »
toknow, thanks a lot for the info! we could find her by google search "spiritualist reader keen", i think the keen search engine is not good. i read her feedbacks i feel that she sounds like the real deal too. she doesn't spend hours on keen i think, which is a good sign.

i read the article by cherry sage, pretty good info from a psychic. she said the future is still changeable, not fixed, so if cookie's prediction didn't happen it doesn't mean she is fake. and the way you experienced with her already proved that she is real to some extend.

ok, now i don't know what is the purpose of calling psychics anymore. honestly we want accurate predictions right? if the accuracy rate is not high why are we calling? i am now calling almost for entertainment purpose, is like "let's see if it will hapen or not?". i think we have now conclude a couple of the better ones, but still no guarantee on predictions.

by the way, positive path didn't work for me at all. i am surprised. very surprised. of course, disappointed.

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #70 on: September 15, 2011, 04:05:12 AM »
I"m like you,, I dont know why I keep calling. If I were calling for stock tips and they were this innaccurate, I SURE wouldn't be putting my money on what they suggested!  So why would I  pin hopes and emotions on their predictions!!! It's just become a habit I guess...entertainment is right.  I think once you find real and honest ones, you can depend on their insight into current stuff and past,,, clarity of people's feelings and thoughts.

Like I said, Cookie told me why what I wanted wasn't happening, and she KNEW I wasn't doing what she suggested. She's very gifted.

wow, surprised Positive Path didn't work for you,, she's always given me amazing insight. I guess thats another thing,, some readers seem to work for some, and not others.  People out here swear by Jaqueline on California Psychics,, I thot she was one of the absolute WORST fakes  I've read with, I would have requested a refund if I hadn't already this month.  She seems to work for others though.

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #71 on: September 15, 2011, 05:32:46 AM »
toknow, the way you described cookie is really good, and since she even give you insights how to get your desired outcome, why do you still bother to call other psychics? i am still calling new ones because i haven't found one that work for me.

just to share with you what happened with pam. i gave her time to pick on the info, but she was like stuck and no words flow. when she spoke i could tell she wasn't sure. then she asked me, are you both dating? from this question i already knew she couldn't pick up anything. then she told me my sm is interested in someone else. give me a break. if you can't see just say you can't see, magicalsandra said she can't see when she can't see. then pam arranged a refund for me, and emailed me that she had never need to refund someone. so egoistic. and still insisting she is right. wth. because of her, i called Gail who talked non stop and i only realised that she had picked up on nothing after 30 mins. feeling really down, i called dr rachael on psychic access, she IS fake. also called Salome. she is not too bad, picked up on feelings but not facts, could be just another make-you-feel-good reading.

was going to give up, but two more pop up on my list today, cookie and cherry. i think i may call them one day. if they don't work, then that's it for me.

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #72 on: September 15, 2011, 06:15:06 AM »
Its hard to find a real psychic

Offline 4everhopeful

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #73 on: September 15, 2011, 12:22:37 PM »
Yes it is hard to find a real psychic. Its taken me a long time and a lot of reading up on psychic ability, but from what I can tell, they may be able to pick up on some things but predictions they should not even tell you. I was so much happier not expecting anything and I am thinking now that we are all fooling ourselves by thinking that what they predict will happen. The thing is that when they predict for me concerning the ex, I ask if there is anything I need to do, and the answer is always no. Timelines come and go, nothing ever happens. Why do I even bother? And why did I bother in the first place????? I would have moved on long ago if not for the expectations that these people put out there for me to lap up like gravy. UGH!!!!!!! There are too many of us pining away for someone that doesnt pay us any attention at all. We deserve better. Those that have some sort of contact and at least a friendship with the ex may have a chance. I dont know about the rest of you but Im tired of living in a fantasy world. Today I say to hell with that man, he threw me away like an old shoe, and I hope karma bites him in the butt. But at this point, I dont even believe in karma anymore or he wouldnt be happy with someone while Im home alone everynight or having potential relationships wither away. Doesnt make sense to me. If giving out good things bring good things to you or you reap what you sow, then why am I alone after giving all to the relationship but he is enjoying time with someone new when he is the one that did me wrong? Psychics suck.

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #74 on: September 15, 2011, 09:44:54 PM »
hey guys, i have a question. probably no one has the answer, but maybe you can share what you think.

psychics say they read energy. is energy linked to feelings? or equals feelings?

when you are upset with you sm, of course your energy won't be flowing towards the sm. so at this point would the psychic reads it as, there is no more link, no more future , no more relationship? if the psychic only read current energy, this is all they are reading. who knows what direction this energy will be flowing next month?

then some psychics say they read from what the spirits tell them. if this is the case, then it makes sense they can see future events. so do they read from energy or spirits? do you know?

