Hey all,
Just found this site after having gone through a "psychic purge!" I chatted with quite a few Keen psychics over the past year and compiled a list that I like. I prefer chat so i have a trascript.
Lisa Dianne - She gave me details about people or situations in the current and past that were absolutely mind blowingly accurate. Details that in a million years nobody would have known. Things that I found out to be true a month after I chatted with her. She also gave me some advice. The first time i didn't listen to it.....and did the opposite.... situation went sour. Second time, I DID listen to her advice and followed it. Things turned out pretty well. She also predicted the EXACT date of something pretty important happening that I asked about. I almost fell over when it happened as she said. THE BIG overall prediction pending but I'm not holding onto the timing too much. It will happen when it's meant to!
SanSanVi - My jaw hit the floor the first time I chatted with her and second and third....She also gives incredibly accurate details about different people in question...even places and locations. All she needs are the names and question and she went off. I liked that. Just sitting back as she typed all these incredibly accurate details to confirm first that she was tuning in. These were details about people and situations and personalities and how I was feeling without my typing a word that again were not blanket - they were dead on accurate...and then she would answer my questions as I asked. BIG prediction pending again but .... through chat, about the present and past, I found her to be insightful, dead-accurate, detailed, quick, kind, and very articulate.
LifeMakeoverParty - Awesome empath and very empowering. She's an empath lifecoach. Very honest and straight forward when she can't see something. She reminds you that she is not psychic but she certainly can tune into energy and feel you and what others are feeling. Prices are very reasonable as well.
Hatter (Ruby) - I talked with Ruby as she is filling in for her dad. She was fabulous. Answered all questions in a very detailed manner. Stayed very focused. Very good at picking up the situation without much info from me. Even sent me a follow up e-mail ..... a very long paragraph to re-confirm what she wanted me to know and was worried I didn't get from the reading. Also gave good advice. in line with what everyone else is advising. Prediction pending
SoulMate2002 - i can't confirm anything she has told me. I just like her and liked her advice! Stayed in line with everyone else so i'm following it. It feels the right thing to do anyway.
Candis Coffee - She has made very strong and articulate predictions. She really reads with confidence. Nothing shaky or unwavering or fishing for info. She has given some dates for a prediction that have come and passed but I'm not worried. I just like her and believe that what she says will happpen WILL at some point...unless i change my mind.

Scary Carrie Lynn - Read the situation really well and explained the cards pulled and how she saw things headed. Gave same advice as as above! Very real and sweet despite her name. Predictions pending
Obviously, I'm not terribly worried about timing. I was at first and was trying to control every situation by calling psychics to find out this and that.... like i was playing chess. I realized that I was actually sending out some pretty hard core controlling vibes that I believe slow things down because it doesn't show true faith. When I think back to how other events I've wished for manifested in my life, they have been a mere wish or belief that i could make them happen and then I let the thought go.... and sure enough within months things just sort of happened and everything was easy from there. SO...that said, I no longer worry about timing as predictions will happen (if that is still what is wanted) and the sooner one just lets go and concentrate on their own life, the sooner things start moving into place. I bet most of you have already figured that out too!

It just took me a LOT of late night chats to figure it out and restore some sanity and faith that all will be well no matter what.
Anyway, the above are people who not only did I like their advice and find them accurate but also, i found them extremely compassionate and empowering. Very important.