Author Topic: any recommendations on keen?  (Read 295094 times)

Offline NewHealthyStart

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #450 on: February 08, 2012, 02:53:01 AM »
I got a prediction for two weeks said she's not hella good with timing but is she that bad? Like she said two weeks and I won't see anything for 2 months or is it just a few data off? I just want to prepare myself lol

Ya timing doesn't seem to be a big thing with her but its what she sees that's real.  Did I say that right?  LOL.  She's tried to give timing for us before but it's more of a general feel she gets for around when something is going to happen.  I actually don't ask her for timing anymore.  I've become really comfortable with what she sees and hears rather than when it's going to happen.  I know she will tell you if it's a long time out or if it's around the corner like it's something that she feels will happen soon.  She did predict something would occur at the end of October 2011 and it ended up happening Nov 2nd 2011.   That was the most recent timing reading that we had with her but she offered that information up, we didn't ask about it although we were a bit concerned over the when part.  She tends to like to focus more on what she's seeing and hearing.  She told my sister that timing is important when we are waiting but the most important parts happen when we're interacting with life, not what we did with the time in between... something like that.  It makes sense though. 

Offline LiveLaughLove

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #451 on: February 08, 2012, 03:01:40 AM »
Oh okay! Yea that makes sense what you said lol.

She offered the time frames for me as well...didn't ask her when so hopefully that's a good sign...:-/. Keeping my fingers crossed lol

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #452 on: February 12, 2012, 10:49:27 AM »
Hello Everyone,

I am so excited I found this forum and recently joined it. The reason is I talked to many many psychics in keen over last 6 months and really want to help people out here in order to understand whom to pick. At least they can save some money which I couldnt  :( .

So before going to in details. Would update a very pleasant experience with MsLisaM , just called her now after reading her feedback here and on keen. I must say that was an incredible call. She picked up everything pretty smoothly and few things which really took me by surprise. I agree that she is too good with picking up on current situation and emotions. She asked me to stay away from these two men I asked her about and that great love is coming in my life in June :D. We'll see about that. I am not keeping my hopes high as I heard she is not that good with predictions. My aim was to know about the current feelings and emotions of these two guys so that I can decide if I should move on or stick to the one I feel a lot about. The call with her really helped me.

I will post the detailed reviews of many psychics I used but it will take me some time. Btw, did anyone get a reading from PsychicSpy and The-Time-Traveler ??


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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #453 on: February 13, 2012, 10:34:51 PM »
I have posted before about my positive experience with Your Message From Above (Aurora) but I wanted to share what I think was a major prediction she made. She taped predictions in December 2010 for the then upcoming year, 2011 and posted them to YouTube. One of her predictions was news of the death of a young actress, 50ish, on the day of or close to the Academy Awards. When Amy Winehouse passed several people commented to her post that they felt the younger woman she spoke of was Winehouse. I remember thinking Amy is not an actress and although she was young she passed in July nowhere near the time of the Academy Awards. It may be a stretch here but Whitney Houston was an actress as well as a singer, she was 50ish (48), and she passed the day prior to the Grammy's which is not the Academy Awards but is a major awards show.

On another note, as some of you may know I have not had a reading with anyone since Jan 1st. But prior to my cold turkey stop I went on a calling frenzy and one of the readers I spoke with was Lisa Dianne and now I am all confused. She described a man to me very accurately, she knew his occupation, what he looked like, told me small details about his past I can confirm, etc. Along with the description she provided a name which I and she thought corresponded to the man she described. Well now I met another guy who she never described to me that has the name she gave me that I thought was for the other guy. This is a real test for me because I want to call someone soooo bad to figure out what to make of this but I am staying strong because I don't want to get sucked in to my calling cycle. I liked the first guy LD described so well, but he is dating around and I don't feel he is relationship material like Lisa saw. The second guy with the name she saw but did not give details about seems very interested and more ready to settle down but (call me shallow) I am not physically attracted to him and part of me wants to get to know him but the other part does not want to lead him on.

Offline Amaranth

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #454 on: February 13, 2012, 10:56:01 PM »
Just received my email reading from AstroSarah and was very impressed.  She picked up on some things that the last 8 psychics including 'the Twins' weren't able to pick up on.  So far I have had 8 'yays' out of 9 psychic readings ( the one 'nay' was from a storefront psychic, which I didn't put much weight into their prediction of us never getting together again, because her entire reading was so Godawful it didn't describe me at all.  Moving to Europe to be a fashion designer?  Give me a break... )

Almost all those good predictions were glowing, saying our bond would be even stronger after this, which sounds too good to be true, since our situation has gotten pretty bitter.  However, she and Stella of HP were the only ones to give me what feels more realistic- reconciliation this year, but there will forever be a wall between us- some part that will never truly heal.

So really, really impressed by AstroSarah's reading, and she was very kind and sympathetic and told me to email her at her personal email anytime.

I'm currently still in line for Cookie ( down to #9 from #19- whew ), but has anyone read with Lady Fontaine?  She sent me free minutes but I've never read with her.  I'm not sure if it's worth adding more funds to my Keen account to pad out 'the free minutes' to talk with her.
« Last Edit: February 13, 2012, 11:04:22 PM by Amaranth »

Offline Synergy

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Re: any recommendations on keen? (Denise Monique)
« Reply #455 on: February 17, 2012, 12:56:57 AM »
I'm not necessarily recommending this reader because I think she is too expensive for what she told me (I've gotten more (and more accurate) information from cheaper readers), but I read with Denise Monique, and she got something right!!!!

I read with her on Saturday night, and she told me that by the 14th (monday) I would see that my guy was going to start coming around in a silly way.  Like he'd try to run into me at work and stuff.  Well, I went home sick on Monday, and I thought, so much for that, she was wrong!  Yesterday, my guy started walking through the hallway where my office is.  He never walks by there.  He doesn't have to! 

When he did this yesterday, I had someone with me, and he didn't stop to talk.  Today, he walked by TWICE.  First, I had someone talking to me, so my SM just kept on walking.  The second time, he walked past me, then came back and asked me how I was.  He also complemented my outfit.  Last time I spoke with her, Sandy Esther told me to wear a short skirt because it would drive him crazy.  I dress up a lot anyways, and I wore I skirt with tights today (not even thinking of what Sandy Esther said), but I immediately thought of her when he complimented me! 

So, while Denise Monique was a few days off on timing, she was right about him coming around.  Unfortunately, her long term prediction wasn't what I wanted to hear.  She said he won't come back romantically until Jan/Feb and he'll still want to be casual, but I'll have met someone who wants something serious, so I won't be so heartbroken.  I doubt it, but maybe she's right.

OK... I have been reviewing my notes and previous readings, and Denise Monique seems to have been right on the money. It's February and for the past couple of weeks, the SM has been showing a lot of interest.  I've been chalking it up to just being friends, but he keeps asking about my plans and my weekends, but seems to be fearful to follow through with actually asking to see me.  AND I wouldn't want him back because I'm focused on Chance. 

I'm tempted to call her back, but she's so pricey.  Has anyone else spoken with her?


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Re: any recommendations on keen? (Denise Monique)
« Reply #456 on: February 17, 2012, 04:12:02 AM »
I'm not necessarily recommending this reader because I think she is too expensive for what she told me (I've gotten more (and more accurate) information from cheaper readers), but I read with Denise Monique, and she got something right!!!!

I read with her on Saturday night, and she told me that by the 14th (monday) I would see that my guy was going to start coming around in a silly way.  Like he'd try to run into me at work and stuff.  Well, I went home sick on Monday, and I thought, so much for that, she was wrong!  Yesterday, my guy started walking through the hallway where my office is.  He never walks by there.  He doesn't have to! 

When he did this yesterday, I had someone with me, and he didn't stop to talk.  Today, he walked by TWICE.  First, I had someone talking to me, so my SM just kept on walking.  The second time, he walked past me, then came back and asked me how I was.  He also complemented my outfit.  Last time I spoke with her, Sandy Esther told me to wear a short skirt because it would drive him crazy.  I dress up a lot anyways, and I wore I skirt with tights today (not even thinking of what Sandy Esther said), but I immediately thought of her when he complimented me! 

So, while Denise Monique was a few days off on timing, she was right about him coming around.  Unfortunately, her long term prediction wasn't what I wanted to hear.  She said he won't come back romantically until Jan/Feb and he'll still want to be casual, but I'll have met someone who wants something serious, so I won't be so heartbroken.  I doubt it, but maybe she's right.

OK... I have been reviewing my notes and previous readings, and Denise Monique seems to have been right on the money. It's February and for the past couple of weeks, the SM has been showing a lot of interest.  I've been chalking it up to just being friends, but he keeps asking about my plans and my weekends, but seems to be fearful to follow through with actually asking to see me.  AND I wouldn't want him back because I'm focused on Chance. 

I'm tempted to call her back, but she's so pricey.  Has anyone else spoken with her?

I;ve spoken to Denise. Once in 2007 and later in 2011. She sees things, but I think she is one of those readers who just dosen't know the ultimate outcome. She was right about a work issue, but relationship issues..she sees too many factors and can't decide where things will go.


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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #457 on: February 17, 2012, 07:16:01 AM »
Here is my list

LadyPersephone-grounded, specific detailed information about how people operate. Explains extremely well, but not to the degree where she eats up your minutes repeating things. I think she is excellent at seeing destined outcomes...not good with will he or she call etc. For example, she could see that you will leave your ex, get with a new guy but that there wont be fireworks at first, describe the guy and mention he needs a new wardrobe etc. She will see that bitch at work and tell you why she is behaving that way and how far she can go to mess with you. Love that about her.

Mslisam-similar to above. Just feel that she is too expensive and she is not the best with predictions. Empathic and psychoanalyzes people extremely well. Excellent remote viewer, describes people physically and their location etc.

Ryann-Not there often, which is a good sign. Sees DETAILS. I  once asked her what was wrong with my car, she could name the brand and the problem with it and that it would cost a specific amount. She is expensive though.

Barbara4846- she uses cards, but just for focus. She sees mini movies of situations and explains them. Specific with dates and her predictions are starting to come to pass for me.

Shootingstar11- excellent medium, sees people, places and things in your life. not the best with timing unless what she is seeing is right around the corner. Sees the life lessons with your interactions with people and this is gold with her if you are interested in that. A lot of problems that we have in our relationships are due to faulty programming (in my case, overgiving). If we can correct some dysfunctional patterns in our lives, our relationships and life in general get much better, and I have experienced that.

I've used a hodge podge of other readers, but these readers are the most consistent for me and I know their strengths and why I am calling them in particular.

« Last Edit: February 17, 2012, 07:22:41 AM by loops77 »

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #458 on: February 17, 2012, 07:41:25 AM »
Thank you for your review loops77! I really liked how you described exactly what each reader is good at. I would really like to read with MsLisaM! A few people on this forum have said that she is a really good empath.

Offline PrettyLittleLiz

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #459 on: February 20, 2012, 07:03:30 PM »
Hi guys!

I went on a bit of a rampage this weekend, and tried out 2 new readers.

The first that I will post about is Your Message From Above - Aurora, who I read with on Keen.

I don't know if I'm just being picky, if I've heard the same information too many times, if now I'm spoiled because I've been getting exact details/confirmations from psychics, etc - but she didn't blow me away. I thought she was really nice, and she provided me basically the same overall reading as most of the other readers - however, she seemed to be offering a lot of advice that I would get from a girlfriend (don't put your life on hold, don't be difficult with him, stay positive, etc) and as I've said before - I'm not calling for advice unless it's advice to assist me in getting what I want (okay - maybe don't be difficult with him helps with that one  ;D). He general outlook and predictions for the situation were alligned with all of the other readers, which haven't manifested yet so it's difficult to say. However, I didn't get many details or confirmations from her that blew me away.

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #460 on: February 20, 2012, 07:13:00 PM »
My second review for the day goes to Honesttogodpsychic on Keen, or Thomas John. He can be reached on his website at (which I would recommend using as his 25 minute reading is 45 dollars there and that seems like a steal compared to Keen).

Anyway, since I had a full 25 minutes I got to cover a lot of bases with Thomas - including career, money, etc. Thomas picked up on details (without any information from me) that really had me believe he was able to tune into my situation. He made some observations that were correct and his overall predictions were alligned with the other readers which I have endorsed on this site. Unfortunately, I don't know if any of it is correct - but at least I'm not being told really random information which contradicts other readers (I'm sorry if any of you are going thru this! It seems maddening and would perpetuate a very vicious cycle with me and calling psychics). Anyway, Thomas picked up on a key detail with my ex and myself, a key detail regarding my work/finances, and a key details involving my family. When I say details I mean like Cookie/AstroSarah like details that you know they aren't just making up because these are names and situational details that are unique to your life. Before my reading, I listened to some guest appearances he had on various New Age Blog Talk Radio shows, and he seems like a very talented medium. I guess I will just have to wait for the predictions to manifest, but I would definitely recommend him as he seems honest and non-judgemental and very easy to talk to.

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #461 on: February 20, 2012, 07:13:12 PM »

My sister read with Barbara4846 and she was really good. 

LadyPersephone - did she have a different name at one time?  I've heard other people talk about her and heard she was good but someone had said something about her having a different name on keen at one time.  I hate it when they change names and I believe her feedback is really good too so she would have done it for purposes other than that.


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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #462 on: February 20, 2012, 07:25:52 PM »
Yeah, I really like Barbara.
Don't know if LP had a different name. She has a lot of feedback on her profile, which dates from 2002 I believe. Maybe someone had a similar name as her, not sure. But, she is definitely gifted and one that has been consistent in quality and information she gives.

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #463 on: February 20, 2012, 09:06:53 PM »
Wow! I looked at Thomas John's website. He looks interesting & I noticed that he says on his website that he only recommends no more than 2 readings a yr at most and that he would only read up to 3 times a yr for someone. This tells me that he has integrity. Imagine the $ we all could have not spent if we all had found him first. Thanks for the info on him.


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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #464 on: February 20, 2012, 10:44:52 PM »
I spoke with Thomas John and actually recommended him earlier in this thread back in January based on some December predictions that came to pass but nothing else he said since then has happened. He did give me bad news regarding my ex when several others painted a fairytale so I thought he was genuine but he had really promising predictions for a new guy and a new job and nothing he saw with those things came to be. He also told me I would get contact from someone albeit just a simple text/email between the new year and mid-January and its about to be March and not a peep from that person. As far as him only reading people a couple of times a year, that is not true. I read with him twice in a two month period and he sent me minutes towards another reading and even in his feedback there are people who called once or twice a week.

I also read with Barbara4846 last year and liked her personality but none of her predictions came true. She was able to tell me the exact age of the guy I called about which I thought was cool as no one had ever done that before but she saw contact from someone coming in 3-4 weeks at the most and its been well over a year and I never heard from the guy again. Also, I asked her how two people had met because I was curious since their personalities were so opposite and she told me they met at a bar drinking which I thought was strange because I did not know him to drink and later I found out they met at work function and neither of them drinks.