Author Topic: any recommendations on keen?  (Read 295083 times)

Offline Amaranth

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #435 on: February 05, 2012, 10:45:58 PM »

Like another person on here said, you can get 3 good readings, and 1 bad one, and you tend to focus on that, and get even MORE readings from others to cancel out the ONE bad...I don't know who on here said it, but so true in my case, at least.

T'was me ^_^
That's the kind of 'vicious' cycle I found myself in.  It takes some trial and error, but once you find someone or a couple psychics that you connect with, try and stick to them and just trust in the universe.  So many times I'll try more and more psychics to corroborate what I've already been told, and sometimes I'll end up hearing different little details or that 'no' that I begin hanging into obsessively, and I think sometimes that hurts our original outcomes because we're focusing so much on disproving what has been said. Energy really needs a positive, continuous flow to work for us, as opposed to constantly having to navigate thru more and more flip-flopping emotions.

Offline wishfulthinker

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #436 on: February 06, 2012, 01:50:50 PM »
Hi guys,

@Amaranth - I posted something very similiar to this last week also.  It is so true.  It just takes one negative reading to set the round of calling into motion all over again.  I am trying very hard to get out of this cycle.  You know, if these sites keep track of our calling - how do we know that this is not being done purposely to us.  Let's not forget the driving force behind all of these psychic sites is $$$
I had a short reading done with Vicki Joy again the other night.  She has changed the reading since I read with her back in December.  Back in December she saw this man leaving his wife in April/May of this year.  Now she is saying he will want to start something with me in June - but he will probably not leave for another year.  WTF.  Sorry, but that is a huge change from the original reading.  I believe in free will and all, but seriously.  I like her very much - but I don't understand how the reading can shift this much.  I am getting to the point that I'm not putting too much weight into what they say.  Especially when it changes like this. :o  This reading is so different from the one I had with Astro Sarah the other day.  How can they be so different?  Their outcome is the same - that I will end up with this guy, but the timing is vastly different!


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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #437 on: February 06, 2012, 06:35:41 PM »
@amaranth: yep, was in that same viscous cycle a while back. My personal belief now is that nobody can predict the future. I do believe some people have a gift in that they can see the past, because the past IS basically set in stone - past cannot be changed, and some readers can pick up on the here & NOW - what's going on currently, but I don't think anybody can know the future. At least this is my experience after using so many 'psychics', my opinion, no offense to anyone.

Offline sunandmoon

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #438 on: February 06, 2012, 07:19:24 PM »
I'm with you Time! I have had so many failed predictions now (since June 2010) that I've lost a lot of faith (and money  :(  )

Offline Synergy

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #439 on: February 06, 2012, 07:29:39 PM »
Yeah, you'd think I would've learned by now, but I'm still calling.  AstroSarah told me that her guide wanted to yell at me to tell me to stop spending money.  Maybe everything else she said will turn out to be inaccurate, but I know for sure that part is true.


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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #440 on: February 06, 2012, 08:13:13 PM »
Yeah, you'd think I would've learned by now, but I'm still calling.  AstroSarah told me that her guide wanted to yell at me to tell me to stop spending money.  Maybe everything else she said will turn out to be inaccurate, but I know for sure that part is true.

@synergy: so you had good readings with 2 of your psychics, then a bad one with astrosarah? And that is the one you are dwelling on.  Please don't let the negative aspects in a reading pervade your mind, I think most will agree that these things can make you crazy - put you on a real roller coaster ride emotionally. Just don't dwell on the negative, try to only think about the positives, and what YOU want to happen, not what some psychic THINKS will happen - keep the good, throw out the bad. Bad=negative energy. Good=positive energy. Easier said than done, I know, but it can be done.

I'm sorry if I offend anyone here, but if a psychic starts talking about 'predestiny', well, I just think they are full of it.  JUST MY OPINION. Only God knows of predestiny, and no psychic is God.

And WE all here could tell each other to stop spending money on psychics too, and we aren't 'psychics.

STILL rooting for you................

Offline Synergy

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #441 on: February 06, 2012, 08:48:54 PM »

Without getting too specific, my readings with Kisha and Cookie were both good and bad.  Even AstroSarah said there is potential.  That's what has me so confused.  Kisha usually gives me very firm predictions.  She isn't doing this now.  I really should save my money and stick with her, but everyday I feel like I need to talk to a reader just in case something has changed.  It's so stupid. 

Overall, I know you're right.  I need to focus on the positive and just stop dwelling on this.  It's been so tough though.  I really convinced myself that I could be happy with this new man after the heartache I went through with the "SM". I've done this to myself and I really need to find a way to stop calling these people.

Interestingly enough, a coworker of mine came to talk to me today, and when I told her what I was going through in my love life, she asked me if I'd be willing to speak with a psychic because she has a local guy she goes to!  How crazy is that!!!  I don't think I'll call her guy, but I thought it was weird that this woman would offer up this information.  I don't tell anyone I call psychics because when I told my best friend, I was judged for it.

Thanks for the advice, TimeHeals. 


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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #442 on: February 06, 2012, 10:08:36 PM »

I don't tell anyone i talk/talked to psychics either, they would think I am CRAZY. But, the reality is, they DID make me almost crazy!! Something I learned in my keen psychic experiences, that perhaps some others can relate to, being that hindsight is 20/20. I found that whenever things were going in a positive direction for me, there would always be the psychics that would 'draw me back in' by 'suggesting' a negative thing could be happening in a situation, and of course what would I do???? I would stay on the phone with them longer, call them more often, looking for updates, etc. All the crazy ploys they use to just to keep you rattled enough that they know you will call back searching for answers. I never talked to kisha, cookie, or astrosarah, this could very well be what they are doing, I don;t know, but this seems to be a common practice. Its how they make their living. Astrosarah said her 'guide' wanted to yell at you for spending money, but she sure was eager to take it. Anyway, I'd be wary of calling any of them anymore Synergy, because they know you will keep calling for updates, changes, etc, and know you probably won't be calling if everything is hunky-dory. Many of them just lead people on. So, I could be very wrong,but maybe this is what some of these psychics are doing to you - give you good, mixed with bad, so you continually call. When this happened to me, that is when I started blocking readers who's readings changed and they started sprinkling in a lot of bad, or had nothing good to say. It wasn't because I didn't want to hear the truth, it was just  that they were so wrong, all the time! I just got so sick of it, and  just started letting my OWN thoughts rule - and thinking about what direction I wanted things to go, (within reason, of course, and yes, this is something I learned from The Secret),and of course, turned to prayer - yes, I know a lot you are sick of hearing that, but just being truthful about myself.  So, I stopped letting some psychic influencing my own thoughts. Because when they start telling you stuff, it CAN change your course of action, a lot of times for the worse. For instance, right now I can really relate to your hurt and confusion, and don't know who or what to believe. Believe your own instincts. I know you want concrete answers, we all do. Sorry to babble on like this, but I hate to see anyone get caught up in....drum roll.....THE VISCOUS CYCLE.

And the psychic telling you about 'predetermined'?? Bull.  And, I think I mentioned on here aries intuition (keisha, right?) blocked me, even though I never had a reading with her. Why would a reader, IF they were ethical, do that?? Probably because she searched my username, and knew darned well that if she was so wrong about predictions I'd come back and give her a 1 star, and get my money back, that;s why. There could be no other logical explanation. And I don't accept the excuse of she didn't think she could read me or whatever nonsense she would say IF she had the decency to respond. Its been awhile since I've called keen and left ANY feedback, but back when, I did leave feedback good and bad.  And - ask yourself - have any MAJOR predictions happened for you? The things that matter MOST to you. If the answer is no, than that tells you something. If the answer is yes, then stick with the psychic who actually came through for you.

Sorry for such a long post, but I just felt I needed to share that with you and others, tell about my experiences and thoughts. I still do very occasionally call on someone, though I try not to, but I am much better at dealing with things on my own now. I actually seriously thought of calling cookie about a family matter, but not now. Try not to over-analyze what these psychics are saying. In the end, you'll see that nothing is ever as bad as it first seems.

STILL rooting for you...............ok, I think I'll start a cheering squad for you............. :)

Offline NewHealthyStart

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #443 on: February 07, 2012, 01:58:48 PM »
I've had readings with Cookie and astroSarah and they are both good.  I'm cautious about moving around through psychics but, I have done so before just on a whim.  You really do have to watch what you spend on keen.  I looked at their advisor link before and keen charges them almost 50% of what they charge per minute.  That's why we've looked for some of the psychics we tried on the internet to see if they have their own website, it's usually a lot cheaper that way.

We had a reading with Sylvia browne a few years ago and omg she was horrible, after waiting for over 10 months after we paid for our reading with her you'd think she would have known something, she was literally wrong about everything.  You'd think she would have at least took those 10 months to hire a PI to research us for the money we paid and then came up with something.

Oh, my sister just mentioned Chip Coffey.  He used to work keen until he started that paranormal kids show, now he was very good.  We had 2 readings with him and he was really good but, he's expensive now also on his own site.  We stick with Sarah because she's been accurate for us.

Offline wishfulthinker

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #444 on: February 07, 2012, 02:18:37 PM »
That is very reassuring to hear what you have to say about Sarah.  I had a reading with her last week and she had such a positive outlook for me.  She said she couldn't see anything negative in my reading at all.  The way she worded it was "no red flags". Believe me, I was asking all of these questions thinking she was about to say something really negative.  Nope. 
Her prediction is still a couple of weeks out - but as we all know - timing can be the let down in these readings.  :-X

Offline NewHealthyStart

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #445 on: February 07, 2012, 02:40:33 PM »
I'm glad we were able to help a bit.  We were lucky because our mom knew of Sarah so that was an easy choice.  We found cookie on our own on Keen and she's really good too, shes hard to get with now though.  You could say that the reason we stay with Sarah is because we've known her for so long.  I just know she actually cares, it's not an act, ya know?  It's hard to explain on only 1 cup of coffee, LOL.  The other thing about her that stands out that my sister just brought up, hopefully helpful to someone, when my sister was pregnant last year ( she did predict this )  Sarah went on the Babies-r-us website for my sisters registry and bought her the swing, some onesies, a cute little dress and a receiving blanket.  I mean who does that?  LOL.  She didn't even ask us about it, we had to bring it up to her when the boxes came to the house and she acted like it was no big deal.  Well let me tell you, these weren't cheap items and she basically might as well have reimbursed us for up to a years worth of readings. 

I have heard her say she's been wrong in readings before too, so keep that in mind.  I guess I just really like her honesty.  And when our mom had her problem years ago, Sarah sat on the phone for free for 2 hours with our mom crying with her, even though she professed through the entire 2 hours that our mom would beat this, she knew it was going to be so hard on all of us. Quite honestly I don't know how she makes a living working the way she does but, she is always telling us that God provides and she trusts in him completely to help her and her kids and that we should do the same.  Ya, my sister just said, "Ask and ye shall receive" LOL. 

Offline LiveLaughLove

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #446 on: February 07, 2012, 04:31:45 PM »
I got a prediction for two weeks said she's not hella good with timing but is she that bad? Like she said two weeks and I won't see anything for 2 months or is it just a few data off? I just want to prepare myself lol

Offline bjr181

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #447 on: February 07, 2012, 08:32:56 PM »
I was curious- how long did it take for Sarah to get back to you?  I signed up through Click-for-advisor and wasn't sure how fast she is to get back to someone.  If anyone has any ideas, let me know.

Offline PrettyLittleLiz

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #448 on: February 07, 2012, 10:28:21 PM »
I paid via Paypal and it was Saturday morning and I was able to get on the phone with her within the hour.

Offline LiveLaughLove

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #449 on: February 07, 2012, 10:44:29 PM »
I too paid through PayPal like at noon my time for a call the next morning and got it.

PayPal or keen is probably the best way to go..