Author Topic: any recommendations on keen?  (Read 295070 times)

Offline LiveLaughLove

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #405 on: February 02, 2012, 06:37:23 PM »
I think she's good BUT if nothing happens is what I'm intereste in. Even if the things she predicted in addition to what I called about happen then yes I will believe in her ability. Feb and march will be the key months on her other predictions so i will definitely keep everyone updated on what happens:)

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #406 on: February 02, 2012, 06:39:02 PM »

Are you referring to Sarah or Tina?  Who did you like better??  Were their predictions similar?

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #407 on: February 02, 2012, 06:49:21 PM »
I found the ripoffreport discussion between Tina and Randall.  It's an interesting read if any of you have the time to look at it and haven't done so already.

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #408 on: February 02, 2012, 07:09:25 PM »
Oh sorry I was talking about Sarah. I really liked her,she seemed real and she didn't ask "do you know what I'm talking about" etc. I hate when they do that because that sounds like fishing to even though i asked the main question i called about,she took it upon herself to tell me other things which was great and appreciated. I enjoyed my reading with her,definitely give her a call!

Tina was good as well..she picked up things without asking me questions really...she was able to pick up something very important with my situation that most of them don't pick up. So I don't understand the whole cold calling article that was posted about her unless she just perfected it and I couldn't tell lol.

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #409 on: February 02, 2012, 07:16:21 PM »
i've been listening to Tina's blogtalkradio shows and it really seems that she's the real deal. she picked up a lot of random stuff and just all of a sudden when she's talking she'll be like what's the deal with _____ and its something specific not something completely vague. also, when she starts the show she picks up stuff and then tells ppl in the chat room to let her assistant know because she needs to talk to that person.

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #410 on: February 02, 2012, 08:01:17 PM »
3rd Time using psychicandrew, predictions all came out even got the name of the person right, no waste of time either like other readers. He is a man and that guy point of view really helped me get out of a bad situation and find the right guy, I call him every month now just to keep things running smooth. He is not for everyone, very honest, very blunt, but very sweet and real. I tried a few other but they just asked me questions and told me what they thought I wanted to hear. Andrew has great reviews, I mean really great. I recommend him if you want honest truthful answers and some good advice. He also used Tarot cards for my year end reading but you have to ask him to use them. He is mainly clairvoyant. Sent me 5 free minutes and I get minutes free every month from him so although his price is moderate it seems to work out less and gets me more..
I think thats his main page. I have him as my favorite

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #411 on: February 02, 2012, 08:18:12 PM »
I spoke with PsychicAndrew 3 times when I was calling about my SM.  He never truly made a prediction.  Instead he gave me advice.  One piece of advice actually worked when I took it, but in the long wrong it did not get the desired effect.  The last time I called him, I had a very specific issue and he had no clue what he was talking about. 

In the long run, he was completely wrong for me. 

Offline sunandmoon

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #412 on: February 02, 2012, 09:22:35 PM »
Hey guys, yesterday I heard a radio ad from CP! Disgusting and of course it didn't say entertainment purposes only.


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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #413 on: February 02, 2012, 11:14:18 PM »
"I couldn't believe I was supposed to work there but I now know God wanted me to learn how told cold read people, and to help people because I truly believe the other 300 psychics on there were fakes or not of God."

This seems very contradictory to me. Doesn't God want us to have truth in our lives? Cold reading is not the truth! It's a technique used by people who are not psychic to see if their guesses are going in the right direction. Cold reading is manipulative. Does this mean she is admitting to not having a gift but just becoming really good at cold reading people who think that she actually has a gift and is seeing the future?

This turns me off from her...

Someone please tell me that I'm just misunderstanding something here...

Tango-I agree, 'cold reading' is not being psychic. I went to the rip off report link someone posted here, too, and well, I was turned off by what was on THAT site - things said and such.

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #414 on: February 03, 2012, 12:03:28 AM »
I found the ripoffreport discussion between Tina and Randall.  It's an interesting read if any of you have the time to look at it and haven't done so already.

Wow is all i can say to that! I dont think I would have a reading by any of them, what is all the cat-fighting for? If they were really busy and wanted to help people they wouldnt show their true colors by being so mean.  ???

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #415 on: February 03, 2012, 12:11:03 AM »
I just read with Tina and I have to say that she was spot on with everything regarding my guy and she answered questions I had in my head before I could even ask. She confirmed what others have said and she also picked up on something that Vicki Joy told me, but I can't confirm if it's true. Only time will tell, but I feel confident about her reading because I listened to the blogtalkradio episodes and she didn't tell people what they wanted to hear. I always wondered if some readers tell u that all the guys that u're stuck on were your soulmates and just string you along. Tina didn't do that at all on her show so I was at first afraid to call her. My heartbeat was so damn loud when I picked up the phone to talk to her lol.

Also, I do think she is an ethical reader. She sent me 5 free minutes after my call and told me to update her on the situation via email so I don't have to spend money or use up minutes.

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #416 on: February 03, 2012, 01:22:23 AM »
Tina only sends me 2 minutes! LOL. She's asked me to email her updates as well and I have once and she responded very quickly.

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #417 on: February 03, 2012, 01:51:47 PM »
You know, I've never had anyone on Keen send me free minutes like you guys talk about! Same with followup emails. Once I had someone with a cold that felt really bad about that and she did but other than that no.

for some reason this reminds me of NYE 2010. I had called someone (would have to look in my notes to see who) that did remote healing or something. It was supposed to make them think of you and she had different levels of it but no prices. I asked her about it and she told me to email names dob etc. It took her HOURS to get back to me, I probably didn't hear from her till after 10pm. Then she wanted $250 to do whatever it is she does!!! I think she was banking on the fact that I'd be all worked up after waiting all day for her sure thing that I'd do it.

I check out her prices from time to time as she still sends emails and they fluctuate all over the place.

BTW you realize many Keen readers have multiple listings? Often the 1st is the most expensive. They don't always say the same thing, one may say career etc but they change their prices a lot. I always felt that was a scam too. One thing to offer a "sale" price but another to arbitrarily change day to day.

Offline LiveLaughLove

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #418 on: February 03, 2012, 03:51:13 PM »
Omg synergy you were right about gelsomina! She was just rambling and all over the place. She answered my question but she literally kept me on the phone without letting me cut in and saying ok thanks I'm done lol.

She also asked me too many questions in the beginning....and I felt like she was using a few things i I mentioned to her advantage so it didn't seem that genuine...but maybe I just had a "bad" experience

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #419 on: February 03, 2012, 11:28:38 PM »

Sorry about Gelsomina.  I distinctly remember her going on and on and on, but she was accurate about the outcome for me.

Well, I spoke with Tina last night.  I don't know if I was expecting a lot, but I felt like she was feeding me the fairytale.  I always get weary when a reader goes into the soulmate connection and all that kind of talk.  What she did say is in line with my favorite readers, but less detailed and specific.  There was an exchange that bothered me though.  She did know my age, which was impressive, but when we started talking about Chance she said, "Oh.  He's older than you, right?"  And when I said no, he's actually younger, she went into telling me that he's an old soul.  Isn't this a "cold reading" tactic?  I don't know what to think now. 

Kisha has been checking up on me by email, and she says that she sticks to her prediction.  I should know soon, and at least she's keeping me hopeful. 

Since Dawn (CP) had given me a reading with a negative outcome for me and my SM (she was right), I called her again to see what she would say about Chance.  She didn't give me a negative reading, and I liked what she had to say.