Author Topic: any recommendations on keen?  (Read 295053 times)

Offline sunandmoon

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #360 on: January 31, 2012, 09:36:46 PM »
I don't think I ever saw that one! Good thing as he was a text junkie, I would have been tempted to try lol

Offline LiveLaughLove

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #361 on: February 01, 2012, 03:17:19 AM »
I just saw roses on the tv just hasn't been 9 days yet though so is that my answer Time?

Offline BP1990

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #362 on: February 01, 2012, 04:02:58 AM »
Aww I love to read everything on this forum! I really like how we are all inspiring one another like TimeHeals giving us that prayer. I think many of us are trying that out right now :) I saw roses on TV too but I'm trying not to count that since I know Valentines Day is right around the corner but then again I wondered the same too. do we have to wait until the 9th day? Everyone on this forum is amazing and reading some of the posts puts a big smile on my face :)

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #363 on: February 01, 2012, 05:41:15 AM »
Is Magical Sandra really that good? Does she have that many repeat clients that she doesn't take on more? How and when does she add more clients?

Offline haileyn

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #364 on: February 01, 2012, 05:56:02 AM »
Is Magical Sandra really that good? Does she have that many repeat clients that she doesn't take on more? How and when does she add more clients?

This was posted at ripoffreport for her:

She has a problem reading new clients. Why? Because they are a risk. With old clients and the option of a note box in a Keen psychic's file, you are always set to know what people have told you before. You rehash, throw something else in, boom! You are so psychic!

If you are a REAL psychic you will know if that new client needs you genuinely and is a good person or if they are just a basher. I mean, if you can't tell the intentions of the client how can you claim to know the intentions of the people they ask about?

Anyone who denies new clients aren't because they are too busy but because they know that's where the truth lies and the bond has yet to be earned. New clients are more likely to be suspect and she KNOWS it.

She knows her constant clients will always 5 star her.

I used to be a life coach on Keen before I opened up my office. I needed someone to talk to. Before she read me I had another account and arranged a call, she said she wasn't taking new clients. I told her I had a good heart and was not after anything but a real reading. I saw her cheers on here of all places. She said no, I still stayed in line hoping she would change her mind. Days later I finally got my turn for her to call me. The phone rung and she hung up. She then emailed asking:

*****"Why are you doing this to me! What have I ever done to you! Why are you trying to hurt me!"*****

WHAT? I thought, wow for a psychic she really has no clue who I am. She assumes I am trying to get something out of this more than a reading and some honest clarity.

Then I was blocked.

Then my friend who I found out also got a reading from her (and later nothing came true) asked her for me (though she did not say I was the woman she blocked prior), I had to make up a new account and was in no way trying to be sneaky. "Magical Sandra is supposed to be the best" I stupidly thought. Even though she clearly had me pegged as a horrible person for just getting in line and not being a regular. I then got the OK, got in line as this is how it went.

*And for record I really wanted to believe this woman, I was like a lot of clients in need and weird who I went to. I have been burned and supposedly she was the best (on here!) so I wasn't trying to be disrespectful I just thought once we talked in person she would see I had no weapons.


I got a call from a stereotypical Long Island old lady with major smoker lungs which sounded like her voice was shot. (I love LI, but it's such a stereotype with 900 numbers). She then starts going in all directions, reading cards and as someone who studied for years she was making no sense. She started to ask me "You know what this means, etc." and was basically being very very vague and not giving me anything defined.

No dates, except years from now. Everything she told me I wanted to hear, nothing bad but yeeeeaaaaaarrrrrs from now and vague and could be said for anyone - like a typical horoscope.

She sweetened the pot by pulling the mama loves you crap and acting like she was going to take care of me in some odd way. I thought, wow what a sweet woman but I was hoping things would be more black/white, factual, dates, definition. It was hard to find such a sweet woman not to be a good reader. How can these people be wrong? She is so nice! Maybe I didn't ask the right questions? Wait, I did. I got nothing. What?

****I tried a couple more calls asking 1-2 questions. 20 minutes later for both I was just as confused before I called. Nothing to grasp, maybe she assumed I would then grasp in my life to make truth in her readings rather than grasp her readings to make truth of my life.**** the Mantra of a true fake psychic.

Anyone who tells you she is accurate is either gullible, working for her or Sandra promoting herself on here. After all, she knows about it, she told me this is how most people find her.

I left disappointed, but surely so many points must mean something!


It means she has been on Keen since it began in 1999. For a woman her age HOW can Keen be the only psychic connection she has? No articles for her "helping out the police" nothing years before. I've got news for you - if you are 60+ like this woman and all of a sudden your psychic gift comes out because Ingenio invented this website, you are a fake and a master manipulator.

She uses Mama and Love and talks like a little kid and offers to burn candles, etc. So manipulative and sad really. If she burned candles for all her clients, her house would have burned down. The only thing she burned is my wallet.

My last reading it was so obvious she was reading from the notes she took last time. Funny how the two times before she didn't know what my husband's name was or what he did for a living but now the third time I called it's the first thing that comes up. "Who is Steven?" "He is a lawyer." "Oh, you remember our last reading?" I ask.... "No, it's because Mama is psychic!" She replies.

She never knew those two things until last time we talked and I told her after she asked me. But now she knows them?

She also said I'd never lose the weight, guess what, I did.

She also said we'd get the house we were fighting tooth and nail for - the owners decided not to move.

She also changed her dates to something waaaay back when, when it was supposed to happen this month, now it's next year this time. Maybe in her note box when she predicts a time she should put the year down too.

So let's face the facts...

- she has points like this because she's been on since the beginning - 1999
- she has great feedback because these are the same people over and over
- she doesn't take new clients because she doesn't have notes on them
- she is vague, will not give you any detail (especially for the here and now) without you giving her your side of the story. Everything is in the future. If you are psychic you can see the now in great detail. And if you can see "my husband's name and career choice" I think you can pick up on other things, or can't you?

- If she was a tenth as good as people claim, she'd be well known. Her promotion about helping find children and the police? I asked if she has even helped out the Miami Police, she said yeah a couple months ago. My friend works there as a head Private Investigator, I forwarded her info. They have no clue who the hell she is and said she was clearly lying.

Kudos for manipulating people, Sandra. I'm sure Karma and the IRS will come in time.

Feel free to give her a call. And for all you people that swear by her, do yourselves a favor and try the following. C'mon, she's accurate and this will prove it to you and prove I'm wrong....

1 - create a new profile so she doesn't have notes
2 - Tell her you had to delete your other and dont give her enough facts where she can look your old account up
3 - Don't accept things that will happen years from now. Ask for things in the now.
4 - Do not give her clues: no laughing, crying, answering her questions - she should be answering yours. If she is pausing that is not the time for you to speed things up and tell her your life story, she should know it. Give yourself 2 minutes when you feel it is lagging to get your info and get out and let her know you want her to talk to you.
5 - DO NOT RATE HER until things HAPPEN!

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #365 on: February 01, 2012, 06:22:12 AM »
i read that ripoffreport for her too and i'm pretty skeptical about her. the last time i tried to get a reading with her, she doesn't answer the call and then sends me an email telling me that she thinks theres someone i should let go of. how could she say that and leave me hanging. thats not very sensitive of her.

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #366 on: February 01, 2012, 07:03:20 AM »
I've had readers tell me (I think that SE was one of them) that they don't keep notes, and that every reading is fresh, based on that post, that's not the case??

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #367 on: February 01, 2012, 07:11:17 AM »
i dont think SE keeps notes because the second time i read with her she had to do a fresh reading for me because she didn't remember me at all. allynis doesn't take notes. i think WhiteLightAngel keeps notes... not sure about other readers

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #368 on: February 01, 2012, 07:15:57 AM »
My readings with her were very different too, so I may be totally off on SE saying she didn't keep notes. My apologies if I am. But I have heard other readers say it, which is interesting. I will say that I have read with Marie Anna on keen and I think she's someone who said that she doesn't keep notes, but she's also a tarot reader who will tell you the cards that she's pulled and how it relates to your situation. She's recognized me as a person when I've called, but she hasn't started rattling off info at the top of the call. She's remembered things that have felt familiar to her, but it wasn't so on target that it seemed like she was reading from something. I guess go with your gut feeling on this?


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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #369 on: February 01, 2012, 02:13:18 PM »
No, it does not have to be after nine days, but you still should continue the Novena for the nine days.


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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #370 on: February 01, 2012, 03:10:41 PM »
@1day: I don't think a reader is going to admit they keep notes.

Offline Nottakingthebait

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #371 on: February 01, 2012, 03:21:51 PM »
« Last Edit: January 08, 2015, 10:08:23 PM by Nottakingthebait »

Offline LiveLaughLove

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #372 on: February 01, 2012, 03:38:37 PM »
K...but BP is right...maybe I just saw the roses because vday is up :-/

Thanks for that post about magical Sandra! Definitely not gonna call her! She did tell me yesterday that she doesn't read for new clients and asked for my bday to meditate on it and I said okay and I was referred by someone to speak with her but I'll wait for her reply and then a min later literally she said oh you seem like a sweetheart you can call ...I was thinking wait I thought you had to meditate on it? Lol but I just said okay. But I'm not going to call forget that!!

I do wanna talk to Tina zubia though..

Offline wishfulthinker

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #373 on: February 01, 2012, 03:43:15 PM »
@ k & LLL It makes me think they have a data base with the birthdates of people that call in.  Just a thought.  I wonder how much this site will have an influence on weeding out the fake readers.

Offline LiveLaughLove

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #374 on: February 01, 2012, 04:04:25 PM »
AStroSarah and Tina are the last two I'm going to read with then forget all about it.

Wishful: yea me too!

