Author Topic: any recommendations on keen?  (Read 295059 times)

Offline aquarian

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #210 on: December 06, 2011, 08:06:16 PM »
@glasshalffull: Thanks for the warning about the no contact advice, but I think it is needed because he is kind of a control freak. He's got issues even trying to put in the effort contacting his friends so I think once he gets his head on straight he'll contact me.

@BP1990: I think the predictions are similar, but not exactly the same. She was doubtful that he would contact me right before Thanksgiving, but if he did it would be a good sign and if it didn't not to think too much of it. I don't know what to make of this, but she said that August and October were important to us which is true I guess because I met him in August and we sort of split in October. I say "sort of" because I'm not sure where we stand as of right now. We hung out at the end of September and he seemed distant so I backed off and haven't seen him since. After that, I texted him on 3 separate occasions and he replied to me each time so at least he didn't completely ignore me.

Let's all stay positive, have fun, and have faith. I'm tired of trying to figure men out lol.

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #211 on: December 06, 2011, 08:45:18 PM »
Her break up was in October so that was off so now my sister is in panic mode...Were your readings completely different? Like in one she said you would be back with them and the next she said you wouldn't?

Hey haileyn, In both of my readings she said we would be back together but she never answered my question about whether we will be getting married or not.

In the first reading she said she KNOWS i've been told by others we will get married

Second reading I asked if she saw marriage and she was like "if i told you I see marriage then thats what will happen"..  I didn't have the guts to tell her that she didn;t tell me what she saw herself, she only told me what she knows i've been told

I've been thinking about how to rephrase my questions, next time I'll just ask when will my ex and I get married and see what her answer is.

Reason why i said the readings were different is because all the middle stuff changed. A lot of new stuff got added on. Not at all good stuff just plain bad stuff that I still hope will not be happening. A quick example, In our first reading she said communication would become consistent from Dec1. Now its Feb.

Last week I was questioning whether she gave me and Synergy the same reading or not since she gave us a lot of the same tiemframes and told us both that one particular negative situation would be taking place very soon in our ex' life.

Who knows if they will be happening or not. Only time can tell... Ive seen SE online and available to talk plenty of times today, i still see it now, But i'm glad i don;t feel the need to call!

Btw Welcome to the forum Aquarian!

Offline hellonurse

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #212 on: December 07, 2011, 06:11:50 AM »
Hi all! I'm new here but have been following for a long time now. I too have spent $$$$$ on keen!!! My fav's list has changed over the years, but the ones that have remained are....

1. thequeena34
2. saaqi
3. ellen hartwell
4. whitelightangel
5. roxies gift
6. tarottells
7. abundant visions
8. northstarjulie

I too have been on a roller coaster ride with a man, and I became so dependent on keen through it all. Well it's been a 3 year battle and I think I'm finally nearing the end. Not because we ran off into the sunset together, but because I'm finally over it. But that's besides the point. I'm writing to share with you some of the readers that have been accurate for me.
I know you all know that no one is 100%, and I'm not saying that these advisors even came close, but they're all gifted in their own way and for the most part have made some accurate predictions.
Roxies Gift told me a time for contact after 3 mos of silence from this jerk and it happen on the exact day that she said it would. Call it coincidence or whatever, but it still made a believer out of me. Saaqi is a very positive reader, she's been right about a lot but sucked with timing, except was able to tell me if something wasn't going to happen. For example she could tell me that for sure he WAS NOT going to contact by a certain day, weird but true. Thequeena34 has also been correct with things, not the smallest of details but has proven her accuracy. Ellen Hartwell has always been good with timing, although her timing is broad, she still nails it. For example,  Jerkface and I broke up in May of this year, didn't hear from him for months, but Ellen told me "August for sure", and sure enough I heard from him on august 21st. The last time we broke up was in September, Ellen again told me "November for sure", sure enough, end of last month I heard from him.
TarotTells (Richard) he's pretty good too, basically guaranteed contact, and he made contact. Same goes with Abundant Visions (Gaylene), she's been pretty accurate as well. Now we get to Northstarjulie, her and thequeena34 have told me all along that I would walk away from this man while all the others painted a positive tale, not that they were inaccurate, I just think that they gave me the reading that "could be" if I chose to stay or deal with Jerkface. But like I said, Northstarjulie and thequeena34 told me different. And at the time I didn't believe them, but it appears they were right all along.
The one common theme all these advisors had was that he was going to contact, and our "relationship" wasn't over, even though every single time I thought it was.  I also didn't alter their predictions by contacting him. I just waited. Everyone on my list reads tarot except for whitelightangel and ellen hartwell.
I don't know if this helps, but just thought I'd share. If anyone has questions or wants more details or examples, just ask, I've taken notes on all my readings and can provide them. Hope this helps someone.

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #213 on: December 07, 2011, 01:08:22 PM »
hey hellonurse, welcome to the forum!

thanks for sharing your reviews, I've been thinking about contacting Roxies Gift for a while, I just don't know If i should. Really don't want another conversation filled with dead air or just guessing. I recently discovered Abundant Visions so not sure about that as well

Was Roxies Gift able to nail any other predictions for you except for the one about contact? Let me know anything else you might have to say about her, anything that can help prove her to be accurate! It would really help =)
« Last Edit: December 07, 2011, 02:09:37 PM by misty »

Offline Synergy

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #214 on: December 07, 2011, 04:15:40 PM »
Hi Hellonurse! 

Thanks for all the reviews. I've spoken with Ellen and TarotTells.  I used to call Richard a lot over the summer, but unfortunately, his predictions didn't pan out for me.  Ellen is just o.k. for me. 


Roxie is one of my 4 "go to" Keen advisors.  She is pretty amazing.  She knew the gender of my children, has described people's appearances accurately (we all know a lot readers can describe a personality, but she has always gone beyond that for me), and to top it off, she's so darn nice!! 

I haven't had any major relationship predictions from her pan out, however she has nailed some predictions dealing with other areas of my life.  Interestingly, she has always told me that she sees me having a son one day, but that she didn't know why she couldn't confirm if it was with my SM or not.  She has always seen his feelings for me clearly and says he wants to be with me, but she isn't sure if he has what it takes to go through with it... which I think is true. 

I don't want to encourage any of you to spend more money on these readings, but I really like her.  I think she has a gift.

I haven't had a reading since last week!!  I'm really proud of myself... but I'm starting to get the itch... especially because SO much has happened to me this week.  I think I'll check out some of these readers... maybe!   

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #215 on: December 07, 2011, 05:50:57 PM »
Hi Hellonurse:

I tried to hard to get a reading with Northstarjulie.  She blocked me :(

Then a friend of mine told me that there was a recent review where the person mentioned they were a first time caller and that I should try again.  Well that did not work out either.  I thought it was cold of her to block me like that.

I am in Abudnant Vision's queue so I hope I will be able to read with her.  She seems to be quite popular.  I will let you guys know what I think of her.


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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #216 on: December 07, 2011, 06:44:14 PM »
Thanks for your input Synergy! I'm in no position to spend another dime on psychics this year. I've only been wondering about calling since I received 20$ from keen because of the thanksgiving weekend special. Either I call her or SE or Abundant Visions (her reviews look pretty good and shes cheap). But then again I've been wondering if I should really call back  people whose time frames have jumped around. Same goes with a few other advisors...Even when they were wrong in the previous reading, you call back after a few weeks just for an update, and they tell you nothing you don't know already

I still have plenty of free minutes on PPN so that will keep me going for a while. BTW I called Zhanya and I guess we didn';t connect. There was a lot of dead air! She told me I would be the one to call my ex and we would get back together in less then 24 hours. Last time I took someones advice and called my ex I told you how it backfired even though it wasn't my fault and he should have been the one calling.

Bridgee, I'm sorry you got blocked :-\ I looked over her feedbacks and the feedback from the new caller is from 7/8, so a few months back. She also stated that she will not be taking any new callers on the top of the page, its small but its up there:S. I still think that was cold of her to just block you like that without any explanation from her part.

I'm looking forward to hearing how your reading with Abundant Visions went!

« Last Edit: December 07, 2011, 07:36:27 PM by misty »

Offline aquarian

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #217 on: December 08, 2011, 06:45:49 AM »
uh oh. i'm feeling the itch to try Ellen Hartwell... i'm listening to her blogtalkradio show on demand episode and so far i really like her message. do you guys all agree that she is accurate in terms of picking up stuff as an empath?

Offline aquarian

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #218 on: December 08, 2011, 03:51:09 PM »
ok maybe i'll try Roxies Gift instead. thanks for the info

Offline Synergy

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #219 on: December 08, 2011, 03:59:54 PM »
Unfortunately, I had the same type of experience with Ellen.  She is very nice, but none of her predictions came to pass. 

Offline hellonurse

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #220 on: December 08, 2011, 04:11:25 PM »
Hi everyone!

@Misty...looked at my notes with roxie and nothing else she predicted except for contact has happened. The other things she told me are more relationship stuff down the line. But then again at the time all I ever really asked her about was contact.

@Synergy...did anything Richard tell you come true?

@Bridgee...I don't know why Northstarjulie blocked you, but Kisha did the same thing to me, called her twice, spent money on her, then all of a sudden one day I'm blocked! Silver lining for you, at least you didn't spend 3.99/min on her before you got blocked! Kisha's predictions didn't happen anyway, so it all worked out.

I'm sitting here sifting through all my notes, and I've called so many advisors!!! I'm so annoyed with myself!!! Which is why I'm so thankful for this forum, let's me know I'm not alone. If anyone has any questions on any other advisor, ask, I'm sure I've probably spoken to them all! UGH  :-[

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #221 on: December 08, 2011, 04:41:32 PM »

A little background info. for you... my SM and I were intimate for the last time in May, and then nothing.  No more dates, no more effort on his part... I turned into his work buddy.  It was REALLY weird.  That's when I started calling TarotTells.  Richard got a couple important predictions wrong, so I got mad and never called him again.  He would primarily answer contact questions for me. He was so certain my SM would ask to see me again.   He would give say it would happen in a week, then I'd call again and he'd pretty much say the same thing. 

The deal breaker for me was when I invited my SM to my friends' engagement party in August (can you believe I was still pursuing him?  ugh.)  Well, my SM didn't say no, but he didn't say yes.  I gave him to weeks notice, and he told me he'd let me know because he was studying for a big exam (this was his "go-to" excuse).  I called Richard, and he told me that for sure he would say yes.  Actually, most readers said this (and I called a lot during this time!).  Dianalc was the only one who said he wouldn't go.  Kisha told me her guide couldn't see if he would say yes or no because he was undecided about it. 

I'm sure you can guess what happened.  My SM said he couldn't go just a couple days before the party, when I reminded him that he never told me if he'd join me!  Jerk.

That was the last straw for Richard.  I really liked him because he seems like such a nice man, but he was all wrong for me. 

You're the second person here who says Kisha has blocked them!  That really upsets me because I really like her.  I wonder what that's all about!  She's been right about a lot of stuff with me, but lately she hasn't been.  I wonder if the connection isn't there anymore.  I'm sorry she was wrong for you.

Roxie has been right for me about work and random predictions that she has made on her own without me asking about that aspect of my life.  So far nothing she has said about my SM has happened.  I don't blame her for that though because I really think my SM has the feelings but he convinces himself not to move forward because of his fears.  I called Roxie long time ago, and only started calling her again in the past couple months.  I know she didn't remember me from the first time we spoke, but she was right about my children (again) and she has told me that I will have a son sometime in the future. She has said that multiple times.  I won't be able to confirm some of her predictions for awhile, but I really like her, and she doesn't feed me a fairy tale.   She even told me she couldn't confirm if that son would be with my SM or another man.  That made me actually believe her even more because she wasn't trying to convince me that my SM is the end all be all.

Offline hellonurse

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #222 on: December 08, 2011, 05:06:49 PM »

It pains me to say that we're on the same darn boat! I want off!!! Lol! I commented on a post of yours regarding Cookie, read it, some pretty interesting stuff. Sometimes I wonder if what advisors tell us is what the others most positive probability is. Meaning, if their intention is to be with us and if so how it would play out, vs the negative. Also, the problem is we're not dealing with ourselves alone, we're dealing with men who have their own free will and own fears and reactions to those fears. For example, when I hadn't heard from Jerkface for so long I kept asking why he hasn't contacted me, what is the hold up. Most everyone told me the same thing, he was "afraid" to and didn't know how to, and that he would just summons the balls to do it. Reasonable response, kind of a blanket answer. But when he finally called I asked him what took him so long, and he told me he was "afraid" to. Haha. And when I asked him why he finally did, he said it was because he was expecting me to call him (the nerve) and he couldn't wait any longer.

While 90% of these advisors painted a fairytale, there were a couple that told me that he would contact, but in the end I would walk away. That day has finally come. The thing is, he hasn't changed, and probably never will.

Im going to test one of the advisors today, I'll ask a question I already know the answer to. Let's see how that works. But is it wrong to test them like that? Fair? Ugh, idk anymore.

Who else works for you? You mentioned you use 4, roxie being one of them...

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #223 on: December 08, 2011, 05:31:35 PM »
I know that these readers don't connect with everyone, but these are the ones who have made ACCURATE predictions for me:

Aries Intuition (Kisha) - Accurate on contact and timeframes.  Knew that my new guy went through a rough break up a few months ago. 

Sandy Esther - Was the only one to see the new man in my life before he was there.  She even told me he'd be a fire sign... he's a Leo.  She knew that he's younger than me without me having to tell her.  Also correctly predicted the timeframe for my move into the new apartment.  Accurate descriptions of people in my life.  Has told me many things/details that I can confirm. She made a prediction saying my SM would initiate more contact with me in late November, and this turned out to be true as well. 

Roxies Gift - for the reasons mentioned in a previous post.  Accurate reader. 

Dianalc - The only reader who made accurate predictions over the summer when I was trying to see my SM.  I called her last week, she gave me a very honest and realistic reading concerning my SM vs. my new guy. 

Here's one other one I call about once a month:

Vicki Joy - Her predictions actually haven't manifested yet and maybe never will, but I like her a lot.  She's a no-nonsense reader. 

There hasn't been one reader on PPN who has made an accurate prediction for me.  NOT ONE.  However, these are the ones I really like:

Healings by Rob - This man has a gift, no doubt about it.  I gave him the names of my two guys, and he was off and running.  No real predictions were made, except he does see good things for me and my new guy.  He's one of the only readers who told me I need to resist the connection with my SM because he and I are not going to be together.  He told me exactly what's holding my SM back, and I believe him.

Bonniesha - Gives a lot of information.  I really like her style.  None of her predictions have manifested yet, but she has been accurate with her details.  She told me something about my new guy that gave me chills.  I can confirm that it's true, and it's not a common detail. 

The only CP psychic to get a prediction right is William.  He told me I wouldn't get a promotion I wanted, and he was right.  Others have gotten the past and present details right, but none of the predictions have manifested.  I don't call them anymore. 

I have raved about Avalon and Raven before, but I don't plan on calling them back unless their predictions actually manifest.  I don't need to hear about things I already know... I need actual predictions that come true. 

I've done so well this week.  A few days went by where I didn't call any readers.  I finally called Sandy Esther yesterday, and I haven't made any other calls.  I might try and speak to Roxie before this week is over, since she's the only one who I haven't asked about my new guy.  For some reason, I'm also really drawn to Claudia Portugal's profile (PPN), so I might call her with my 5 free minutes.  Has anyone spoken with her?

I hope this list helps, hellonurse! 

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #224 on: December 08, 2011, 05:51:32 PM »
Oh synergy youre the best! Thanks for filling me in on all your experiences. I truly appreciate the help!

Just spoke to roxie.  :) good call once again. Mentioned something about jerk face that I never told her but is true. I've called Kisha, she blocked me after 2 calls. I don't think we connected though. I've also tried sandy Esther, but when I asked her about jerk face she said " are you friends but you want more?" which was wrong so I didn't call her again.

Haven't tried any other sites, I'm scared to. Haha.

Can't find dianalc, but will look again.

