Author Topic: any recommendations on keen?  (Read 295056 times)

Offline haileyn

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #195 on: December 03, 2011, 04:46:39 AM »
I had my reading with her this morning too, time will tell if she's right about contact. She did send me a follow up email too which I thought was nice of her. Did she send anyone else a followup email?

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #196 on: December 04, 2011, 02:23:01 PM »
Sadly the first date of communication didn't happen for me as predicted but Sandy also gave me 2 more dates in December for communication so we'll see. But at this point I don't think it will happen, I fight so often with my SM that I doubt longevity even if we talk again. Sad day indeed.

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #197 on: December 05, 2011, 04:22:28 PM »
I've since recommended SE to my sister and she received the call this morning but the problem is SE gave her pretty much the same info she did me. She asked her was August the month they broke up, asked me the same. Asked was there relocation, asked me the same. Told her March would be the worse case scenario for contact, told me the same thing....

So now I'm so confused and her time frame already passed because she told me December is a good chance. I want to believe her so bad based on her feedback but I'm not so sure anymore.

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #198 on: December 05, 2011, 04:41:15 PM »
im shocked:S assuming your sister called her about her ex. Was there really a breakup in august?

... I had two readings with her 3 weeks apart. they were totally different from one another. So ya im confused about her too

Offline haileyn

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #199 on: December 05, 2011, 05:01:08 PM »
Her break up was in October so that was off so now my sister is in panic mode...

Were your readings completely different? Like in one she said you would be back with them and the next she said you wouldn't?
« Last Edit: December 05, 2011, 05:02:53 PM by haileyn »


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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #200 on: December 05, 2011, 05:59:45 PM »
Oh no!!! I am a Libra cusp Scorpio !!! Know it makes sense why i have broken up with my boyfriend of 8years. he keo making false promises. Go Libra

Offline BP1990

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #201 on: December 05, 2011, 07:19:12 PM »
I've since recommended SE to my sister and she received the call this morning but the problem is SE gave her pretty much the same info she did me. She asked her was August the month they broke up, asked me the same. Asked was there relocation, asked me the same. Told her March would be the worse case scenario for contact, told me the same thing....

So now I'm so confused and her time frame already passed because she told me December is a good chance. I want to believe her so bad based on her feedback but I'm not so sure anymore.

Sandy asked me if it has been 5 weeks since my SM contacted me and its been 4 1/2 weeks so I give her some credit for that. I didn't want to remind her too much about the 1st reading I had with her about 2 weeks ago and this one seemed a little different but not drastically. She did also mention that December was the time in which my SM would contact me. The first time frames she gave me was the 4th or 14th of December. I haven't heard from him yet and in this reading she gave me today, she said possibly the 6th but if not, definitely before and/or by Christmas. She did also mention relocation with him in July and I don't know if this is a typical thing she mentions in her readings but for me I think that relocation is more than likely to happen since my SM is in the military and had always mentioned that. Sandy told me February/March would be a good time to see some changes and by April there should be consistent communication but if not by then, then I should not wait any longer. I am really deciding on stopping myself to hold on to time frames here. Maybe Sandy has a pattern with her readings but I also wonder if its due to how the planets are influencing some of these dilemmas we are facing because at the ending of the day we all seem to have similar dilemma's. Regardless of her time frames, I know my SM will come back even it's just to tell me if things would work or not because the way my situation happened, an apology from my SM is needed.

Offline Synergy

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Re: Sandy Esther
« Reply #202 on: December 05, 2011, 07:28:20 PM »
I know many of us our questioning her accuracy, but I have to point out that Sandy Esther has recently been correct on two predictions for me.  I've already shared that she was right about my living situation.  She told me we'd find a place before the holidays and that we'd move in at the beginning of December.  We're moving in on Wednesday.

In my last call to her (on 11/09/11) she told me that the man who would give my SM a run for his money and would be another option for me to marry would be a fire sign.  She didn't see him coming in until January, but my new guy is a Fire sign and we met in the end of November.  I still haven't called her to ask about the new guy because I really don't want to.  I'd like to start relying on my own intuition.  I'm sure I'll call her soon, but I'm trying to hold out as long as possible. 

I do have to say, though, that her readings did have a similar feel to what you all are saying.  The first couple times I called her she assured me that I would marry my SM.  She did say it would be hard work, but if I hung in there we'd be together.  Once we started speaking more frequently, she started telling me some things that concerned me, and then eventually she brought up the new guy. 

She did also tell me that once I would be interested in the new guy, my SM would come back around.  Nothing major has happened yet, but every day since I have been focused on my new guy, my SM has come to my office to talk.  He NEVER used to initiate contact, but now he does on a daily basis.  IF he does come around as aggresively as SE said he would, I'm not sure I'd take him back. 

Offline haileyn

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #203 on: December 05, 2011, 08:04:06 PM »
I've since recommended SE to my sister and she received the call this morning but the problem is SE gave her pretty much the same info she did me. She asked her was August the month they broke up, asked me the same. Asked was there relocation, asked me the same. Told her March would be the worse case scenario for contact, told me the same thing....

So now I'm so confused and her time frame already passed because she told me December is a good chance. I want to believe her so bad based on her feedback but I'm not so sure anymore.

Sandy asked me if it has been 5 weeks since my SM contacted me and its been 4 1/2 weeks so I give her some credit for that. I didn't want to remind her too much about the 1st reading I had with her about 2 weeks ago and this one seemed a little different but not drastically. She did also mention that December was the time in which my SM would contact me. The first time frames she gave me was the 4th or 14th of December. I haven't heard from him yet and in this reading she gave me today, she said possibly the 6th but if not, definitely before and/or by Christmas. She did also mention relocation with him in July and I don't know if this is a typical thing she mentions in her readings but for me I think that relocation is more than likely to happen since my SM is in the military and had always mentioned that. Sandy told me February/March would be a good time to see some changes and by April there should be consistent communication but if not by then, then I should not wait any longer. I am really deciding on stopping myself to hold on to time frames here. Maybe Sandy has a pattern with her readings but I also wonder if its due to how the planets are influencing some of these dilemmas we are facing because at the ending of the day we all seem to have similar dilemma's. Regardless of her time frames, I know my SM will come back even it's just to tell me if things would work or not because the way my situation happened, an apology from my SM is needed.

My sister's ex is in the military also and SE told her this morning that Feb/Mar would be a good time for changes also. She mentioned something about July but I can't recall what exactly so pretty much in line with your reading. So now even though I received a positive reading from SE about my situation, I don't think I can believe her, esp if what she asked and said during both mine and my sis's readings were the same. I think I'll just stick to Seha, Nina and Susannah from now on and if I really need a quick chat then the twins.

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #204 on: December 05, 2011, 09:44:22 PM »
Yeah Haileyn I see where you are coming from. It's really hard to tell what to think of all of this. I really do like Sandy a lot and I am only sticking to her since I kind of got tired going back and forth when every psychic brings something different to the table. I believe some have gifts geared towards particular things like time frames, empathy and/or visions. I know her predictions will come regardless and she even admitted that this reading she gave me today was a tough one to pick up on because my SM is so unpredictable and there is so much hidden information she could not pick up on. I guess it all depends like some people see her predictions spot on because the situation took it's course as planned but some situations like mine has several different directions because of so many different factors including a wife, deployment, emotional issues on his part alone and me with school, career and family issues. When we look back at this forum midway through next year, I hope there will be some great outcomes for everyone.

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #205 on: December 06, 2011, 06:10:48 PM »
Hi everyone! I've been reading this forum for about a month and finally decided to join the conversation.

I got a reading with SE after seeing the recommendations on this forum, but I'm torn about SE too. She also told me that she sees marriage for me and my guy, but that it would be difficult. I guess I could see this being difficult because I haven't talked to him for about a month and a half and I haven't seen him since the end of September :(. But she was right about him not relationships at the top of his priorities. For my first reading with her, she said that she really didn't feel contact in November, but if he contacted me on the 22nd or 23rd that would be a good sign. She saw contact in December, but didn't give me a specific day or anything. Well, she was right about no contact in November because I got nothing from him!  :( For my 2nd reading, the timeframe she gave me was mid December and she said things will get better in January, but he might pull away in February... I had a third reading with her, but I don't think she gave me specific dates (then again I wasn't really paying attention). She did say to me that she thought I would run into my guy in the next 2-3 days after my reading. However, it didn't happen (not that I know of). Does SE use tarot cards with you guys too? I always hear her using them at the beginning of the reading.

Have any of you guys tried Lady Celest? I like her because she's quick and just tells me what I need to know, but none of her timeframes have passed for me. They keep getting delayed for some reason. I called her recently and she said that I should've received contact by now, but she didn't give me a new time frame. I only asked her if I should get contact this month and she said "definitely". I hope she's right.

I have also tried Lisa Dianne and she would tell me how my guy was feeling. For a while she would tell me to not contact him, but in my last reading with her she told me to "break the cycle" and ask him to go out for coffee and catch up. I ended up not doing what she told me to do because everyone else was telling me no contact at all. I'm quite confused about her now!

I've had a few missing items that I have asked Lady Celest and Lisa Dianne about and in the end they weren't able to help me find it. It was more of me testing their abilities, but I guess connecting with people and lost items are different? I stopped asking about lost items because it ended up confusing me and making me lose confidence in readings.

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #206 on: December 06, 2011, 06:41:48 PM »
Hi aquarian!  Welcome!

I spoke with Lisa Dianne about 4 times.  I liked her a lot the first time I read with her.  I thought she described my guy perfectly, she even told me things I could confirm about his relationship with his father.  I was so impressed.  The second time I called her, the reading was completely different!!!  This time she told me that my guy wouldn't come back around for awhile because he was seeing a light haired woman.  This woman did not come up in my first reading with her when she had told me that my guy was missing me and wanting me back.  The thing is though, she told me that she saw the other woman on the back of a motorcycle, and my guy has a motorcycle, so she was probably right.  When I called her again, she didn't see the woman anymore, and she told me to be patient and not contact him because he was planning a reconciliation for us.  Needless to say that was months ago, and it didn't happen.

Have you spoken with LadyAshley15??  I spoke to her a lot over the summer.  She told me something (not love related) that happened the very next day, but she also got a few things wrong in other readings, so I'm not sure what to think of her.  She's really straight forward, and sometimes people leave feedback saying she's rude.  I like her style though.  She did always say, though, that even though my guy wanted to be with me, he wouldn't do a darn thing about it.  She said he didn't have the drive that it takes for a relationship because that's not as important to him as his career.  In hindsight, she was actually right. 

A reader on Keen named Akashic Insights told me pretty much the same thing about my SM.  She said that even though we have an intense connection and all the feelings are there, he wouldn't take the leap.  She did tell me I would meet my real soulmate soon, and my SM would be left watching me from the sidelines. She told me not to think it's because I'm not enough for him or that he's with someone else because I would continue to see him as a friend once I'm with the person I'm supposed to be with and that I would never see my SM in a serious relationship.  I actually think she's right, especially ever since I met this new amazing man who fits her description.  We'll see though.  Now that things are moving in this new direction, I'd have to say that I recommend this reader.  She was quick and honest.

I've never asked readers about lost items.  That's an interesting little test though.   

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #207 on: December 06, 2011, 07:20:03 PM »
Hi Synergy!

I think Lisa was able to pick up on the present very well, but as for the future nothing has come to pass for me. Well, technically, she said I would get contact within a certain timeframe, but it was because I ended up texting my guy because Celest told me that I should keep the communication going. Though the next time I called Lady Celest after she told me NOT to contact him at all and that he needed space. Err... k... Confusing! Lisa also told me that he doesn't want to contact me because he doesn't know what to say. I guess I could see that because about a month ago I passed by him (90% it was him) on a bike trail and he was going the other way and didn't even look at me or say hi or anything like we were strangers. I'm pretty sure that if it was him he definitely saw me because he knows I wear a hot pink jersey. SE said she saw "through his eyes" that I was wearing red or pink and she was right. When I asked Lady Celest about it she said it was him and he was in a mode of "urgency" and didn't know what to say.

I also got readings with Amy, Abbie, and Caitlin on PsychicSource. They all told me that we would end up together and not to worry about it. Caitlin gave me specific time frames which was similar to what SE gave me, but the Thanksgiving one didn't come to pass. I was really doubtful of that anyway.

I haven't spoken to LadyAshley15 or Akashic Insights before. Actually, the reader I really want to talk with is WhiteLightAngel, but she still hasn't answered any of my calls. I'm confused because in her recent feedback, she took some new callers! I actually don't really want a "reading" because I don't think I should know about anymore timeframes and stuff because I tend to dwell. I just want her to teach me how to stay positive and have faith.  :-\

Anyway, I've decided to just stick with SE and Lady Celest for readings as of right now and I don't plan on calling any of them for a couple weeks.

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #208 on: December 06, 2011, 07:21:51 PM »
Hi. Just a suggestion: be careful with the 'no contact' advice. I did it at a time that my relationship was going south and it had disastrous consequences.
Good luck.

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #209 on: December 06, 2011, 07:37:26 PM »
Aquarius my reading was exactly like yours. SE told me that she didn't see contact until December and she said that she couldn't imagine how he would let Thanksgiving pass and not contact me but she definitely sees him contacting me in December though he seems to be very unpredictable. I haven't spoken to my SM in about 5 weeks now. Last time I saw him was in mid September and November 2nd was the last I heard from him. My situation deals with a wife in the picture and it sounds bad enough but they were separated and filed for divorce(possibly) but now the divorce won't go through until next year of August..sigh..She told me to not contact him either. She also told me mid December would be possible for him to contact me. I am trying not to let this get to me but it's tough trying to focus on school and it really hurts to know that my SM made so many promises for us to move in after I graduate and almost got his rank lowered and job lost in the military because of me or should I say because of him not having his priorities together & seeing things clearly. Only time will tell at this point.