Author Topic: any recommendations on keen?  (Read 283253 times)

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #165 on: November 22, 2011, 09:58:06 PM »
hey synergy,

i wonder how and WHY things keep on delaying. I mean when psychics say its going to happen but will not because there is a delay..what the hell is the delay? whats causing the delay? freewill? the other persons habits of procrastinating? but shouldn't psychics already be able to tell its one of their personality traits and factor it in when coming up with a time frame?

i hate it when they say it will take a lot of work. It seems like its just us the callers that have to remain consistent and remain patient while the other person battles with themselves and their stupid ego and pride and what not. Basically everything at the end depends on what the other persons next move. I HATE giving the other person so much damn power. For once I want someone to tell me that the other person has to wait on me!

Anywho...Synergy I saw your comment on Kishas profile, you said she was able to sense something happened on the 9th that got your Ex depressed/angry? Did she bring up the 9th herself? If she did that's quite fascinating!

Synergy as you asked, SE's prediction about contact of course came true and remember when she said 1 week...this time he called me when SE predicted at 7:01 and when i checked the time when we hung up it was 7;07. Once again weird.

I've been quite calm for the past few days after a week of being down, but I just feel like i'm heading towards another couple of days of being under the weather. I'll call SE this thursday or over the weekend.

keep me updated Synergy! i'm glad i can come here, let my frustrations out and talk to similar people. Friends and family don't seem to get it

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #166 on: November 22, 2011, 11:01:31 PM »
Hi Misty!

I'm glad you're all here because my friends don't understand it either.  They think I should've moved on months ago.  The two friends who know that I call psychics think I'm crazy.

The delay thing makes me mad.  Shouldn't they forsee these delays?! 

Yes, that comment on Kisha's page was from me.  I called her on the 18th.  She said, "Uh oh. He is jealous and angry about you."  I was surprised because she's never described him as being jealous.  I asked her if she could clarify, and then she said that something had happened on the 9th or 9 days prior.  Well, it was the 18th, so the 9th was 9 days prior, but I don't think she had realized it.  Anyways, that was the day I went to lunch with a male friend of mine who is interested in me.  When we came back, guess who saw us?  My SM!  He is a very logical, emotionless guy, so his emotions don't really show on his face.  Even so, I saw him clench his jaw and try to look away. He was not happy to see me with another man.  Especially because he knows what we used to do on our lunches when we were together!  I had not mentioned ANY of this to Kisha.  She said it herself. 

You had also asked me if SE's prediction for this week had come true.  I think in a way it has.  No, he hasn't done anything major (she didn't say it would be big, she just indicated an improvement in communication).  Well, guess who has stopped by to see me multiple times today?!  My SM.  He even asked me about Thanksgiving and told me all about his plans with his family.  He even complimented my appearance... second time in two days.  Knowing my guy, this is probably the improvement SE was referring to.    ::)

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #167 on: November 23, 2011, 12:09:22 AM »
I was hesitant to tell my friend that i call psychics, i did and i regret it, but now i know what kind of friend he really was.

Kisha sounds very veryyyy impressive and up till now shes been the most accurate for you right? and she still sees you marrying someone else? I wonder if I should try her, but then again winters coming up and I need a new pair of leather boots, that's the second reason why I have not called anyone yet, I need to save my money for necessities! Maybe i'll wait till New years (hope i can make it that long)

you ex was cold last week and now he's warming up to you again? That is indeed an improvement! Did SE imply that communication would remain consistent now? or will it still be off and on till feb? :S 

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #168 on: November 23, 2011, 12:31:17 AM »

Yes, Kisha has been the most accurate for me (I know that this doesn't mean she will work for everyone).  I told her today that I need to get a promotion so that I can keep calling her! Haha.  The good thing about having established a connection with her is that we just go off and running with the readings.  She knows who I am and knows all the details.  She's super quick too and never tries to keep me on the phone.  I think she has a real gift, even if she isn't 100% accurate (I don't think anyone is).   I also like that she's honest with what she sees.  I've been reading with her for almost a year, and I can say she has never waivered.  I've had other men show interest in me during this whole time, and she has told me that they're all bad news or just not good for me.  She has even told me that she knows I wouldn't give them a shot because of how I feel about my SM.  This always surprises me because she maintains that he's not the one.  I think if she's honest with me about that, she'll be honest about anything. 

Unfortunately, SE, Kisha, and Cookie all said that communication would be off and on until February.  Honestly, this is what he has been doing since we split up in May, so I'm not at all surprised.  He doesn't know what he wants.  He wants me, but he doesn't because of law school.  I know this in my heart. I don't need these readers to tell me... but part of me just needs them to confirm it.

I am so tempted to call William again because he was right about my work situation.  He said we'd be back together in December.  Raven said it would happen before the end of the year.  And she GUARANTEED he'd meet my children. 

The holidays are so difficult and my SM's birthday is in January.  These are the days I want to spend with him.  It kills me that he doesn't want to spend them with me.  It also hurts that every time I try to pull away, he knows he can come right back with minimal effort.  I asked Raven the other day if my SM is just a malicious jerk who is out to hurt me.  She said that of course he's not because I wouldn't feel the way I do if he was.  I don't know, though.  Sometimes he just seems to have such a lack of concern for my feelings. 

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Re: any recommendations on keen? dianalc
« Reply #169 on: November 24, 2011, 07:25:55 PM »
Hey friends:

I just had a really great reading with someone on Keen by the name of dianalc. Wow she actually blew me away with her reading. Here is why:

She picked up on many details about me & my current situation.

First regarding my situation, she "saw'' that my ex was almost going to make a connection with me in October. Now if you guys remember, thats the time I texted him for his bday and he never responded back. She picked up on him almost going to connect but then backed off and this what my local psychic also told me so I do believe her.

She also picked up on the outside influence (his friends) being a major part of why him & I have not connected again which is exactly what my local psychic told me. She also picked up on "major dissapointment" for both of us because we had alot of hope with this relationship going to the next level which is where my SM was going to propose to me comes into play. We are both disappointed with what happened.

She sees a connection in "7" which would mean, if in weeks, somewhere around the New Year. She is in total sync with the good readers like Kisha, Raven, Mikki & Seha have predicted. These are the readers I felt most connection with.

Now regarding just reading for me: Here is what she picked up:

Changing jobs - correct ( I am wanting to make a change)
Return to School - correct ( have been thinking of going back)
Legal Field - I have always had a keen interest in this field but have not pursued it. She is the only one that picked this info up without me telling her. I have been keenly interested & she said if I did pursue it I would do really good.
Death - she asked if I had lost someone 5 years ago or something coming up in May (5month) which actually freaked me out. I hate hearing about death but she was picking up 5 years ago more because she kept saying 5 years 5 years ago. First I said no because I couldnt think of anyone but then after I hung up I remembered my uncle passing away in 2006 which would be 5 years ago. That really shocked me because no one has seen that or said that.

She was amazing for me guys. And the best part is she is only at 0.99c per minute. She reads the cards so you can hear her shuffling when you ask her a question. She takes a few seconds to answer the question but she reads well, atleast for me.

I have never had someone pick up so many details for me so I really found her honest & real.

I really really enjoyed the reading. She was great!



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Re: any recommendations on keen? The Psychiclink
« Reply #170 on: November 26, 2011, 07:12:57 PM »
Any way i have read with a lot of people on keen and nothing happens even PS one thing i notice is that sometimes they can read me well the first time then as though my guides block them for reading me.I don't know if this is for my own protection, I believe am an empathy as well because sometimes i feel things and it over takes me and they happen. i have made some few predictions that have happened but to my friends and family;my is centered around pregnancies and bad things that would happen.lately am getting visions. Thepsychiclink is really good but she can't read me anymore.

Anyway has someone tried Mary Occhino ? i have a reading coming up for $125 for 15 it was a special she was running. she normally charges $950 for an hour .My problem is centered around my job.


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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #171 on: November 27, 2011, 02:51:23 AM »
Unfortunately i can't get my money back. Am so desperate for a job now.

Offline misty

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #172 on: November 27, 2011, 06:50:29 AM »
hey wakeupcall. Welcome to the forum!

I just checked out her blogtalkradio show and her site... Wow she's VERY VERY expensive for a self employed person :o Not like she works for one of those corporate companys where they take away a huge chunk of their earnings but still  :o


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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #173 on: November 27, 2011, 11:47:17 PM »
Misty you right bust it was an impulse buy and a week later i was like she better tell me how soon i would be working.Mary has been on a a tv show but i think she charges too much. has any of you guys tied the woman called Denise on keen? she is called thepsychiclink she is very good but as i said once you read for me you can't read me in the future. there are a lot of fake people on keen. well i would let you know how my reading goes and update. Thank you for welcoming me.

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #174 on: November 28, 2011, 05:15:22 AM »
Hi everyone :) I just signed up on here a few days ago and I just want to say that I am so happy that this forum was created because I have been keeping up to date with everyone's reviews on these psychics. I just want to say that I decided to call up Sandy Ester on the 17th of this month. I am new to Keen(signed up the 7th) and I was addicted the first few days but kind of learned to control my addiction before it got out of hand. Anyway I called her up because I have been reading this forum for the past 2 1/2 weeks and it seems like you all have a lot of good things to say about her.

So the predictions she has given me are suppose to manifest in about 5 days or so. Possibly 2 1/2 weeks the latest since she has given me two predictions. She saw a soul mate card for me and my guy and I'm not surprised by that. I will give you all the whole back story to what is going on once her prediction manifests or goes somewhere along those lines. I think she is great regardless of whether or not her predictions or time-frames manifests. She did tell me not to contact my guy and I'm trying to follow through with this! Successful so far & even if Sandy didn't tell me not to, I know that I shouldn't be the one calling him anyhow. she picked up on about 3 very detailed things about me and my guy and one I was completely embarrassed about  :-[ She definitely has a gift.

Also, I called Aries Intuition and sorry to say, she didn't work for me. I know she talks really fast and that's great especially when you want to get as much info in such short time but I couldn't understand a majority of what she was telling me. She was coughing a lot, almost like she was out of breath but hey I gave her a chance anyhow to finish my reading but I only comprehended very little of it. Most importantly, she didn't pick up on my situation and said there is no obstacle in his way when in fact there is a huge obstacle. She also said there is no other person in the picture and there is and that is the main reason my situation is the way it is right now. I ended up telling her what the obstacle was and she seemed surprise herself but assured me that everything would still be fine. With the little I got from her, I'm still keeping it in mind.

Offline misty

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #175 on: November 29, 2011, 06:25:57 AM »
hey people...

BP1990 welcome to the forum! Glad you tried SE, She gave me the same advice..not to contact the guy! She told me that's what she tells all the girls that call her. I do believe that's great advice though. How long has it been since you last heard from your ex?... have you tried any other  psychics other then the ones on keen?

& wakeupcall, yes do let us know how it goes! when is it scheduled for?

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #176 on: November 29, 2011, 07:35:05 AM »
Thanks Misty :) It has almost been a month since I last heard from him. He was planning on visiting me two days after I last heard from him but someone popped up & ever since then, I have heard nothing from him.  I have not tried any other psychics other than the one's on Keen but I have tried a few local psychics about a year ago but not regarding my current situation.

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #177 on: November 29, 2011, 07:55:48 AM »
You welcome BP1990... so you and your guy don't live in the same area?

& Don't worry about the whole Aries Intuition thing. I don't think all psychics are supposed to work for everyone. Its best you stick with the ones that have been proven to be accurate for you
Mikki from PPN connected great with everyone else here except me... to me she seemed like she was pausing a lot and guessing & she was the only one (apart from this one horrible reader from PS) who said my ex and I aren't meant to be together but we will still be in a long term relationship

I never called her back!

Offline haileyn

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #178 on: November 29, 2011, 09:53:42 AM »
You welcome BP1990... so you and your guy don't live in the same area?

& Don't worry about the whole Aries Intuition thing. I don't think all psychics are supposed to work for everyone. Its best you stick with the ones that have been proven to be accurate for you
Mikki from PPN connected great with everyone else here except me... to me she seemed like she was pausing a lot and guessing & she was the only one (apart from this one horrible reader from PS) who said my ex and I aren't meant to be together but we will still be in a long term relationship

I never called her back!

She said the same thing to me, said he only sees me as a friend and that my other ex would end up marrying me instead. The opposite has since happened, he came out and expressed his love to me so she's no good for me.

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #179 on: November 29, 2011, 04:31:40 PM »
Misty and Haileyn...

It's funny I really liked Mikki the couple of times I spoke with her.  She told me my SM was the man I'm going to marry.  She described him so well.  I was convinced!  Well, maybe she reads the opposite of what is actually going to happen.  She told me my SM and I would be back together in 2 weeks.  That was awhile ago... so much for that!!! 

