I always do that, Misty!! I keep calling them all the time to see if something has changed. Crazy, right?? Kisha is the only reader who has told me that what she sees will happen, but the only thing that can change are timeframes due to delays. Last time we spoke she told me that she hopes this time she's wrong, but she sees me marrying someone else. Like I said, she has ALWAYS said this since I started reading with her about a year ago. She says we will be together, but just not forever.
That comment I left SE was because the first two times she told me that I would marry my SM. She was so confident... she even told me we were going to move to New York at some point. She described our future together. I was so happy! Haha. Well, when I called her over the summer (when things were at their worst with my SM; he was barely talking to me), she told me that he had been "talking" to another woman, and that I would meet someone else. Her story changed completely. When we spoke again, she told me that she stills sees marriage as a possibility, but that it would take a lot of work (which to be honest, she did say the first time we spoke). She said that it would be so much work and it would move so slow, that she sees me moving on with someone else, so that's why the outcome had changed... because she thinks my free will will make me move on.
Yes, SE's 2 week prediction will be here this week. To be honest, I'm not all that sure it will come to pass.

I see him EVERYDAY, and he ignores me completely. Sometimes he says hello, but there's not much else. I spoke with Kisha last night, and she says he's depressed and angry at me because he was jealous about something. (he did see me with another man two weeks ago, and that's when he started giving me the cold shoulder, so I think she's right about that). She doesn't see any progress for 2-4 weeks, which is when she says he'll deal with his personal problems. I do know for a fact that the holidays are difficult for him because of issues with his family. Kisha said that communication will improve at that time, and that I will finally feel more interest from him. She also cautioned me not to get too excited when that happens because he will do the on and off thing he usually does until February.
Misty, has Sandy Esther gotten anything right for you?
I've been reading with these two readers primarily, as well as the twins. Neither Avalon nor Raven gave me an actual timeframe. Avalon said we'd be together when he's ready, and Raven said definitely before the end of the year. I've stopped reading at CP because I'm sick of hearing the same thing without any real results. So far Meryl and Nina have been wrong. I was really hopeful they'd be right about October. Vicki Joy also says February like Kisha and SE see, so I am most hopeful about that timeframe. I also spoke with a Keen reader named Ry-ann (she has great feedback). I wasn't blown away by her reading, but she also said February (Valentine's Day specifically).