I was so angry yesterday about the conversation with my guy, so I called Raven (I had free minutes and money left over). Anyways, guess what she said?? She made every excuse for him in the book. She told me that he didn't mean to hurt me by saying that, he actually didn't do anything for the weekend, he thought about me a lot, he needed alone time to recover from all his studying, blah, blah, blah. It's what they all say!!!! Meryl told me he's just commitment-phobic and he knows that he and I could have a real intense relationship, which scares him. This is ridiculous!!!!! I actually think it's all true because I definitely in all the empathic stuff WAY more than I believe in predictions, but come on! These guys are babies!!
I am really sorry your guy has been on your mind. It's so frustrating to see he shared that link with someone, yet he never shared that kind of stuff with you even though he knew it's something you did. I don't understand these guys. The funny thing is that maybe a reader would tell you that him sharing that link shows that you're on his mind. I don't know what to think anymore.
I stood by him as an unconditional friend since May, and unfortunately I reached my breaking point when I wrote him my letter a couple weeks ago. Sometimes I just feel like he's using/benefitting from my energy and he likes knowing I'm there. It just got really old. All the readers who have told me he's a Twin Flame (yeah right) have said that I need to be there for him as a friend, but there comes a point when you just feel used.
Anyways, I have 2 beautiful daughters, and I'm looking for a graduate program. I need to start refocusing my energy and moving on. The only difficult part is that I see him everyday, but I've been through worse... I can get over it.
I need to let go of the false hope I get from these psychics. First it was June, then it was October, now I'm hearing February. I can't live in a distorted reality. Do I think he has the feelings all these readers say he does? Definitely. Do I think he's going to act on them and fight for me? Not anymore. I roll my eyes when readers say anything about Free Will, but I'm starting to think that's why none of us have seen results. Our guys would rather go for someone easier or would rather just be alone. It doesn't mean we're not worth it... it just means that they don't have what it takes to be with women like us. And that's ok.

Life goes on.