Author Topic: any recommendations on keen?  (Read 295155 times)

Offline loveblooms

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #120 on: November 07, 2011, 10:06:43 PM »
Synergy, have you read with Uli on CP, becoz she is really good with current situations.

Offline misty

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #121 on: November 07, 2011, 10:08:32 PM »
wth another woman? and no1 saw this other woman all along?.. No1 I read with on PS even sensed another woman till I knew about it and then they were like "Oh let me look more into it for you"..Yes you are both single but then again it brings up the question of shouldn't  psychics be able to pick up another energy around him

But do you think there is another person around him though? I did sense there was someone around him from months back even though the top psychics kept telling me no there isn't. I should have listened to my own intuition. I don't know what it was, I saw a new pic of him on his FB and I just sensed it. I asked a few psychics if there was some1 they said no... months later when I saw that same pic along with a few others from the same day, there she was in them

Synergy Sandy Esther told me I would get contact from my ex in a week. And a week has 7 days right? she didn't give me 7. But today is the 7th and he did exchange a few texts back and forth for a while. So i don't know if that was just a pure coincidence.

Tbh the sisters were not able to pick up the fact that my ex would go see his "friend" and that she would try to get him back. No1 did, Not even Bonniesha, Vallentina Rose or Mikki. In this case I could probably even say Moira since i did ask if she was out of the picture and she said yes

But i must admit i think Avalon does ring true in the empathic department.. I talked to Elaina Jo (an empath as well) on saturday and what she said seemed to make sense. (try asking just for whats going on in his mind and why he acts the way he does)

« Last Edit: November 07, 2011, 10:17:00 PM by misty »

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #122 on: November 07, 2011, 10:16:16 PM »

I am so glad you liked Sandy Esther!!  If she ends up being the most accurate, I'll actually be kind of bummed because she told me I'd be miserable over him until early 2012, and by the time he comes back around in January/February I'll supposedly have a great new guy who will be interested in me.  She doesn't see another woman though... she saw someone he was "talking to" over the summer but she said it was just because it was convenient and there wasn't a connection like the one we have. 

I think the 7th counts.  Sometimes she just gives me numbers, so maybe she saw a "7" and assumed it meant one week.  Plus, timing is so difficult anyways. 

I loved Avalon... a lot more than Raven.  She was great, she told me some things I liked and others I didn't, but I definitely felt like she read my guy really well.  She just told me to hold on and wait because it will be worth it in the end.  I think she's a great empath, and maybe that's what I'll stick with from now on.  I think I should be more concerned with what he's feeling and thinking and not necessarily what will happen because no one seems to be getting that right. 

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #123 on: November 07, 2011, 10:29:11 PM »
Synergy would you say Sandy has been the most accurate to date out of all the other psychics you've talked to?

I know we cant just ask the other person if its true that they just had a fling with someone a while back or if they were in a relationship with someone and they really didn't connect so they broke up just to confirm if what the psychics are telling us is accurate. Face it our guys will lie and think we're being too nosy

I just loved her. She gave me so much information in just a few minutes. She was realyl able to grasp his behavior and pattern

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #124 on: November 07, 2011, 11:01:49 PM »
Sandy Esther and Aries Intuition (also on Keen) have been the most consistently accurate when it comes to actual predictions.  The only CP reader who has gotten a prediction correct was Venus, but my reading with her today was a little different, so I don't know if that was a fluke.  Raven got one prediction correct the first time I called her.  No predictions from any PPN, Psychic Source, or Psychic Access readers have manifested. 

I would say most CP readers have been correct in the empathic sense. 

I gave in and called Raven again using the money I had left over in the account and the 3 minutes she sent me.  She still sees us together, and this time, she actually said something that was so accurate, she really shocked me!  I have said repeatedly that I liked Avalon better, but this thing Raven said about my children really made me feel that she is genuine.  I don't want to say too much because of the rave reviews they've been getting on here, but if you're curious as to what she said, feel free to PM me.  I feel like this gave me hope that her predictions may manifest.  It's not too often that readers tell me things I haven't already revealed because I talk a lot!!  Too much!!  But Raven said this without me telling her, and I've never even posted it on here, AND it's similar to something Jacqueline said the time I spoke with her. 

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #125 on: November 07, 2011, 11:10:31 PM »
Misty,  I just saw that you also asked if I feel as if he's seeing someone else.  TBH, I felt that he was over the summer.  He ended things abruptly with me in May, and then when I was asking for answers over the summer, he was really evasive.  I think there was someone else who was probably willing to be as casual as he wants.  He never told me he didn't want to see me anymore, he just cancelled a date in June and tried keeping me in the "friend zone" all summer.  I don't think he wanted to say, "Look I don't like you anymore" or whatever because he didn't want to eliminate the option, but he also didn't want to be tied down to the type of commitment I was seeking. 

I don't think there's anyone now...

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #126 on: November 08, 2011, 12:10:41 AM »

The only reason I haven't read with Uli is because her queue is always full when I check.  I'll try to get in touch with her because I'd like to get her take on things.  Thanks for the suggestion!! 

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #127 on: November 08, 2011, 12:52:31 AM »
Synergy, play the same game he is playing with you, since you are in touch with the guy you love, it is just that he is indecisive. I was wondering if you also had a reading with Dave, to me he is more a relationship expert. I just don't like that they are pricey ($10). Are you reading some books on relationship that would help more than a psychic could do. Things are pretty much in your hands.
The only thing I have learned from all these psychic readings (most of the time lines which never came to fruition) is "Let him go". Hardest thing to do.
Two psychics told me this  Angel and Christian.

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #128 on: November 08, 2011, 02:55:21 AM »
Hey synergy I'll definitely be pm'ing you. I'm really curious now as to what she told you!
hmm Aries Intuition I think i've read about here before..she goes by the name of kisha too? I wasn't too sure about Keen before after reading all about note sharing and whatnot, but now I guess i could give it a chance.

My ex had the same kind of thing, He was with someone over the summer cause she was very open to just having a very casual thing...I could have been with him if i were open to just being there every time he wanted to do something or he wanted to see me. I'm so glad i never let myself be the floozy this other girl is. Glad i stood my ground! (or is it stand?:S) either way, No way I'm negotiating

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #129 on: November 08, 2011, 03:37:34 AM »
Synergy, if you really in need to talk to Uli then you can request customer service to have an appointment for you, I did this way last year. I came across one more psychic on CP Psychic Sonja ext 5071. She is barely a week old $ 10/min and queue full. God knows what makes CP to put this price tag. I wish they could refund me some $$$ back.

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #130 on: November 08, 2011, 03:38:11 AM »

Let me tell you something about Kisha. I've been calling her since the beginning of the year. Not only is she amazing with timeframes, she is honest. One time one of her contact predictions came to pass, so I paid her a bonus. She sent me a message saying she couldn't accept it because her gift is from God. She gave me the equivalent in free minutes!!!


I try to ignore him, but it's so tough working at the same place. I've definitely read the relationship books. It's crazy... I know what I should do, but my heart betrays me!! I didn't even have such a hard time when the father of my children cheated on me!! I don't understand why I can't get over this guy.

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #131 on: November 08, 2011, 04:29:42 AM »
Synergy, then give unconditional love irrespective of outcome, be a friend to him but practice detachment. Another hardest thing to do but that would be less painful. Wish you good luck !

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #132 on: November 08, 2011, 08:46:03 AM »
I`ve read every page of feedback left on her page, as well as Sandy Esthers. She`s a little cheaper and she sounds great.

I look forward to calling her sometime by the end of the year. for now i`m grateful for the ones I`ve found thanks to this site=)!

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #133 on: November 08, 2011, 12:50:36 PM »
I'm over it.

My guy stopped me at work this morning to "chat".  He also told me he skipped his exam on Saturday because he'll have a few more opportunities to take it, and that he did nothing this weekend.  Yeah, that really sounds like someone who's crazy about me but just can't juggle law school and a relationship.  Please.  This has hurt more than anything else, and I'm sick of hearing excuses for this guy.  He just doesn't care.

That sucks! I thought he was consumed by school and that's why he couldn't have a r/s as well?

You know one of the things that hit me hard? My ex and I do a certain activity. Ao many sites have fb and twitter links these days. Once I followed a link to a main page where you can register for this stuff and because I was signed into fb I could see shares that my friends had made. Well this was in August or so, right around the time he was totally rude to me and this new man came into my life. I saw he had shared two links (I have 18 friends, he has 9 and we have 4 mutual friends). One of the links was something I had done myself a few years ago. He never shared them with me and he didn't share them on his wall, he shared them with someone else. Not like it was a girl he's dating or anything but just the fact that he shared them with ANYONE, while knowing I had actually DONE this event previously really stung and told me he could care less about me these days.

The really odd thing is that I've had 3 dreams about him in the past week and I have not dreamt about him in a few months. It's really ticking me off that he's back in my head again.

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Re: any recommendations on keen?
« Reply #134 on: November 08, 2011, 03:35:42 PM »

I was so angry yesterday about the conversation with my guy, so I called Raven (I had free minutes and money left over).  Anyways, guess what she said??  She made every excuse for him in the book.  She told me that he didn't mean to hurt me by saying that, he actually didn't do anything for the weekend, he thought about me a lot, he needed alone time to recover from all his studying, blah, blah, blah.  It's what they all say!!!!  Meryl told me he's just commitment-phobic and he knows that he and I could have a real intense relationship, which scares him.  This is ridiculous!!!!!  I actually think it's all true because I definitely in all the empathic stuff WAY more than I believe in predictions, but come on!  These guys are babies!!

I am really sorry your guy has been on your mind.  It's so frustrating to see he shared that link with someone, yet he never shared that kind of stuff with you even though he knew it's something you did.  I don't understand these guys.  The funny thing is that maybe a reader would tell you that him sharing that link shows that you're on his mind.  I don't know what to think anymore. 


I stood by him as an unconditional friend since May, and unfortunately I reached my breaking point when I wrote him my letter a couple weeks ago.  Sometimes I just feel like he's using/benefitting from my energy and he likes knowing I'm there.  It just got really old.  All the readers who have told me he's a Twin Flame (yeah right) have said that I need to be there for him as a friend, but there comes a point when you just feel used.

Anyways, I have 2 beautiful daughters, and I'm looking for a graduate program.  I need to start refocusing my energy and moving on.  The only difficult part is that I see him everyday, but I've been through worse... I can get over it. 

I need to let go of the false hope I get from these psychics.  First it was June, then it was October, now I'm hearing February.  I can't live in a distorted reality.  Do I think he has the feelings all these readers say he does?  Definitely.  Do I think he's going to act on them and fight for me?  Not anymore.  I roll my eyes when readers say anything about Free Will, but I'm starting to think that's why none of us have seen results.  Our guys would rather go for someone easier or would rather just be alone.  It doesn't mean we're not worth it... it just means that they don't have what it takes to  be with women like us.  And that's ok.  :)  Life goes on.