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Random questions to ask psychics

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I'm curious.  If you acknowledge that no psychic can be right all of the time, why would you expect to get a portion of your money back when someone gives information that is not totally correct?  I mean, I can understand if you believe that they *should* be right all the time, that you'd feel as if they were not providing the services you expected, but if you intuitively know that they can't be accurate 100% of the time, why would you ask for a refund?

--- Quote from: Zee on November 07, 2012, 10:18:34 PM ---I don't mind that psychics are wrong. I really don't.  I just mind when you return and tell them this and they place the blame on you for doing something that would have made them right.  All humans are wrong at some point or other, but when you charge me and I want a portion of my money back, for your inaccuracies, it shouldn't be because I'm at fault, just that YOU misinterpreted. I wonder if this is why readers stay general so much.

Also, the retrograde thing is stronger as a distraction when something has started during this period.  If anything happens to already be in place, retrograde shouldn't affect it, right?  This seems to be the general consensus.  This makes more sense to me now. Some retrogrades have been intense for me but now I believe it's because I was told it was a retrograde.

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Really?  Her reviews on keen are far from bad.  I did read with her, and she requires that you email her beforehand as she prays before a reading.  Perhaps that is why she blocked you?  Also, while I read with her early on, and at that time I was probably giving out more information than I should have, she did grasp the situation quickly for me.  Her timing has been off for me, as to contact, but as I have said all along, contact timing is just icing on the cake - the outcome, for me, is everything.

--- Quote from: FlutterShy on November 07, 2012, 11:53:57 PM ---In regards to MadeaMichelle- she is another reader who blocked me without reason. And this was while she was at her ridicoulus $16 phase during the holidays two years ago. I did find some her blogs and enjoyed reading them... But I'm starting to get the impression she lives in fear of bad reviews, and a fraud by her fluctuating price range. I guess I should be thanking her since i never read with her, I do see she gets very bad reviews and has been inaccurate with those.

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i read with Madea Michelle years ago. she refused to read for me on Keen, but told me to call her through some other site. i dont remember what it was, but i know i had to sign up for a click 4 advisor account. she seemed okay on the phone, at the time. didn't say anything that blew me away. however, she made some really grand predictions that still have not happened to this day. it was all about an ex coming back. this was 3-4 years ago


--- Quote ---Zee,
I'm curious.  If you acknowledge that no psychic can be right all of the time, why would you expect to get a portion of your money back when someone gives information that is not totally correct?  I mean, I can understand if you believe that they *should* be right all the time, that you'd feel as if they were not providing the services you expected, but if you intuitively know that they can't be accurate 100% of the time, why would you ask for a refund?
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smee2 to answer your question, I often ask the psychic how good they are at predictions, if they can see the month, if they are reading for the current year, or how they see these things, or do they even do timing, all that stuff.  Many tell me yes that they have a high accuracy rate and if they see leaves on the ground, they know it’s fall, that sort of thing.  There have been plenty of times when I have never asked for a prediction, but the reader gives it anyway. 

I'm just trying to see how readers justify their prices. Just like the psychic twins, expensive as all get out, but nothing to back it up. It's no different if I bought something in the store, like that Jupiter Jack crap.  It didn't work for my type of phone, although nowhere was this listed on the packaging. It only states the phone type, after it is opened. The packaging was that hard, plastic coating that covered the product, which has to be cut to get into it and where some stores won’t refund it, if it’s open.  Before I purchased it, I asked if a refund was permissible and was told yes, even if it was opened (I purchased it from WalGreens).  That dissolved my dilemma about if it didn't work and the possible waste of money or if I could get my money back; same exact thing with psychics. What protects consumers from those who aren't accurate (who claim they are?) I honestly feel they need to be more responsible for how they interpret because they are dealing with people’s lives.


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