Author Topic: Will my ex girlfriend come back to me? Please help!  (Read 6400 times)

Offline dtgc121708

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Will my ex girlfriend come back to me? Please help!
« on: January 06, 2012, 01:44:58 PM »
My girlfriend of 3 years just broke up with me, then, 2 weeks later, goes back to her husband Mark. This is the second time she's tried doing this, she filed once before and never did it, and now this time. She was in the middle of a divorce, and was supposed to be final January 31st. Our anniversary was December 17th. I miss her terribly, and I would do anything to get her back. She deleted me from her facebook, even deleted her 3 kids from my facebook, and is acting so selfish and bitter towards me. Ive given my life for this girl, Ive gave up my family, friends, and my entire life. I was in love with her for 6 years before I said anything to her, and was with her for 3. She's my soul mate. The love of my life. Please, help me get her back. Its been so miserable for me, please, help me! Im so desperate. A girl that was madly in love with me, was going to spend the rest of her life with me, all of a sudden gets a change of heart. He never left her alone, bugging her, even lies to her and still lies to her. He treats her like she's a piece of tail, and her kids like trophies. He's truly a one of a kind piece of work.  Now she's treating me like dirt, like Im invisible, wont talk to me, or anything. Said we're not friends nor will we be. It doesnt make sense. Everyone tells me she'll be back, and I pray to God they're right. I'll do anything to be with her, to get her back, so Please help me get her back, please! If anyone can tell me anything, something, please help me. Im not giving up on her, not now, not ever. Please help me get her back in my arms, I miss her so much! :'( </3
« Last Edit: January 06, 2012, 01:53:28 PM by dtgc121708 »

Offline BP1990

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Re: Will my ex girlfriend come back to me? Please help!
« Reply #1 on: January 06, 2012, 08:40:11 PM »
Wow your story sounds very much like mine. My situation is the whole reason why I joined this site and started calling up psychics. You were with your girlfriend for a much longer time. I met a guy in July & things between me and him happened so fast and it was so magnetic. Not sure if you believe in astrology but we were a Scorpio-Cancer and everything about that kind of relationship fit our description. Anyway, my boyfriend was not divorced yet but he supposingly filed & it was suppose to be finalized in December 2011. I was aware of that and assumed all was okay beause he wife was stationed in Texas and they had no contact since Janurary 2011 when they decided to get a divorce just a month after being married and got engaged just 6 months after knowing each other. Btw they are both in the military. So it turned out that the divorce wont be finalized until this year August because she was stationed closer now & somehow that prolonged the divorce process because they are considered legally seperated. The military informed him that he would be committing adultery if me and him are involved because he is not legally divorced yet. Everyone on his base knew me and was happy for him but they didnt realize that his divorce wasn't settled until late October which was when she was stationed closer. I hadn't seen him since September but we spoke on the phone everyday until November 2nd to be exact and the following day he was going to come visit me. Well...that next day the wife popped back up and sent me a text from his phone and tried calling me. I was confused as to why she had his phone for one and why she popped back up. He deleted me off Facebook including my brother the next morning and havent heard from him since November 2nd :( The relationship btwn me and him got so serious that we talked about us moving together after I graduate college this May. He was also going to propose to me and we started making future plans together. The reason him and his wife got a divorce is because she cheated on him. There's always 2 sides to the story but I could clearly see this from his old Facebook statuses from Janurary 2011. She was also married once before and has a 3 year old son from her first marriage. I don't know why he hasn't contacted me back ever since and it hurts so bad. Sandy Esther on Keen picked up on his divorce and his distance plus something I told him word for word. She told me he will come back and she saw contact Dec 14th which was suprisingly accurate because thats a month and a half later. But it wasn't the contact I expected(He didn't know it was me he was contacting) and if you want to hear more of this story I'd be glad to tell you. I was told we were soulmates and yes I realize many psychics tell a lot of clients that but we felt that from day one and he was obsessed with that concept more than I was. Anyway its been 2 months of no contact from him and now Sandy says that he won't contact me til late Feburary. I've let go of waiting but I would love to at least have some closure or know what really went down btwn him and his wife. Deep down  havent given up on him and I know he will contact me even if its years down the line but he could have at least given me closer and let me know whether he was working out finalizing the divorce with her or giving her a second chance.  I wont take your poll on that yes or no because I am in the same boat as you and if I were to say no to you then might as well tell myself no as well for my situation. PM me if you have any questions :)


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Re: Will my ex girlfriend come back to me? Please help!
« Reply #2 on: October 04, 2012, 09:05:09 AM »
Can I make a suggestion? I can see you're clearly in a lot of pain. Please don't fall into the trap of calling psychics over and over because you'll get into financial pain as well. I think you should go and speak to someone to calm your emotions and make yourself more rational and THEN consider what you will do to get your ex-gf back. I really just wanted to offer that advice because I know how hard it can be to be in emotional turmoil and psychics become a crutch. But, trust me, the financial strife you could cause yourself as well as the dependency just makes it that much worse.

If you really want her back, take some time to step back, calm down, seek some help and then calmly go after her. In this state, it's likely you would only cause her confusion.

