last Fri a week after we went on the date..he and I got into this big argument bc he is trying to make me think that Im being dramatic etc. So finally, I said you know what: you're selfish and you only think about yourself. You want your cake and eat too.
So I threatened that I would change my Fri he texted me and said that he had an emergency and that his heart was giving him problems and if I could come helpe him....s oI ran over there thinking he was dying or something and when I get there theres nothing wrong...he just wanted to see me! Can you believe that!
So he tried to get all mushy and honestly it just seems like he's trying to hold me back...he wants me to stay but with no real commitment?
and then a baby??? Its just too much work and too hard for me to actually say ok. If he's not willing to bet on me, why should I bet on him?
So I told him that the best thing he could do is let me go if he cares about me bc its too hard....I cant take this, and Im not ready for the things I thought I was ready for. So..Im just having my own life right now..without him in it...
So I will def keep you posted and let you know what happens with him.
Seha says it wont matter if I change my # bc he will try and find me anyways. Well he needs to prove to me that he is there to be with me.