Author Topic: All coming to pass...  (Read 20325 times)

Offline Amaranth

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All coming to pass...
« on: July 15, 2012, 01:35:46 AM »
Hey guys,

Long time, no post, for many reasons.  I'm at work so I can't go into all the details at the moment ( but will later ), but many of you oldie but goodies are very familiar with my story.

I just want to say that out of all the psychics, hands down, Cookie comes out on top for me.  Almost everything she said would happen, did happen, and in the timeframes she gave.  However, there has been a crazy, unexpected twist that I need guidance from Cookie on because even tho what was foretold would happen happened, the person who contacted me first was something shocking.  So anyway, I DO NOT KNOW HOW to PROCEED! O_O.

After I talk to Cookie about this, I'll share more. Also, when I get a chance to review my notes, I'll  let you guys know exactly which psychics were also correct about me finding full-time work in June after 7 months of unemployment.

Anyway, everyone, take care, have faith, and God will grant you justice.

Offline positivethoughts2

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Re: All coming to pass...
« Reply #1 on: July 15, 2012, 01:38:11 AM »
Yeay!! xxoo

Offline BellaLife

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Re: All coming to pass...
« Reply #2 on: July 15, 2012, 02:19:21 AM »
Nice to see some post on postive outcomes..... :)

Offline guesswho

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Re: All coming to pass...
« Reply #3 on: July 15, 2012, 12:32:20 PM »
Congratulations Amaranth!  Looks like things are picking up around here.  :)

Offline SomethingBetter

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Re: All coming to pass...
« Reply #4 on: July 15, 2012, 09:31:37 PM »
I am very happy for you Amaranth! I have an appt with Cookie on Friday (crosses fingers she doesn't'll be my first time talking to her) so I am excited after reading this.

I hope this is the start of many wonderful things for you!

Offline Cfisher

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Re: All coming to pass...
« Reply #5 on: July 21, 2012, 05:06:10 PM »
Hey guys,

Long time, no post, for many reasons.  I'm at work so I can't go into all the details at the moment ( but will later ), but many of you oldie but goodies are very familiar with my story.

I just want to say that out of all the psychics, hands down, Cookie comes out on top for me.  Almost everything she said would happen, did happen, and in the timeframes she gave.  However, there has been a crazy, unexpected twist that I need guidance from Cookie on because even tho what was foretold would happen happened, the person who contacted me first was something shocking.  So anyway, I DO NOT KNOW HOW to PROCEED! O_O.

After I talk to Cookie about this, I'll share more. Also, when I get a chance to review my notes, I'll  let you guys know exactly which psychics were also correct about me finding full-time work in June after 7 months of unemployment.

Anyway, everyone, take care, have faith, and God will grant you justice.

@amaranth- can I make a small suggestion regarding Cookie's readings? And I'm only writing this so you can kind of put reality into perspective for yourself as I've had to do the same.... Do not read into anything that Cookie has said from a feeling or emotional stand point. She is a remote viewer, that's it... She sees pictures in her head of situations, she's not an empath... I'm not saying she isn't gifted, I believe she really is, but what I'm saying is that I have noticed from talking to many, many other's about her readings that she does have very clear visions and sees stuff, but the romantic perception is almost 99% incorrect. If you take a step back and look at your situation with your guy or your ex-best friend, there are a ton of emotions surrounding both of these people. And her readings are really up for interpretation. Look at things from her point of view-ie: she told me that my guy and I would be physical again in the future and that he really loves me. The physical part DID indeed happen, when I believed that it wouldn't (poor Cookie, seeing pornography with other people, gross vision! Ugh) but did he tell me that he loved me? Nope. Did he tell me he would make the changes for us to be together and move this along? Hell no. Does that mean he doesn't love me? I don't know, what I do know is that we aren't together because he's not ready and it could take him years before he is.

You have to see things from Cookie's perspective vs. how she feels about the situation, it's her perception and assumption of emotions, not reality. If she sees you crying, then you cry, but that doesn't mean she hears the words of WHY you are crying or if she senses what the subject matter is, therefore her readings are subjective. And I've noticed that she has been incredibly incorrect regarding long term predictions for people, incredibly incorrect regarding someone coming back and wanting to be there in an actual relationship with you.

I'll give you another example to again, put things into perspective. A friend of mine had a reading with her about 2 years ago, she told my friend that her guy loved her and would always be in her life and wouldn't let her go and that he was always in her life for as long as she could see out. She said they would always be in a relationship together as the feelings were so strong between them. Cookie told my friend she saw this extremely emotional conversation between the two of them and both were balling their eyes out. that the conversation from Cookie's perspective was about them loving each other etc. and always being together in a relationship. And she saw them at this place together and that place together etc. it ALL happened, but not the way that Cookie layed it out in the reading. The truth was that that conversation was about him loving her but there was something missing from their relationship and he didn't want to marry her. To this day they are still friends and hang out together but she went on to find that *right* guy for herself and it took a solid year and a half to find him. In the mean time, the two lovers remained friends and what cookie saw was true, all these different places together etc. And my girl kept sleeping with him until she found mr. Right and realized mr. I love you but... was the wrong guy and why was she doing this to herself?

So here is a perfect example of a subjective reading. You absolutely have to NOT listen to the emotional side of things when coming from cookie. She makes too many assumptions feelings wise from what she sees, whereas she should be telling you things from a black and white standpoint.

I'll give you another example from my own life. I finally found my notes from a few years back where I enquired about a man that I had been involved with and what was going to happen with us and was there a future? She saw a few years down the road and saw that we loved each other, there was physical stuff coming up for us, she saw us together in a work capacity and just together in general. She saw a couple of different places we were together and said I would be in his life always, that there was an emotional tie between us that neither of us would let go of for as far out as she could see, but that he loved me and would never let me go and that we will be in a very secure relationship in the future. All of that came true. All of it, just happened now in the last 6 month and is still happening as we've turned our tumultuous relationship into an extremely healthy friendship, where it is mutually beneficial for both parties. Do I love this man? Absolutely, I've known him for 12 years and he is still in my life in a work capacity, friendship capacity, and probably one of the people I trust the most in my life.

What she couldn't see is him getting married to another woman, them having two children together, nor did he ever bring our relationship to the next level, instead he married someone else. Do I believe this man will always be in my life? Yes, I do. Do I think it'll ever head down the relationship road where he and I will be together? Um, nope. He married someone else! Which means that no matter what I still have to keep moving forward with my life. But she wasn't wrong, she saw things that I never thought in a million years would happen and they did. This friendship has fixed itself over time and has become one of the strongest relationships in my life. I'm forever grateful for Cookie seeing such a positive outcome for us, but her perception of our relationship was so incredibly incorrect it's almost painful. She assumed this was a romantic/love relationship when it turns out to not even be remotely close to that. So do you see how her readings are subjective? Everything she says is up for interpretation. She's a remote viewer that sees the craziest, most unbelievable, jaw dropping scenarios that no one would ever believe and then they happen. But I firmly believe that when it comes to feelings of the romantic sort, she throws her own two cents in there and makes assumptions.

So do not, as much as you possibly can, believe that things will turn out the way she assumes they will. If you do, you may very well have expectations and when everything comes to fruition, it is probably 99% different than what actually happens in reality. So keep this in mind as you go through your life process. I'm not saying that you don't, I'm just saying be very, very, very careful with how you take her readings as you could very well be setting yourself up for some serious disappointments and it would break my heart and probably a lot of other's hearts on this site that have been following your story, that things don't turn out the way you wanted them too.

I wish you the best of luck and look forward to hearing how things pan out. Please keep us all posted, we're rooting for you that you get to the other side in the most positive, beneficial way that works out for your life :)

Much love and big hugs!

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Re: All coming to pass...
« Reply #6 on: July 24, 2012, 02:32:03 AM »
@cfisher what a amazing write up you took the time to provide to the group.  It is spot on and a very insightful observation with clear examples and details.  Kudos to you and I agree with your perspective.
Cookie is fantastic and truely the things she sees are amazing and jaw dropping at times.  I have read with cookie as well several, several, several times and it is highly advised not to call to frequently.  Frequent calls  (more than once a month) leaves more room for interpretation ,and in reality the real answers or messages do not change much if you call frequently throughout the month. I learned that the hard way......

Again @cfisher  thank you so much for your comments and helpful food for thought.

Offline Shoe Gal

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Re: All coming to pass...
« Reply #7 on: July 24, 2012, 09:58:31 PM »
Hey SB - how did your Friday appt with Cookie go?
I'm contemplating putting add'l funds for her.

Offline Nottakingthebait

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Re: All coming to pass...
« Reply #8 on: July 24, 2012, 11:04:08 PM »
« Last Edit: January 14, 2015, 01:11:24 AM by Nottakingthebait »

Offline SomethingBetter

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Re: All coming to pass...
« Reply #9 on: July 25, 2012, 12:24:12 AM »
I read with her Saturday morning...cause she cancelled on me Friday night :(. Half of the things she "saw" happened on Monday lol. That being said...I don't know how to take her reading. Obviously she is extremely gifted...but I am not sure if it is pertinent to my situation, what she is.seeing, or if they are just random encounters. But I am told it's best to just let what Cookie sees happen. It's all chronicled under her thread :).

Offline Cfisher

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Re: All coming to pass...
« Reply #10 on: July 25, 2012, 01:03:12 AM »
@somethingbetter, you are a very smart person to logically think through Cookie's readings. I'm sure everyone on this forum has had a reading get the best of us and we've wanted so badly to cling onto that hope that it'll work out the way we wanted it and the way a reader sees it. I know I have 100 times. But when you've gone thru it so many times and had so many disappointments and things not panning out the way you wanted it to, now, after so many years, I take readings the way I'm supposed to. Instead of being hopeful of what they say, I take my notes, I put them away, I carry on through the healing process and life in general and then I'll look over those notes a few months later.
And I have to say that Cookie's visions have most definitely come to fruition and northstarjulie has been the absolute best for current thought and feelings for me.

Offline Amaranth

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Re: All coming to pass...
« Reply #11 on: July 27, 2012, 07:06:01 PM »
Hey guys-

I have gotten a ton of messages from people asking me to expand on my post, and I certainly will ASAP.  My new job has me working 14 hours a day, so I'm exhausted to say the least and at the end of the day, am not able to muster the energy to type it up, as my story and the people involved are one huge, convoluted mess, and it will be a rather long post.

@Cfisher- I definitely appreciate your concern, but I'm not necessarily putting all my eggs in one basket, and there are still some things Cookie is seeing that I have doubts about myself, but some of the things she has said have played out exactly as she said.  But the one thing she told me that I completely doubted myself and every other pyschic doubted as well save for her and Avalon, actually came true.

In truth, I am pretty much 'over' my BFF, and who knows, by me being 'over' my BFF I may be changing the final outcome this final instant.  I'll still take her 'apology' ( cos she definitely owes me one ;) ) but I'll never trust her again.

Also, I personally don't believe my SM and I will get back together, whether we're speaking to one another again or not.  No matter how much he has cried and said he's sorry.  And Cookie isn't telling me that we will, either.  Only that we'll still be in one another's lives at some point.  That could mean anything.  For all I know, it means I'm standing at the altar as the Godmother of his and his future love's baby.

Do not worry for me, for I am not pulling on strings :). I'm finally in a place where I know I can move on and rebuild an exciting, better new life.  I only return to say who was and was not accurate about how things have turned out, to help others.  I wish for everyone to find peace.  You have to find that peace with what has happened first before timelines start hitting their mark.  Before outcomes come.  THAT IS IMPERATIVE.  The Universe will keep the people we are asking about at bay if It knows we are not ready to deal with them in the best way.  And deep down we may be convincing ourselves 'Whatever, I'm ready! I'm ready!' but deep down, we are not.  So the peace and the acceptance MUST come first, my lovely fellows.  Please heed in order to truly be blessed with what The Universe and God and the spirits have been  working at providing for you :)

Plus, this post I make ( soon ) wont just be about Cookie, but about other predictions from other psychics that totally came true when I had nothing but doubt and cynicism.  Even much-maligned Sandy Esther, who most people seem to doubt these days ( PLEASE no flame wars, guys ) was actually more accurate than I knew about a weird twist in this outcome, and that was something only she and then Avalon saw ( come to think of it, maybe I should be reading consistently with Avalon, LOL! ).

Anyway guys, as soon as I get the chance, I'll reply to your messages individually and update here as well.

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Re: All coming to pass...
« Reply #12 on: July 28, 2012, 12:40:12 AM »
I wish for everyone to find peace.  You have to find that peace with what has happened first before timelines start hitting their mark.  Before outcomes come.  THAT IS IMPERATIVE.  The Universe will keep the people we are asking about at bay if It knows we are not ready to deal with them in the best way.  And deep down we may be convincing ourselves 'Whatever, I'm ready! I'm ready!' but deep down, we are not.  So the peace and the acceptance MUST come first, my lovely fellows.  Please heed in order to truly be blessed with what The Universe and God and the spirits have been  working at providing for you :)

Beautifully written and wise words. I'm starting to get to this place. As of late, I have had to be honest with myself that I am not quite ready for my ex to come back so the fact that my time frames are all for fall and winter make sense to me now. I've been so anxious for NOW NOW NOW that I was overlooking where I am actually at emotionally. It's weird, but I am finally coming to peace with everything and more than anything I feel I am starting to RELAX. I'm not saying I don't still have my bad days but they are fewer and farther between and less destructive to my well being. Thank you, Amaranth for this eloquent post and I look forward to reading your reviews once you get the time. Cheers! :)

Offline Cfisher

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Re: All coming to pass...
« Reply #13 on: July 28, 2012, 01:32:37 AM »
@aramanth I cannot wait to hear the story... And who got it right and didn't....

Glad you are doing well ;)

Offline question125

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Re: All coming to pass...
« Reply #14 on: August 04, 2012, 09:47:03 PM »
@aramanth  and @cfisher
Me tooooo!  I am very interested to find out about your list of who works and who does not. (especially members on keen)

I have been talking to several psychics from Keen that have been referenced on this site and forum. Thanks to everyone for your insights and giving details of who seems to be accurate.

Many said things would happen this month so we will see out my list of people who is correct, way off, or just moving the dates everytime I call sigh!