Author Topic: Prediction That Came True  (Read 44861 times)

Offline LiveLaughLove

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Re: Prediction That Came True
« Reply #30 on: January 10, 2012, 04:39:16 AM »
WOW Congrats Elaan! That's great!

Who is the better when it came to accuracy and timing: Raven or Avalon? I spoke with Raven a while back..maybe in Sept and can't remember what she said but I believe she said something about 3 months but not 100%

Also btwn Eden and Abrielle, who is the most accurate and accurate with timing?

I feel like I'm still getting fed fairytales by these people and I want real answers with real expectations....

Thanks and congrats again :)

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Re: Prediction That Came True
« Reply #31 on: January 10, 2012, 06:13:01 AM »

Thank you!  Gosh, it is hard to say.  Around Oct/Nov Avalon said before the end of the year we'd see each other, but we only made contact.  Raven said between now and Feb, back in Oct/Nov, but she gave me more detail and seemed to be more accurate regarding what was going on in the now and explaining the past.  So they were both kinda right, but I would have to go with Raven if I had to choose.

I think Abrielle was more on point with the right date.  She gave an actual date, more than once.  Eden gave me a month and a description of what would be going on at a certain time to nail down a when (ie, around a birthday), but they both just amazed the hell out of me when it happened, so here, I cannot make a choice as to who was better.  Abrielle will give it to you easier than Eden.  Eden is very straight forward.  They were both rather detailed and both right.  Abrielle even did distance viewing for me once and made me laugh when she saw him eating pizza.  One of his favorites.

Hang in there.  If you really want it to happen, don't give up.  Some of them truly have a gift, I know they don't work for everyone, but the ones I listed honestly amazed me.  I had even started to give up and question if they were just feeding me sunshine, but I held on long enough to know they were right.  Its hard to hang is, but for me it was worth it.

Offline 4everhopeful

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Re: Prediction That Came True
« Reply #32 on: January 10, 2012, 12:30:32 PM »
Elaan, I am so happy for you. Finally another prediction of SM's being together again has come to fruition. Ive really weened myself off the psychics but I did call Abrielle after Christmas and mostly just asked her why so many of my little predictions concerning issues other than the SM thing had come true but nothing concerning him. Its been way too long since I saw him or any contact for me to hang onto hope but she still insists that the woman in her wants to tell me to move on and forget him, but that she still sees us together again in the end. Not sure what to think about it but Im doing so well with just taking care of myself and concentrating on other things for a change.
Ive been really cleaning out and de-cluttering my house to prepare for the new paint for the bedrooms. Also made a mental bucket list for this year which included possibly putting in a hot tub at some point this year. Well guess what? I went to a party my cousin was having over the weekend and he gave me a large hot tub. Gave it to me!!!!! All we have to do is load it up and bring it home and get it installed. Will save me so much money since I dont have to purchase the tub. So Im really sort of excited about this year and the good things coming my way.
But back to the psychic thing, Im very happy your predictions panned out for you and you're beginning your life with your SM. I hope you will keep us updated with how you are doing. Good luck.

Offline LiveLaughLove

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Re: Prediction That Came True
« Reply #33 on: January 10, 2012, 03:02:42 PM »
Thanks for all that info Elaan!

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Re: Prediction That Came True
« Reply #34 on: January 10, 2012, 11:07:11 PM »
I love Abriellle, but it is curious what she said.  I've never heard that before.  Congrats on the hot tub!  That was very fortuitous for you.  It seems good things are coming your way.  I wish that 2012 turns out to be a better year for all of us because most of last year wasn't so great!  lol

Offline LiveLaughLove

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Re: Prediction That Came True
« Reply #35 on: January 11, 2012, 02:48:48 AM »

When is Raven's hours normally or do you know?

She has a callback msg up saying she will be back tonight but I don't know when tonight is.

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Re: Prediction That Came True
« Reply #36 on: January 11, 2012, 04:21:10 AM »
I have always called her during the day.  Usually late morning.  I don't think her schedule is listed, at least I've never found it.

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Re: Prediction That Came True
« Reply #37 on: April 28, 2012, 02:59:15 PM »
Goodmorning everyone.....

I did decide to go over to the friends house for those of you who were involved in the conversation yesterday, and it was just alright....but here is what i learned.

My sm still has feelings for me, when we make eye contact its obvious. I talked to his friend last night and he said he could tell its still tense when we are in the same room together. I had asked him(his friend) a few things, and he made it sound like he thought he was hurt over this girl he dated over a year ago (this was his assumption, because he said my sm had retreated during that time)....well, i just found out that the breakup was kind of mutual (the only psychic that ever told me it would be mutual was Jean on CP, she also told me he was just using her though).  Not one psychic ever told me his feelings were strong for her, but i will be brave enough to ask that question in a future conversation with him if that comes around. I also found out that he is talking to another girl he just met (Eden said she saw other female energy around him)....but his friend said he isn't that interested in her. I think the reason why we are not together at the moment is because he isnt ready to be completely truthful with me or give me a committment. A while back i had asked him why we werent together (after being somewhat physically intimate), and his answer was "i am not ready for a girlfriend girlfriend".....a girlfriend girlfriend? So after carefully considering things, i realized he just isnt ready to settle down. I still want to find out the truth about how he felt about the other girl because i asked numberous psychics if he was ever in love with her and they told me no.

So here it far, Seha from CP has been correct empathically and prediction-wise. She told me last year in February my number was still blocked (it was) but that he was going to end that relationship he was in, in 2 months. It happened around 2 months later. She then said i was going to get frustrated and have to have tremendous patience with him because he wouldnt want a committment with me until June of this year (this was my reading with her in Oct. 2011, prediction pending). She told me he was with the other girl because it was a comfortable relationship. She was also correct about me not liking my new job, and said i would find another one before this coming June as well (pending).

The first time i read with Eden off CP she asked me if the girl he was with relocated. She had in fact just moved back up to Canada. She said the relationship was more of a friendship. She was wrong about him returning to me in September however, we did have contact and i was seeing him at that time. When there was a break in communication between him and i, she told me she knew my ex-bf was older (correct), and to be careful because he wanted to get me pregnant. We had been sleeping together for little bit because he wanted to get back together with me at that time. SHe told me the other girl my sm was with was pretty much just a distraction (?). She did say that he would end up feeling like an idiot and the situation would be in my hands (He actually said later "i am an idiot" and sort of came back around but i was still reluctant to even talk to him because he had blocked my number (this was around may-june of last year). She told me i was going to see him at a sports bar a month ago and i did!!!!! That is a pretty specific prediction. She also told me i was going to meet someone else i feel connected to soon and that he would either be forced to make a committment to me or i would say forget it and move on with this new person.  According to her this is coming end of may-june (prediction pending).

Jean was the only one on CP who definitly said the break-up between him and the other girl would be mutual (just found out this was correct). She always said my sm had financial issues and that she was helping him with that, a couple of times she just flat out said he was using her. She also told me there was an ice-breaker coming in november of 2010 where things would change, and she was right about that because that was when the gf found out my sm still was seeing me and made him block my number (it was kind of a mess though). During that time i was interested in another male and i asked her about him and she said "you are going to see him this weekend"...well i said no i dont think so, because i barely ever saw that guy and it was 2 days before christmas. well, i did see him that weekend, at the last minute he took an extra hockey game ticket and came with a group of us. She said she thought i would end up with my sm in the end (pending).

Cynthia Faye is a local reader of mine and some of her predictions have passed but i think i wrote about that on earlier posts.

Sherri Lynn is the other local reader of mine i have recommended and she has been right about some things as well. She said my sm was using this other girl too, the difference in her reading was that she said my sm never did fall in love with me and that i would end up with someone else (and he would not care too much). She said he was going to get in a relationship with a girl in a couple of years and that girl will be the one who actually burns him. SHe said i will meet this other connection i will have during an "M" month, and that this is the guy i will marry. (pending)
« Last Edit: April 28, 2012, 03:07:45 PM by CSK »

Offline Luckystar

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Re: Prediction That Came True
« Reply #38 on: June 22, 2012, 10:27:04 PM »
Hi all.......I have been on vacation all week.....just wanted to update on PREDICTIONS, because everyone always wants to know when they come to pass......

so far this month, two CP readers (my faves) were correct in that my SM did contact said he was going to try to completely come back to me (we'll see) and the other one who predicted the current guy i am talking to specifically said "he will do it out of the blue while you are on vacation"

as far as CP, i never read with anyone else on that website i only stick to my two that most people know about. Their rates are out of control.

Another reader (tarot) who has been accurate thus far is Lil mel on keen.....she has a 10% discount special going on this month if anyone wants to try her out while she is charging a bit less....

Hope everyone has a great weekend

Offline BellaLife

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Re: Prediction That Came True
« Reply #39 on: June 22, 2012, 10:32:39 PM »
Csk....who are your Cp Favorites?....thanks Bella!

Offline SomethingBetter

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Re: Prediction That Came True
« Reply #40 on: June 22, 2012, 10:39:27 PM »
That's great CSK!!! We have missed you!

When was the last time you heard from your SM?