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Christine Lynn - Florida Psychic
I wanted to include this awesome reader in this thread. She's very accurate and can really tap into the current situation and outcome. Timing is always a challenge, and she will acknowledge that but give her probable timing on things.
What I like most about her is that she is highly ethical, emphatic and really cares about people and her clients. She's not in this business to make tons of money- though she could easily charge LOTS more than her unheard of rate $1/minute. Also, she discourages people from reading too frequently unless they're in dire need of help. She said onces she reads too often the information isn't as fresh/new because not enough time has passed for anything to change.
She also offers great spiritual insights and really pushes clients to see the bigger picture of why things are happening.
Hope someone may give her a try and let me know what they think!!
Hi HappySG: I am going to have a reading with Christine and am excited about it. My main concerns are my love life and one other thing: My Mom passed away this past March. She had bought me a beautiful ring a few years ago and I cannot find it. It says on her bio that she works on missing object so hopefully she can help me with that. I am so upset about it as it had sentimental value.
I have given up hope of finding it because at this point I feel her caregiver stole it. I hope I am wrong. I will let you know how my reading goes. Thank you for mentioning her. She looks like a very sincere person.
Hi Bridgee- so GLAD to hear you are giving Christine a try. She is really a gem because she could easily charge much more than what she does. However, she really cares about her clients and you will be able to feel that during the call. More importantly, her accuracy is amazing. One of my friends has had chilling, 'spot on' predictions from her -- more so than me. Some of the examples:
-She told my friend she would meet a light eyed guy who was older in age and lighter skinned for his ethnicity
**my friend met an African-American man with beautiful blue eyes who she swears is her SM
-She picked up something with the name "barnes" coming up
**Barnes was validated as having a connection to the new guy and is accurate/significant
-She accurately saw my friend selling something (jewelry) whereby she would make a lot of money
**my friend is now selling 'Stella & Dot' jewelry right now and LOVES it
-Same friend was having a minor surgical procedure and Christine saw a 30 minute window of time where things weren't going smoothly. Nothing fatal would occur -- but slightly scary
**my friend woke up from anesthesia during the recovery and pulled out her IVs herself! It took about 30 minutes to get her calmed down as this is not typical of most patients
My experience with Christine has also been amazing, but not as mind blowing as my friend (Sara) who swears by Christine now for obvious reasons.
Let me know how it goes!!!
Bridgee did you ever get your reading? If so how was it?
I had a reading with Christine based on the recommendation on here. She was super friendly and accurate on the description of the person I was asking about. She asks that you give no information until she's done telling you what she's sees and she picked up on the situation really well. She did make a prediction that on 8/15 something tangible would bring me and the person back together. I saw him on that date for him to p/u something and he's been texting me since. I have a later prediction so I have to see if it comes to pass.
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