You are right, it really depends on different things and situations, what I came personally to conclude on psychics and this psychic phase of my life is that people might have abilities to see what has already happened, but it is really very hard (if not impossible) to see the future, maybe they can see some stuff on the near future but vaguely (this is my personal idea, not that I am claiming anything)
One psychic I taped to - I think it was Berlin - told me I will receive a call and so and so, and when I asked what my reaction to the call would be she said she was not able to see it. I was like then how can you see the call but not my reaction and she said because I am readying other person's mind which already is thinking about the call so is sending energy out, and am picking up on that energy, but you, were not thinking about this so there is no energy movement for me to read...
When she told me this, all of the sudden I realized that it was actually these psychics who kept the hope up in me, I mean before starting to call the psychics, I - like anyone else I believe- had hopes deep inside that he will be back and will heal the wounds he opened, I just could not believe what he did and put me through. So I was looking for a closure, but although I was strongly hoping for him to come back, deep inside I knew that would not happen. Till I called psychics, maybe one of the biggest mistake of my life so far, when they started to tell me he will be back, he is sorry, he was scared confused insecure etc, all the things I was hoping to hear, then I started to think this is going to happen... And when I would call a psychic who would say something different, then I would immidiately call another one to undo it.
Also I would ask two test questions, which I should have asked those at the beginning not t the end to not waste this much money. And when they would get the answers wrong, then I would call and call hoping to find someone who would tell me things i Liked and know the answer to my test questions.
Anyway, I think we all come to realize sooner or later that we should try to find the healing inside ourselves than hoping it from psychics.