Author Topic: New Here  (Read 6620 times)


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New Here
« on: July 09, 2012, 02:59:34 AM »
Hi Everyone!

I'm new here and just joined a few days...this site has really helped as I've been broken up with my ex for about a month now.  I wanted to share my experience with readers I've read with the past month. Before that, the last time I called psychics was in 08. I'm sooo not looking to make this an ongoing habit, but I at least wanted to share with you all the good and the bad.

Here goes (most are from CP):

Seha - predicted contact correctly twice

Nina - predicted contact correctly on the exact day

Abrielle - predicted contact correctly

Yvonne - predicted contact correctly

Venus - predicted contact correctly

Daria - she is new on CP and was rec by a rep. I've read with her twice and she is awesome on picking up on feelings.

Cherry Sage - I really liked her. I think she picked up on a whole lot

Judianne - She was the first I read with on CP and I do think she was accurate in what she picked up.

Mikki Reno - Ok, she was awesome! She predicted contact correctly for the next day. She picked up on the type of work he does also.

Nicolina - She predicted contact correctly, but I wasn't really impressed with her.

Phoebe - She was ok

Kim - She was ok. Honest.

Marilyn - predicted contact correctly. I spoke to her this am and she said I would hear from him today.

Francesca - Eeeehhh

Brooke - Sucked

Indio - She predicted contact correctly for today. The only thing though is that the cards she spread for us just all seemed too good to be true. Maybe it's just me being skeptical.

Diamond - Hated this reading. Ok, she was accurate with a couple of things...even with seeing my guy is hispanic...but then she said he was not a legal citizen. What??! She also said that my guy had cheated on me and is playing two other women. That I would find all this out. Ok, no this guy did not cheat on me...she is the only psychic who ever said this and I highly doubt. If she is right through all of this, I will come back and praise her greatly....but till then...Nope.

Sabrina - She was ok.

Healings by Rob (PPN) - I read with him tonight bec of what I saw on here and he is awesome. Def. picked up on my guy and super honest.

Dawn - Said my guy is not coming back and that he is moving on with someone else. (I've heard though that she always gives negative readings)

Isabella - Said same as Dawn.

The ones who predicted correct contact above have all said he is coming back anywhere from end of July to October. Timeframes have varied. Most are for Aug. - Sep.

Have any of you read with the above specifically Dawn, Isabella, or Diamond? I want to know your take...I guess because I don't want what they say to be true especially when so many others disagree.

Offline scorpiogirl

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Re: New Here
« Reply #1 on: July 09, 2012, 03:06:21 AM »
Hi Tjoy,

I went on a  2 year psychic binge ( my first post on this board gives a little info) and I read with most of the people on CP that you listed.

Dawn said we wouldn't be together. So did Isabella. They were both right. Diamond also told me my boyfriend was involved with 2 women, one of whom had red hair. He would come back and behave she said. With the red hair I thought. "WHAT?" It seemed a weird and impossible thing at the time due to our location and circumstances. Months later I found a red-haired woman online who was waiting for him to go back home and get her. The rest of the Diamond reading was wrong though. I got two more with her, but they got worse and more inaccurate. So I'll give her the red hair thing :)

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Re: New Here
« Reply #2 on: July 09, 2012, 04:05:10 AM »
I remember Dawn gave me a negative reading.  I think she has a negative spin on her readings.

Offline scorpiogirl

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Re: New Here
« Reply #3 on: July 09, 2012, 04:21:52 AM »
Yep, they were right about that. A few others gave me accurate readings on him but I didn't want to hear it. I do readings still but I read this board to show me how far I've come really with my addiction. Yes I was absolutely addicted!

I'll send you a private message in a bit regarding the relationship stuff and what worked for me ;)

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Re: New Here
« Reply #4 on: July 09, 2012, 11:06:03 AM » Dawn, Isabella, and Diamond (sort of) were right... :(

Well I do have to say though that I've been debating on a decision to end being friends with him so I can move on completely. It's not a friends with benefits thing at all...It's just I can't stand him calling me (although sporadically) like everything is all great and then I still have these feelings.

I've debated because maybe "friends" is his way of slowly getting back with me.
At the same time though, I'm honest with myself in that being friends is really my way of holding on to hope he will come back...prolonging the healing.


Anyway, I say all that to say if I decide to cut off all ties, I can see him not coming around after all (i dunno...this is the first time we have gone through this) which therefore would make Dawn and Isabella right in a sense...Uuuugggghhhh!

I can't speak for every guy but mine did the same to me. The contact was definitely not the way it was, but he'd call me for help with his computer or offer to help me around my yard (which he never would end up doing). Over a year after he left, he'd get things from his job that were going in the trash that he thought I could use. I held on to that too, thinking he was testing the waters to make sure I wasn't going to hurt him or something. In the end, as 2011 went along, he contacted me less and less.

I held on for 18 months and it got me absolutely nowhere. Who knows why they do it? Maybe we are just an emotional safety net till THEY are healed.

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Re: New Here
« Reply #5 on: July 09, 2012, 12:36:29 PM » Dawn, Isabella, and Diamond (sort of) were right... :(

Well I do have to say though that I've been debating on a decision to end being friends with him so I can move on completely. It's not a friends with benefits thing at all...It's just I can't stand him calling me (although sporadically) like everything is all great and then I still have these feelings.

I've debated because maybe "friends" is his way of slowly getting back with me.
At the same time though, I'm honest with myself in that being friends is really my way of holding on to hope he will come back...prolonging the healing.


Anyway, I say all that to say if I decide to cut off all ties, I can see him not coming around after all (i dunno...this is the first time we have gone through this) which therefore would make Dawn and Isabella right in a sense...Uuuugggghhhh!

I can't speak for every guy but mine did the same to me. The contact was definitely not the way it was, but he'd call me for help with his computer or offer to help me around my yard (which he never would end up doing). Over a year after he left, he'd get things from his job that were going in the trash that he thought I could use. I held on to that too, thinking he was testing the waters to make sure I wasn't going to hurt him or something. In the end, as 2011 went along, he contacted me less and less.

I held on for 18 months and it got me absolutely nowhere. Who knows why they do it? Maybe we are just an emotional safety net till THEY are healed.

"friends" is so you don't think he's an asshole. If you're still talking to him and taking his calls then whatever he's done can't possibly be THAT bad, can it?

ANd yes Sunandmoon it is kind of an emotional safety net. They know there's always ONE person in the world who cares about them and when everyone else is against them or has rejected them in some way, they know that YOU are there because of how you feel about them. Once they've established that you're still there in the background, feelings unchanged, they feel safe with that knowledge and can go on their merry way again till the next setback which is when you'll get a call, a text or an email.

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Re: New Here
« Reply #6 on: July 09, 2012, 03:13:31 PM »
"Have any of you read with the above specifically Dawn, Isabella, or Diamond? I want to know your take...I guess because I don't want what they say to be true especially when so many others disagree. "

I only read with Dawn, and i think it was only once because she was not very detailed....the things she told me were rather neutral. Said that my ex was not in love with the girl he was with but wanted to stay with her for the time being (i lost my notes from her). She also said he was verbally abusive towards her (which Eden had also told me)...i am pretty sure that part was right. Anyway, she said he would start to come around again and he did....but i remember thinking she was not all that great which is why i never called her a second time.

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Re: New Here
« Reply #7 on: July 09, 2012, 03:15:49 PM »
Dawn was correct for me on two occassions regarding outcome and once regarding contact.  I don't read on CP anymore, so I haven't spoken with her since earlier this year.  I will say that both my outcomes were negative in nature, so I don't know if she merely always gives a negative outcome or if she was simply correct.  Her and Gelsomina were the only CP readers who were right for me on outcome. 

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Re: New Here
« Reply #8 on: July 20, 2012, 08:42:56 PM »
Thanks for sharing let us know if there is contact in August :)

