Author Topic: Whitelightangel debra  (Read 31051 times)


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Whitelightangel debra
« on: July 07, 2012, 07:10:01 PM »
« Last Edit: December 12, 2012, 11:25:29 PM by Wishful »

Offline Rima

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Re: Whitelightangel debra
« Reply #1 on: July 07, 2012, 07:58:23 PM »
I have.  She fed me fairytales.  "Be a lady, you be the prize, pull back, let him come to you and ex will definitely come back".  I was initially very happy with her, but time and time again prediction did not happen.  My very good friend also had the same experience with her.

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Re: Whitelightangel debra
« Reply #2 on: July 08, 2012, 03:39:34 AM »
Ok so thats the same story she fed me. Do they not understand they are dealing with peoples lives?

If you read my part 2 post in the My Story thread I talk about my reading with Debra. I read with her because of her reviews here and on KEEN. Based on her and other's advice I called my ex. Total disaster. I don't blame them, I made the ultimate decision to make the call, but suffice it to say I don't think she's the reader for me. I learned a valuable lesson to use readings as guidelines only and not let it influence me to make decisions I probably otherwise would not have. Again, not their fault, but I imagine other's are given worse advice than I was given and I think it could really cause some havoc in someone's life. :/

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Re: Whitelightangel debra
« Reply #3 on: July 08, 2012, 06:33:19 PM »
i used to read with her ALL the time. she constantly pegged really vivid details, such as a remote viewer would. there were times that she would pick up something happening to the day. however, the big thing i kept calling her for never manifested the way she said. complete opposite to the point where i became really addicted to calling her whenever anything happened that didn't line up with what she would say, so she would calm me down. remote view again. validate some things. predictions just stopped. nothing was happening that she was saying, and the big prediction NEVER happened. complete opposite.


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Re: Whitelightangel debra
« Reply #4 on: July 08, 2012, 08:20:59 PM »
I'm starting to think that maybe knowing too much of the future will change it. Maybe this is a big part of why most predictions don't come to pass.

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Re: Whitelightangel debra
« Reply #5 on: July 09, 2012, 12:25:54 AM »
If so, then psychic readings are only going to lead to disappointments...right?

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Re: Whitelightangel debra
« Reply #6 on: July 09, 2012, 01:48:09 AM »
Yes, it seems to be exactly that Rima. If you read through the probably thousands of posts on here, it seems to only lead to more heartache, as really nothing of true substance comes to pass as they tell you. Only minor insignificant things through and you'll see. 

I truly commend this board, and most importantly Healer for setting this up.  In the year and a half or so that this has been here, there have been countless stories of psychic addiction, with nothing really happening for anyone.  Oh, as I said, a few things for some. Every couple of months it's a new batch of people, discussing their favorites. NO ONE From the beginning or middle for that matter, has come back and reporting that what their psychics have been telling them for months, years, or whatever, have come to pass.  I Can try to rationalize any way I want, to say some people, once their  "big prediction" happens, stop calling psychics and maybe forget to share. Highly unlikely, but in my mode of people are truly good at heart thing, maybe?

I have come across readers who are soooo good at delivering the past and present, but absolutely nothing came to pass on their "predictions", but were, in my opinion, really trying to help.  And I have come across way too many readers who just feed me false hope and pray you call back. There have also been totally positive and totally negative readings too, and I find that they are somewhat, in reality, inbetween both. But in *MY* experiences, very, very, very, few things have happened that I was told would indeed happen. And OMG, if what they said could possibly have happened, i missed out on alot. But in reality it's More like close to nothing.. I also feel that if they truly could see "the future"' they would't be reading on keen or CP or any other network, they'd be pretty high in demand, and way out of my price range.

THAT BEING SAID, I also have seen here, that some can offer true guidance, with their gifts, and want to help people. It is just a shame that people have to clean out their bank accounts before they come to the realization, that no one knows the future, there are probabilities, and possibilities, that true psychics can share. AND THAT'S WHY THIS SITE IS TRULY IMPORTANT!!!!   If anything, outside of trying a reader here and there, it keeps me from getting sucked back in to calling and calling, trying to find the one who will give me the prediction that will come true.  honestly, I just wanted to find someone, who is gifted, uses it for goodness, for guidance. It has not happened yet. (outside of the few who I felt were really, really trying to help, but again, nothing they said happened even when they swore it would).

Not to sound too negative, but I'm just sharing my experience. Unfortunately, it sounds all to familiar also.


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Re: Whitelightangel debra
« Reply #7 on: July 09, 2012, 02:31:21 AM »
I agree with both of you. The only psychic that has been 100 percent accurate about the big things in my life was a reader on Liveperson years ago. She spouted out keywords about a situation and everything that she has said have come to pass (not all good stuff too)...except the few things that are pending. Of course, she stopped reading a month after I used her. I think psychics are only 100 percent accurate when you are meant to know some things by God. Other than that, it is going to be a merry go round.

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Re: Whitelightangel debra
« Reply #8 on: July 09, 2012, 03:43:36 AM »
Your are 100% correct that ONLY GOD KNOWS... They aren't on any network. I really wish that all the members here would come on and tell their experiences with psychics. You can read back to the beginning, and really there have been few things of any significance that have happened for anyone here. Again, yes for correct past and present. And then a few more for a contact date, give or take a few days, but really, nothing more than that. People's hearts are on the line. Read back, and you'll see that some were out and out lied to. Yes, I know that's a strong accusation, and I don't say it lightly. I honestly don't mean to offend any reader or client. But it's a fact. Read some of the stories, where some members were able to actually verify things that a reader said was total b/s, time and time again. THAT IS WHY THIS SITE IS IMPORTANT!!!

Again, I don't mean to offend anyone, but people need to be honest here so that other members don't get taken for a ride. I know not everyone connects with every reader, but to truly expose the readers who's intentions are less than genuine. There are way too many out there that do not use their gifts for good. AND to identify the readers who are inclined to empower and help us, and use their gifts for the right reason.

I hope this doesN't come across as bashing anyone, as that is not my intent. It really is a plea for the MORE of 300 plus members here to open up on their experiences with psychics.

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Re: Whitelightangel debra
« Reply #9 on: July 09, 2012, 04:34:53 AM »
Alright, I've stayed away from the forum the past week or so, partially because I was on vacation and partially because of some drama here.  It's nice to see the discussion is back on track regarding readers and predictions.

I am sorry to say that Debra was very wrong for me.  I really enjoyed speaking with her and called her quite a bit. I can attest to the fact that she is an amazing remote viewer.  We were speaking one day, and she interrupted me to ask me what was wrong with my leg.  I had recently hurt it moving some furniture, and she felt it and even told me which leg it was.  I was so impressed, and I allowed that to let me believe that her predictions would be correct.  They were not.

I found the same to be true with Cookie (Spiritualist Reader).  I know Cookie has been correct for many forum members, but she was not for me.  I will say though, that just like Debra, Cookie is an amazing remote viewer.  I no longer call remote viewers or empaths because I don't see the point.  I am looking for accurate FUTURE predictions.  I already know what happened yesterday and today.  I'd love to know what will happen tomorrow...


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Re: Whitelightangel debra
« Reply #10 on: July 09, 2012, 05:33:12 AM »
Just another thought...maybe there is some truth to the saying that you are constantly creating your future...and that is why it is hard to predict. I'm talking about things that are not necessarily destined (I believe that certain things WILL happen in your life no matter what). But...if we are calling about all of the other stuff in our lives that we do have control over...maybe..just maybe those things are too difficult to predict because we are still creating them.

Maybe we are being passive in negative way..maybe life dosen't always happen to us..we have to make it knowing what is going to happen in the future is moot.

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Re: Whitelightangel debra
« Reply #11 on: July 09, 2012, 11:09:30 AM »
Oh you'll hear from him in April, oh june, oh now its fucking august.

I had a few that were correct on contact days - but not consistently. I have to laugh about the April/June/August. Have you been reading long? Cuz you'll soon get Sept/Oct and then around the holidays. I found the astrology readers were the worst with this. I read for 18 months and discovered the pattern after about a year.

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Re: Whitelightangel debra
« Reply #12 on: July 09, 2012, 05:20:49 PM »
I agree.  WLA was great for me with the past and present, but none of her predictions came to fruition.

If there is such a thing as a psychic soulmate or the psychic that got away, for me it would be Abrielle.  I've realized that those days are done.  She predicted stuff to the day time and time again.  Now I realize how lucky I was to have a reader that was super accurate or I would have been devastated many times.

Right now I stick to a couple for current and near future.  I think it's very hard to find anyone who can accurately predict a big picture outcome.  They'll move timelines around on you forever and come up with some song and dance as to why things didn't happen.

The best advice I can give for those who choose to get readings is to find someone that works for you.  ONE or TWO MAXIMUM and stick with them.  Do not call them very often either.  It seems like the more frequently you call them, the more they lose accuracy.

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Re: Whitelightangel debra
« Reply #13 on: July 09, 2012, 10:33:18 PM »
Read with her a few times. Fairy tales and nothing she ever told me came to fruition. Bugger...

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Re: Whitelightangel debra
« Reply #14 on: July 10, 2012, 03:54:47 AM »
I am going to say something here that many of you may not like. I come on here only occassionally and I check in to what is happening because I am not obsessed with psychics or readings....I once in awhile check in with two of my favorites and then I let go and LIVE MY LIFE! I am going to tell you straight up here can not take a prediction and obsess and call mutiple psychics and expect what you are desiring or getting predicted to happen. WE are all here to learn lessons....and particularly with soulmates..many of us are here to learn to love ourselves and to trust and to live our lives and experience certain things BEFORE WE CAN BE WITH OUR SOULMATE! IF you are just dwelling...dwelling...and it is just the most dominate thought in your head and you are blaming psychics for predictions and comparing notes all the time....THAT IS THE REASON THINGS ARE NOT HAPPENING FOR YOU..I CAN ALMOST 100% GUARANTEE YOU THAT! I am not just spurting this to you to be argumentatve but it is upsetting to read some of the comments here....and it truly is unfair to say such negative things about readers that do not deserve it. As far as Whitelightangel...let me tell you...I have read with the best(aka Sylvia Brown and John Edwards)....I have studied metaphysics with great teachers...I have done much I will not even put here as it may be viewed as bragging...BUT Debra ONE OF THE BEST in her field...she has been much more accurate for me then any of the famous psychics...and she always comes from integrity...she has guided me for many years and yes sometimes timelines are not always right...BUT THAT IS IMPOSSIBLE psychic is GOD and even he does not know when your ex will contact! I have always gotten my readings from her...then I let go and kept busy and did things for me...and her readings always came to fruition. She tells you those things for a reason...she is just not trying to lead you on. Be easy on these psychics....look at yourself...are you living life in the moment really? Or are you dwelling on what a psychic is saying? If you want to grow and live your best life...Whitelightangel will get you there guaranteed...if you are looking for just a "when will he call?" NO psychic of any caliber will be able to help you...Thank you for listening. Hope I helped.

