Metaphysical, Spiritual and Psychic Discussions >
Wishful Thinker:
Hi for Venus it’s best to get 10 minutes and have questions on hand but she will tell you mostly what she sees before you say anything. If it’s pertaining to a person, she’ll ask you to say their name and your name once and then she channels. I don’t remember what she does for career questions. But I’m pretty sure it’s something similar. She’s really nice. I’ve read with her back some years ago.
--- Quote from: SarahM on March 10, 2020, 09:22:45 PM ---Wow I read with Venus today and for the first time she was actually quite rude to me. Seemed like she couldn’t be bothered with my questions. Anybody else caught her on a bad day?
--- End quote ---
She was very rude to me, too. I never called her back after that. I don’t mind if they’re rude but right. This woman was rude, and just plain wrong.
Thank you Wishful Thinker! :)
Did any outcomes from your reading come through?
Wishful Thinker:
You are very welcome. Not recently because it was readings about feelings and emotions. However, I read with her some years ago and although I don’t remember most of what she said (I destroyed my notes) I do remember her mentioning something concerning my daughter which came to pass but I didn’t realize it until it was happening. I can say that she was accurate in the describing the person and emotions which was good. I know a lot of people don’t like her, but she’s cool to me. She reminds me a lot of my aunts; straightforward and to the point. As long as you allow her to channel and give you the info without interrupting her, she’s all good. :)
Here is my experience with her. I felt it was fairytale regrading POI feelings toward me.
- contact prediction did not happen.
- she said we will have two different convos or communication in April( not sure if is is happening or not) we ll see
- she also did not say much about predictions other than May will be ok( whatever that means) June better and July he ll pull back.
I am not sure if these are considered predictions since they are so general. I am still on the fence about her.
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