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I need to look back at my notes because I can’t remember what all she said. I want to say it was very positive, and I enjoyed my reading with her. But of course nothing has come to pass yet. This kind of makes me want to check back in with her though!

Venus kind of blew me away. I only gave her the two names like she asked and then my question and off she went. She very accurately described my interest and seemed to know the length of time I have been invested in this. Knew how the past has unfolded and gave a non-fairytale outlook. Her level of detail was very impressive describing both me and my interest. I gave her no info until she had described everything.

I confirmed some of what she had relayed and that sent her into another channeling of more information. Again, from my perspective, spot on.

As others have stated, she does speak slowly and deliberately.  This only seemed to be when she was indeed reading/channeling. Later on in the call, we had more of a conversation style going and she spoke less deliberately, more normal. She is a sweet woman with great humor and compassion.

I really enjoyed my reading with her and again, the details she relayed were amazingly accurate in love and work.

I would definitely read with her again if I needed to.

Wow I read with Venus today and for the first time she was actually quite rude to me. Seemed like she couldn’t be bothered with my questions. Anybody else caught her on a bad day?


--- Quote from: Sparkle002 on May 31, 2019, 04:55:23 PM ---I'm surprised that this reader isnt reviewed much on this forum (or at least under this thread).
I've been using her since 2015.

So I asked what was coming up with me and my POI (#4) and my jaw dropped!

She said that we had 2 trips coming up and it seems to be connected to the POI's work, 1 was a short one and one was longer and there was a place where we would be next to water - she just saw water "on one side". Yes one of the places has a "river walk" that we talked about going to.

Crazy thing is, next week we are going on a quick road trip and the week after we are going on a 3-4 day trip both connected to his work!

She saw many more things related to him....I'll update if it happens

--- End quote ---

Sparkle, have you read with her more recently? Is she still a trusted advisor for you?


Should I have a specific question for VENUS or just ask for a general reading? How long should the reading be for best connection?  10...15....20 minutes?
Any advice would be great.
Thank you!


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