She's been correct on outcomes for me - but timing is not her forte.
She channels the present very well.
She even predicted a few new guys that would come forward back in 2015, and saw 2-3 men in my circle at that time - and they did...but she was honest and said she didnt see any of them sticking around lol...which was true
When I asked about my ex back then (2015), she said "Noooo, I dont see anything with that" LOL.
Needless to say that I ended everything with him July 2016! Honestly Indio and Venus were the only 2 that correctly predicted the demise of my last relationship...
I like that she doesnt sugar coat - I know alot of folks have a problem with her talking slow - but I dont really care because her outcomes have been correct more than most

With my current POI she has been spot on as well...