Author Topic: Question to the the psychic that read the forum here.  (Read 20451 times)

Offline sawthelight

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Re: Question to the the psychic that read the forum here.
« Reply #30 on: December 02, 2017, 11:05:22 PM »
[quote author=njlady link

Bank account comes in mail: Why have I spent so much money! It's Keen! Why has he not reached out to me or left her? If he's having sex with me but returning to her, he's obviously more into me. I think about this person all the time, which means they MUST be thinking about me all the time. Must call again to figure out finances.

POI: ....... ....... Bank account comes in mail: Why have I spent so much money! It's Keen! Why has he not reached out to me or left her? If he's having sex with me but returning to her, he's obviously more into me. I think about this person all the time, which means they MUST be thinking about me all the time. Must call again to figure out finances.

POI: ....... ....... .....
POI: (3 weeks later, 4am) Wanna hang out for  few hours?
PCOA : It's loooooovvvvvvveeeee!
POI: (3 weeks later, 4am) Wanna hang out for  few hours?
PCOA : It's loooooovvvvvvveeeee!

Yesssssss!! This!! I know a girl like that hello?  He’s using you!!!hes never leaving his wife!!!